

for 72 classes


9 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 14 歳-18 歳
この 1 年間のフランス語クラスでは、生徒は昨年の初級フランス語クラスで習得した会話、リスニング、読解、ライティングのスキルをさらに伸ばします。生徒はさまざまな時制をより自信を持って使いこなせるようになり、扱うトピックも広がります。
(177 レビュー)
Star Educator

週に2回、 36 週間
9 人-15 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
60 分


72 ライブミーティング
72 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. I will provide worksheets for each lesson and signpost video segments to reinforce the classes. Duolingo will also be helpful. For the Project and the end of each Cycle a written and spoken component will be required.
I will provide brief verbal feedback to each student in each lesson. Mid-Cycle and end of Cycle assessments will be provided for each student.


In this class students will build on the skills they learned in the Beginners' French class.
Students will use a range of tenses to tell native French speakers what they have done (passé composé) and what they will do (simple future with 'aller').
Students will have longer reading passages and written exercises do do, with suitable scaffolding where needed.

Week 1. w.c. 12th September.
Monday class.
Bonjour. Welcome to class in France.
Look around the hamlet.
Talk about what we did in the summer. Scaffolding with be provided. 
Grammar points: the passé composé.

Thursday class.
Tour of the château in La Rochefoucauld-en-Angoumois and the town.
Introduce ourselves - option to include the Alter Ego.

Week 2. 19th September.
Monday class.
On location in France. Visit at a shopping mall. French fashions. food and other items!
Students will comment about the items they like and don't like. 
Homework: prepare 2 conversations in the shops we visited for next Monday's class. 

Thursday class.
Catch up with our Alter Egos.
Discuss what we thought about the shops.
Thoughts about this Cycle's Project on Life in France.
Homework: decide on your focus for this Cycle's project.

Week 3. 26th September.
Monday class.
Local visit.

Thursday class. 
Ask and answer questions as yourself and your Alter Ego.
Request food and drinks in the café/restaurant as both people. What food do you like/dislike?
Ask for things at the market as both people.
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend? Revise the future tense.
Homework - write down 3 things that you plan do you at the weekend.
Prepare to tell us on Monday what things you did (using the past tense). 

Week 4. w.c. 3rd October.
Tell us what things you did (using the past tense) at the weekend.
2 Truths and a Lie.
European Day of Languages.
Discussion about Projects.

Thursday class.
Describe yourself as the other person or animal you chose last week. Can we guess who/what you are?
Revise numbers 0-100.
What are you planning to do this weekend and on Columbus Day?
Homework - write down 5 things you are going to do at the weekend and on Monday.

Week 5. 
10th October.
Monday class. School Holiday for Columbus Day.

Thursday class.
Tell the class about 4 things you did at the weekend and on Monday.
Revise descriptions.
Work on Projects.

Week 6. w.c. 17th October.
Monday class.
Request food and drinks in the café/restaurant as yourself and your Alter Ego. What food do you like/dislike?
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend? Revise the future tense.
Project presentations.

Thursday class.
Remaining project presentations.
End of Cycle snacks, drinks and music session.
Homework: Prepare 4 sentences for class next Thursday - 3 truths and a lie for what you have done in the week between classes.

Cycle 2.
Autumn/Winter celebrations in France and USA/UK. Which Celebrations do we have in common? Which are different?
What celebrations take place throughout the French-speaking world?
What meals are specific to the celebrations?
Week 1. Week commencing 24th October.
No Monday lesson.
Thursday lesson.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant le weekend?
Autumn and winter festivals in France.
Halloween - not really celebrated in France.
Revision of numbers.
Introduction to directions to places in town.
HOMEWORK - review numbers.
Work out how to direct people to one place on the small map and one place on the large map. Worksheets will be provided on the classroom page.

Week 2. Week commencing 31st October.
Cycle 2. Week 2. w.c. 31st October.
Monday class. 
Give directions to places that you have prepared.
Mini-topic Talk/think about: Ma ville idéale. What would your ideal, planned from scratch town look like? What facilities/shops etc would it have? What public transport would be available?
Projects for this Cycle – Christmas or another Winter celebration in a French speaking country?
Christmas comes to your ideal French town???
HOMEWORK. Complete the grammar worksheets for next lesson. 
Bring some ideas about your ideal town to class next week.

Thursday class.
Exchange ideas about your ideal town. Why have you chosen certain features and facilities?
Grammar point – genders of nouns in French.
Numbers again!
Maths in French?
Continue work on ideal town.
Complete nouns in French worksheets.
Revise numbers.

Week 3. W.c. 7th November.
Monday class. 
Christmas traditions throughout the French-speaking world. 
Grammar point – adjectives in French – genders and singular/plural.
HOMEWORK: Find 2 facts about how Christmas or another winter festival is celebrated in a French speaking country.
Complete the adjectives w/s.

Thursday class.
Present your information about Christmas or winter celebrations in a French speaking country.
Check over the adjectives worksheet.
3 adjectives to describe yourself, someone else of the opposite gender and a groups of people (i.e. plural!).
Numbers and telling the time with 24 hour clock.
HOMEWORK: Revise numbers and 24 hour clock. Use 24 hour clock to say when you eat your meals.

Week 4. W.c. 14th November.
Monday class.
En ville - asking for directions, places to visit and places that are important in our Ideal town.
Grammar point: Verbs - Review the regular -er verbs in the present tense. 
Introduce the reflexive verbs to talk about your daily routine. 
Start to write about our daily routine, using the reflexive verbs

Thursday class.
How would you explain Thanksgiving to a French person?
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le jour d’actions de grâce?
Review how to write the date in French.
Check on how your Projects are going. 
HOMEWORK: Write a journal for the Thanksgiving holiday. 1 or 2 sentences for each day will be fine!!

21st - 25th November. Thanksgiving holiday.

Week 5. Week commencing 28th November.
Monday class.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances?  Share your diaries.
A glimpse of Disneyland Paris!! (Hopefully!!). 
What Disney character would you be? What Disney character would you add to a film to represent you?
HOMEWORK: Tidy up and hand in your holiday diaries.
Find out what people eat for their Christmas meal in a French-speaking country of your choice. Do they leave any food for Santa and his reindeer?
Continue with your project.

Thursday class.
Christmas celebrations and food in French speaking countries. Share your information.
Which dishes would you really like to try? Je voudrais manger.....
Look at other things that you would like to do.
HOMEWORK: Continue with you project.

Week 6. Week commencing 5th December.
Monday class.
Christmas presents: What presents are you planning to buy for your family/friends?
Best (Christmas) present ever?
Worst (Christmas) present ever?
Some time in class for bouncing ideas for Project individually if required. Message me in advance.
HOMEWORK: Finish project.

Thursday class.
Project presentations in ready.
Christmas/New Years activities.
HOMEWORK: Finish off Projects. 
Relax and feel smug if the Projects are all handed in!!

Week 7.
Monday class. 
Project presentations.
Christmas quiz, games and snacks?
Write down 4 things that you did in the holidays and 2 New Year's Resolutions.

Cycle 3.
Looking to the future. What professions are you considering? What professions are your family and friends involved in?
What countries do you want to travel to? What transport do you want to use? What sort of transport do you think will be used when 30-40 years in the future? (The use of the future tense with 'aller').
Project: Fantasy holiday to France of a French speaking country.

Cycle 4.
Week 1. Monday class. 27th February.
Talk about what we did in the break.
Passé composé - sentences we use frequently.
Share photos/videos of Iceland trip. 
HOMEWORK: Review Passé composé and prepare 3 sentences for Thursday's class.

Thursday class. 2nd March.
Read out the 3 sentences you wrote.
Daily routines. (Introduction to the reflexive verbs).
Review telling the time.
HOMEWORK: Write down your daily weekday/term-time routine and be prepared to talk about in class.

Week 2. Monday class 6th March.
Talk about your term time weekday routine.
What is different at the weekend? Do you do different completely different activities or some of the same activities at a different time? 
Do you have a part-time job? If so, what do you do? 
Do you have chores that you have to do?
HOMEWORK: Write down at least 4 sentences about your part-time job/the part-time job that you would like to do. Also 4 sentence about the chores that you do.

Thursday class 9th March.
Discuss ideas for this project: Maybe...
My ideal week by you and one of your parents or your Alter Ego!! 
Q&A about chores and Part-time jobs. What you like doing and why. What you don't like doing and why!
HOMEWORK: Revise what we have done the last 2 weeks. Be prepared to ask and answer questions about your daily routine, part-time job and chores on Monday.

Week 3. Monday class. 13th March.
Q&A about your daily routine, part-time job and chores. 
What do you do in your leisure time. 
What would you like to do in your leisure time, if money and physical skills were sufficient! 
HOMEWORK: Prepare to tell the class what your current leisure activities are and what you would like to do in your leisure time.

Thursday class. 16th March.
Tell the class what your current leisure activities are and what you would like to do in your leisure time.
Role play games about leisure activities, chores, daily routine. Explanations in class.
HOMEWORK: revise leisure activities, chores, part-time jobs and daily routine vocabulary for Monday's class.

Week 4. Monday class. 20th March.
Detailed descriptions of yourself and other people - physical, personalities, nationalities, likes and dislikes and leisure activities.
Start with a physical description of yourself that you would write to a French penpal that you are meeting for the first time, so that s/he could recognise you at the airport/train station. 
Then include things about your personality, likes and dislikes and hobbies.

Thursday class.

Thursday class.
1:1 session re this Cycle’s Project.

Week 5. 
Monday class. 27th March.
Kim will teach the class from France. Not sure if it’s light enough to be in a town, though.

Thursday class. 
Kim is still in France.

Week 6. 
Monday class. 3rd April.
Revise numbers for 24 clock. 
Revise daily routine verbs and how we use them.

Thursday class 6th April.
Present Projects.
Games to finish off.

Cycle 5.
Week 1. 20th April.
What we did at Spring Break. (Using the passé  composé and imperfect tenses)
Travel and transportation – how did we travel? J’ai conduit la voiture, je suis alle(e) en velo, je suis allee en avion.
Task: Write 6 sentences about what you did at Spring break. One sentence must use the imperfect and p.c.

Week 2. Monday 24th April.
Shopping. Say where you went this past weekend for shopping and what you bought.
Asking for things in the market – un kilo de/cinq cent grammes de/ une barquette de fraise/framboise etc.
Une tranche de/un part de.
More on the passé composé.
Task: Revise the passé composé. Complete some sentences using the worksheet provided.

Thursday 27th April.
Revisions of the passé composé with regular 'avoir' verbs.
The passé composé. How to conjugate the the 3 main types of verbs. 
Possessive adjectives in French.
Task: More Passé composé practice.

Monday 1st May.
Passé composé of the regular -re and -ir verbs.
Spoken and written practice. Questions and answers.
Look again at the être verbs.

Thursday 4th May.
The imperfect tense.
Various ways of narrating events that happened in the past.

Monday 8th May.
Quiz on the passé compose.
Look at the structure of the French education system. 
Discuss this Cycle's Project. The life of a French student at a Lycée. What subjects do they study? What days do they go to school? What time does school start and finish. 

Thursday 11th May.
Look again at the imperfect tense.
Introduction to Pronouns. Practise using them in various spoken and written sentence.

Monday 15th May. 
1 to 1 sessions on Projects and time to work on them.

Thursday 18th May.
Quiz on the passé composé with avoir and être verbs.
The imperfect tense.
Using the passé composé and imperfect tense for story telling and telling people what has happened in the past.

Monday 22nd May.
More information about how the French education system works, particularly at Lycée level.
Suggestions for websites to help research.

Thursday 25th May.
Talk about the subjects that we study. Which subjects do we like? Why?

Monday 29th May. School holiday.

Thursday 1st June. 
Presentation of Projects.

Cycle 6.
Week 1. Thursday 8th June.
Talk about what we did during our long weekend.
Revisit use of the avoir and être verbs in the passé composé.
Homework: Write 3 sentences using avoir verbs and 3 using avoir to describe things that you did at the weekend.

Week 2. Monday 12th June.
Places in town. Talking bout going to various places in town.
Using à+la/à+le/à+l'/à+les.

Thursday 15th June.
Practise à la/au/à la/ aux
Places in town and countries.
Simple future to say what we will do at the weekend. 
Written signs and information.
HOMEWORK: write 4 sentences about what you are going to do at the weekend and 4 sentences about what you actually did at the weekend.

Monday 19th June. No class. School holiday.

Thursday 22nd June.
Nationalities. How do you say what your nationality is? Listening comprehension for various people. 
Speaking - can you say you are from various parts of the world?
Recognising the words for nationalities.

Monday 26th June.
Getting around in town. 
Asking for and giving Directions.
Using the imperative tense.

Thursday 29th June.
Grammar re-cap.
Present tense. Passé composé and imperfect tenses.
Genders in French - how it affects nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Monday 3rd July.
Grammer re-cap. 2.
Present tense. Passé composé and imperfect tenses.
Genders in French - how it affects nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Thursday 6th July.
1:1 sessions to check students' understanding of and competence in the French grammar points we have studied in French 2.
PLEASE NOTE THAT STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR CAMERA AND MICROPHONE on the their session. Students are welcome to leave the classroom and work on their projects after their session.

Monday 10th July.
Grammar recap and quiz.
Phone conversations with friends/hotels booking accommodation etc.

Thursday 13th July.
1:1 extra session, including time to re-do the previous assessment.
Time to work on Projects.

Monday 17th July.
FINAL CLASS of French 2!!
Projects presented. 
Please note I will be travelling home to England on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th July. I will write reports after class or on Tuesday 18th July. Late submissions will not count for grades.


Students will improve their skills in communicating with native French speakers. They will be able to talk about themselves, ask questions to find out about other people, find their way round places in French speaking areas, buy food, drink and other items. They will be able to understand native French speakers speaking at a steady pace.
They will learn how to read signs, menus, simple printed information, cartoon books and simple literature.
Students will also learn how to complete longer writing tasks than in Beginners French class, such as completing forms, writing emails and notes. 
Students will also learn about French and francophone culture.


Pen and paper or a means of recording the topics covered in the lesson.


参加しました November, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 Bradford Collegeから 教育 へ
学士号 The University of Leedsから 外国語 へ
I am a qualified and experienced French Teacher (B.A. Honours in French and English from Leeds University, plus a Post Graduate Certificate in Education for the same university). I have taught High School French from Beginners to Exam level. I have lived and worked in France during my studies and now spend part of each year at our little house in the Charente, France.


他のクラス by Kim Wark B.A. French.
他のクラス by Kim Wark B.A. French.

Jordan Blamer
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/5 の9:30 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 55 分
14 歳-18 歳
サマーキャンプ初心者向けフランス語の楽しみ: 有名なフランス美術を探索しながらフランス語を学ぶ
Language Lions by Rebecca Kiziltas
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/24 の2 PM です
1 週間、 3/週、 30 分
8 歳-11 歳
Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4:35 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
5 歳-7 歳
Mme Nadège (Certified French/English Teacher)
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の11:30 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
3 歳-6 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の5:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
フランス語イマージョン - 『星の王子さま』で上級フランス語を学ぶ
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 9/4 の4:15 PM です
28 週間、 1/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
初心者のためのフランス語: フランス語 1 へようこそ
Lucy Leon
$24 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 4/11 の5 PM です
12 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-11 歳
Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の9:30 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
フランス語入門: レベル 5 初級フランス語
Megan Layne
$15 クラスごと
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-11 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の2:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
13 歳-18 歳
初級フランス語 I: 通年レベル I フランス語クラス
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の1:15 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
14 歳-18 歳
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の1:45 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
10 歳-13 歳
初級フランス語 I: 通年レベル I フランス語クラス
Madame Crouse (Licensed French Teacher)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/2 の2:45 PM です
33 週間、 2/週、 30 分
9 歳-13 歳
フランス語入門パート2 - 16週間の初心者向けフランス語コース
Language Lions by Rebecca Kiziltas
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/29 の5:30 PM です
16 週間、 1/週、 30 分
7 歳-11 歳
Laura Valentini
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の9:30 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 30 分
13 歳-18 歳
Inspire Tutors
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の12 AM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-12 歳
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