
中学校/キーステージ 3 フランス語 1、キムによる。1 年間のコースの第 1 サイクル。

この 6 週間のコースは、フランス語を学び始めた学生向けです。主にフランス語での会話に焦点を当てます。簡単な文法内容も取り上げます。基本的な読み書きスキルも教えます。
Kim Wark B.A. French.


6 ライブミーティング
5 授業時間
週1時間. I will provide worksheet activities and conversation practise activities each week. Sudents are welcome to submit their work vie the classroom page.
There is a Project to complete at the end of the Cycle. Details are provided in the Syllabus and Class Description.
I will provide Can Do information at the end of the Cycle.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 8
This Cycle will focus on Speaking and Listening Skills, but will include a small Reading and Writing component. 
This Cycle will focus on the basic conversations we have with native French speakers.
By the end of the Cycle students will be able to have a conversation with a person of a similar age, so they can find out how their age, where the live, if they have siblings or pets and what sports they like. They will also be able to ask questions to an adult that they meet for the first time.
They will also be able to ask for food or drinks in a café, salon de thé, restaurant or boulangerie.  
The end of Cycle Project will be a conversation between the students and a French speaker in French. They will exchange information as above and will ask for something to eat and drink at a café.
Students can to the conversation live or as a video/sound file/slide show.
Students are welcome to ask additional questions, according to their interests and language skills.
Students are welcome to submit written work and videos of the conversations via the Classroom Page at any point. I will provide feedback as soon as possible.
Students will learn how to communicate with native French speakers. They will be able to talk about themselves and buy food and drinks in French speaking country. They will be able to understand native French speakers speaking at a steady pace.


6 レッスン
6 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Introductions and basic conversations.
 We will introduce ourselves in French. I will provide all the necessary scaffolding. 
This lesson will be about how to ask and answer basic questions and give information on your name, age, where you live, family and pets. Numbers 0-20. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Basic conversations and how to talk about sports and other interests.
 We will revise the basic conversations from last week and add information about our favourite sports and other interests. 
Grammar Note le/la and un/une. Introduction to genders in French. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Revise basic conversations. Basic conversations with an adult you do not know.
 We will look at how to use the 'vous' form in French. I will give examples of when the 'vous' form is used. Students will work out when we use 'vous'. Quiz on when. to use 'tu' and when to use 'vous'. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Places in town vocabulary. Asking for things in shops using 'vous'.
 Introduction of vocabulary for places you find in French town. How to ask to items in the boulangerie and other shops. We will talk about the end of Cycle Project.
Grammar Note: 'le' and 'la' for places in town. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


I have experience of teaching learners with unique learning needs and disabilities, such as ASD. Please let me know about your child's needs and I will make adjustments, such as additional processing time and differentiated written work.
Handouts will be provided for each class and on requests about topics that students are interested in. Handouts will be differentiated according to students' stated additional needs.
Students will need a system of making notes during the class. They are welcome to watch the class recording after the class, pausing the recording when necessary, and making notes then if that is easier.
A French/English paper or online dictionary can be helpful.
参加しました November, 2020
学士号 Bradford Collegeから 教育 へ
学士号 The University of Leedsから 外国語 へ
I am a French graduate and qualified teacher (B.A. Honours in French and English, PGCE in Secondary French and Elementary school subjects with French). I have lived and worked in France and have taught French at all levels of school (Elementary to High School, including exam classes). 
I have current experience of teaching French 1 and French 2 online with Outschool. 
I have also lived and worked in France and the French speaking part of Belgium. I spend 2-3 months at our holiday home in France each year to maintain my language skills.




毎週または$78 6 クラス分
週に1回、 6 週間
50 分

年齢: 11-14
クラス人数: 5 人-10 人

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