weeklyor $195 for 16 classes
16 ライブミーティング
8 授業時間宿題:
I hope that you will use the resource page to continue reinforcing the lesson's sounds, blends, and fluency passage at home.評価
I like to be able to hear from each learner how they are decoding words, using the sound of the day, and using it in context of writing and reading.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 1
Students will be learning the vowel sounds to become fluent readers that are introduce and support through first grade phonics standards. Our vowel sounds will cover diphthong sound combinations, digraphs teams, and r controlled vowels (complete list at the bottom of description). I will make sure to include review of short vowel sounds and bossy- silent E in our camp class structure. In each class, we will introduce the vowel sound for the lesson. We will learn a chant for each vowel to help remember the vowels' sound.We will use our new chant as we practice decoding, blending, segmenting, and writing words that contain the vowel sound together as a class and independently. Practicing in isolation will allow learners to see the vowel pattern and practice producing the proper sounds before applying it in context with a fluency passage. Passages will build on our phonics skill in context. Class will be supported through visuals on Google slides and the use of white boards. I want students to be active participants throughout our class time together. I will work to keep students engaged by having them verbalize while learning. Learners will practice saying and moving during the vowel chants. Use body movements while blending and segmenting words. I will have each learner write on a white board or paper during class and have learners read the fluency sentences or passage to have them engaged as participants. I aim to use the gradual release model during instruction. To finish class, I will review the optional worksheet for reinforcement at home. This page will contain the vowel sound of class, words to practice blending or segmenting, and a fluency passage learners read in class. My teaching style is aimed towards the gradual release model. This model is a three step approach to success-- I do (I model for learners the sounds, blending and segmenting procedure, and fluency process), We do (let's practice saying it together and blending/ segmenting), and You do (now it is each learner's turn to use the skill we are focusing on). Using this model, we will have a fun, charismatic exploration of the sounds we will learn in preparation for first grade or in review of first grade. I am hoping to see smiles and joy coming from each learner as mastery is achieved in class. For this class, learners do need to have a stronger understanding of the alphabet and basic vowel sounds. This phonics level class is more appropriate for readers reading on a level F for guided reading, DRA level 10, Bob Books level 3-4, or Lexile level 200 and above. This class encompasses the phonics instruction for vowels in first grade. It is wonderful review or reinforcement for a second grade or third grade learner. COMPLETED- Week 1- June 2-6 short vowel and long vowels in single and double syllable words long vowels with Super/ Magic/Bossy E Week 2- June 9-13 R controlled vowels- ar, or R controlled vowels- er, ir, ur Week 3- June 16-20 Diphthongs- aw, au Digraphs ai, ay Week 4- June 23-27 Diphthongs- oi, oy Diphthongs- ou, ow 1 week off of class for Summer Break- June30- July $. You will not be charged for class this week, unless you have selected the weekly payment option. Week 5- July 7-11 Digraphs- ew, oo (hook, food) Digraphs- oa, ow (long o) Week 6- July 14-18 digraphs- EE, EA, EY digraphs- IE (long i and e) Week 7- July 21- 25 Adding suffixes to root words Adding prefixes to root words Week 8- July 28- August 1 Dropping rule for adding suffix endings Doubling rule for multisyllabic words
Learners will be able to identify and use the vowels sounds in isolation and context. Learners will also be able to participate in blending and segmenting words containing the vowels sounds and reading a fluency sentence/passage containing vowels.
Learners will need a white board with expo marker for class. You are also able to use a sheet protector or Ziplock bag with a paper inside for class. Learners can use a paper journal for class. A little more writing will be need for sound manipulation, the ease of erasing with the expo marker and slick surface will be helpful. -weekly handout for printing is sent out each week.
フロリダ 教員免許 初等教育で
I have 10 years of teaching experience. My teaching time in Kindergarten and First Grade, 8 years of experience, have shown me fun and interactive strategies to reinforce the learning process of reading. As a reading coach for two years, I was able to work with learners on all various levels to help them grow on their own independent reading level. I am hoping that these strategies and tools we learn together will be able to reach your child on a new level of understanding during our lesson.
他のクラス by Kristy Craig- Certified Teacher
他のクラス by Kristy Craig- Certified Teacher
Shelby Navalta
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 4/17 の11 PM です
8 週間、 2/週、 30 分
3 歳-6 歳
初心者向け ESL 楽しいフォニックス
Miss Rebekah
$15 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の9 PM です
3 歳-13 歳
Shelby Navalta
$4 クラスごと
8 週間、 2/週、 35 分
3 歳-6 歳
Jasmine Taylor
$43 セッションごと
5 歳-7 歳
Alyssa McGregor
$55 セッションごと
4 歳-6 歳
初心者のためのフォニックスの楽しみ: フォニックス、スペリング、視覚単語を通して読む
Ms. Rhonda - Certified Early Intervention/Dyslexia
$25 セッションごと
6 歳-8 歳
フォニックス パスファインダー
Teacher Lori
$25 セッションごと
7 歳-11 歳
フォニックス ブートキャンプ III: フォニックス上級概念
Mrs. Rose - Reading, Writing, and Spelling
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 8/4 の6 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 45 分
9 歳-13 歳
ブレンドラダーを使ったフォニックス:3~8歳の子供向けの集中フォニックス指導 - 継続中
Katie Spitler
$30 セッションごと
4 歳-8 歳
Gwen E Bryant
$25 セッションごと
6 歳-10 歳
フォニックスの「スプラッシュ」!脳に優しいフォニックスとデコーディングの 5 日間読書キャンプ
Kristin Tomasevicz | Rdg. Tutor | Licensed Teacher
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/23 の3 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 30 分
6 歳-9 歳
認定読書教師によるフォニックスを楽しむ 1-1
Mrs. Borell Reading Specialist M.A.
$35 セッションごと
5 歳-8 歳
Kelsey Gross, M.Ed Elem. Ed, Reading & Writing
$40 セッションごと
5 歳-11 歳
Ms. Nikki Montessori AMS Certified
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 7/6 の10 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/10 の4:45 PM です
10 週間、 2/週、 35 分
6 歳-10 歳
Erica Peterson - Licensed Elementary Teacher
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/10 の4 PM です
5 週間、 2/週、 30 分
5 歳-9 歳