

この 12 週間のコースでは、基本的な人体解剖学と生理学について学びます。人体の部位の名前や、システムが個別に、またチームとしてどのように機能するかを学びます。楽しく実践的に学びます。#academic
Adrianne Hays, BA, CCLS
Star Educator


12 ライブミーティング
10 授業時間
週1時間. I will provide handouts for students to review what they learned each week.
Students will be assessed informal through questions in class as well as in a weekly cahoot review game.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
In this 12 week course, we will learn about basic human anatomy at an appropriate level for middle school age students. (Just a note that we will not be learning about the reproductive system in this course) Each student will have a human body packet with fill in the blank notes, label the body system pages, crossword puzzles and other extra activities to keep and review after class.

Week 1 Skeletal System: Learn the function of the skeletal system and the names of major bones.
Week 2 Skin/Integumentary System: Learn about the 3 layers of skin and how skin protects us.
Week 3 Muscular System: Learn about the 3 types of muscles. 
Week 4 Heart and Blood Vessels: Learn how blood is circulated thought the body.
Week 5 Blood Cells and Types: Learn what each blood cell does and about the 8 blood types.
Week 6 Immune System and Endocrine System: How do antibodies work? What is a hormone and what does it do?
Week 7 Lungs and Respiratory System: Learn how our body gets oxygen to our cells.
Week 8 Digestive System: Learn the path of food through our body and how we get nutrients to our cells.
Week 9 Excretory System: Learn how our kidneys filter blood though our bodies.
Week 10 Brain and Nervous System: Learn about the brain and what each part controls.
Week 11 Brain and Memory: Learn more about how memory works.
Week 12 Let's Review! Putting it all together! We will play a Kahoot game to review.

I teach in an interactive way. I will be using google slides, short videos, hands on activities and class discussion to teach these topics. I love involving students by asking questions! Students do not need any prior knowledge of anatomy to take this class. My goal is for each student to have a fun learning and to inspire them to want to learn more about anatomy in the future!
Students will have basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) に準拠
12 レッスン
12 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Skeletal System
 Learn the function of the skeletal system and the names of major bones. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Skin/Integumentary System
 Learn about the 3 layers of skin and how skin protects us. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Muscular System
 Learn about the 3 types of muscles. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Heart and Blood Vessels
 Learn how blood is circulated thought the body. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Handouts will be posted weekly on the classroom. Weekly supplies - Crayons or colored pencils, pencil, scissors, glue or glue stick.

Week 1- Light colored piece of construction paper, dark crayon, vegetable oil, a few q-tips, handouts provided
Week 2 - 3 tall glasses (one filled with hot water, one filled with cold (ice) water, one filled with room temperature water 
Week 3 - Stapler, string, tape, cardstock or cardboard, scissors
Week 4 - marshmallow, toothpick, jar or small glass, water, balloon, 2 plastic straws, water (red food coloring optional) cookie sheet for underneath heart pump experiment so table doesn't get wet
Week 5 - red water beads, 4-5 ping pong balls, purple craft foam or plastic straws 
Week 6 - pepper, water, bowl, dish soap
Week 7 - 2 ziplock bags or paper lunch bags, 2 plastic straws, tape (preferably masking tape or duct tape), clay or play dough
Week 8 - large ziplock bag, 2 crackers, clear soda 
Week 9 - weekly supplies (optional experiment - iodine, cornstarch, water, bowl, small ziplock bag)
Week 10 - handouts provided, weekly supplies, 6 colors of playdoh, pipe cleaner, lifesavers or Cheerios or beads (anything that can be strung on the pipe cleaner)
Week 11 - handouts provided
Week 12 - weekly supplies, handouts from past weeks for review
We will use some youtube videos when helpful for learning a topic and Kahoot.it for a weekly review.
参加しました November, 2020
Star Educator
I am a Certified Child Life Specialist and have experience working in the hospital setting with children and adolescents. As part of my Bachelor's degree program I took Medical Terminology and Anatomy and Physiology. Part of the role of a child life specialist is to help children and teens understand medical procedures and tests by using developmentally appropriate language. 




毎週または¥200 12 クラス分
週に1回、 12 週間
50 分

66 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-15
クラス人数: 3 人-16 人

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