

このクラスでは、学習者は週に 1 回集まり、初等解剖学の完全な実践的なカリキュラムを学習します。
Wild and Unstructured Learning


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分
Students will have homework.
assessments upon request.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 4
Welcome to Anatomy class.  In this class students will discover a full years curriculum of hands on Anatomy.  This class is interactive and learners will interact with both other kiddos and teachers throughout lesson.  Students will create something each class in a hands on experiment or project.  This class is ongoing so you can opt in and out at times that work best for you.  If you choose to stay the entire year you will get a full year curriculum for Anatomy.  This class will learn about bones, body parts and organs!  Join in on the fun!  Supplies for this class are listed in the classroom in advance of the class.  Thanks.

This is a breakdown of our topics for each week.

Week of September 2nd- Skeletal System
Week of September 9th- Muscular System
Week of September 16th- Digestive System
Week of September 23rd- Respiration System
Week of September 30th- Circulatory system
Week of October 7th- Nervous System
Week of October 14th- Immune System
Week of October 21st- Urinary System
Week of October 28th- Integumentary System
Week of November 4th- Endocrine System
Week of November 11th- Autonomic Nervous System
Week of November 18th- Make a Skeleton
Week of November 25th- NO CLASS Fall Break
Week of December 2nd- Types of Muscles
Week of December 9th- the Human Stomach
Week of December 16th- the Human Lungs
Week of December 23rd- NO CLASS Winter Break
Week of December 30th- NO CLASS Winter Break
Week of January 6th- the Human Heart
Week of January 13th- the Human Brain
Week of January 20th- How does your body fight off sicknesses?
Week of January 27th- the Human Kidneys
Week of February 3rd- Skin
Week of February 10th- What happens when you sleep?
Week of February 17th- Spinal Cord
Week of February 24th- How do bones heal?
Week of March 3rd- How do muscles work?
Week of March 10th- Mouth Anatomy
Week of March 17th- What is blood?
Week of March 24th- Human Eyes
Week of March 31st- How does your brain think?
Week of April 7th- How do cuts heal?
Week of April 14th- the Human Liver
Week of April 21st- Hair
Week of April 28th- Elbows and Knees
Week of May 5th- Human Ears
Week of May 12th- Blood Types
Week of May 19th- How do muscles heal?
Week of May 26th- Our Head
Week of June 2nd- the Human Bladder
Week of June 9th- How do my muscles get stronger?
Week of June 16th- Wrists and Ankles
Week of June 23rd- What is a sprain?
Week of June 30th- Tendons and Ligaments
Week of July 7th- What is a fracture?
Week of July 14th- Our Larynx
Week of July 21st- Why are bones strong?
Week of July 28th- Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Week of August 4th- What is cartilage?
Week of August 11th- the Human Spleen
Week of August 18th- Hands and Feet


Students will learn a full year of Anatomy.


coloring supplies
Other need supplies will be listed in the classroom in advance.
参加しました October, 2020
アラバマ 教員免許 初等教育で
Ambria Parrish
ミシガン州 教員免許 初等教育で
Melaney Kosarek
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 初等教育で
Ms. Kristen
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
Ms. Kristen
ケンタッキー 教員免許 初等教育で
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
カンザス 教員免許 初等教育で
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
バージニア州 教員免許 初等教育で
Molly Thomas
テキサス州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Patricia Trevino
テキサス州 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
Patricia Trevino
テキサス州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Patricia Trevino
オクラホマ州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Andrea Snow
テキサス州 教員免許
Andrea Snow
テキサス州 教員免許
Lara Chomout
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
Yinghui S McClellan
修士号 University of West Alabama から 教育 へ
Ambria Parrish
修士号 Saginaw Valley State Universityから 教育 へ
Melaney Kosarek
修士号 American International Collegeから 教育 へ
Ms. Kristen
修士号 Duke University から
Ms. Jo Anna
修士号 University of Houston-Clear Lakeから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Diane Sullivan
修士号 University of Ottawaから 土木工学 へ
Ankur Mishra
修士号 Moreland Universityから 特別教育 へ
Robbie Cox-Chatman
修士号 University of Houston Clear Lakeから 教育 へ
Patricia Trevino
修士号 Lesley University から 教育 へ
Andrea Snow
学士号 University of Montevalloから 教育 へ
Ambria Parrish
学士号 Mount Holyoke Collegeから 教育 へ
Ms. Kristen
学士号 Asbury College から 教育 へ
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
学士号 Furman Universityから 心理学 へ
Ms. Jo Anna
学士号 Longwood University から 教育 へ
Molly Thomas
学士号 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeeから 英語 へ
Diane Sullivan
学士号 University of Houston Clear Lakeから 教育 へ
Patricia Trevino
学士号 Whitworth Universityから 初等教育 へ
Andrea Snow
学士号 Angelo State Universityから
Lara Chomout
学士号 Angelo State Universityから 外国語 へ
Lara Chomout
学士号 Bohai University, China から 英語言語と文学 へ
Yinghui S McClellan
学士号 University of Missouriから マーケティング へ
Robbie Cox-Chatman
Here is a link to a document with all of Wild and Unstructured Learning's teachers. They are listed alphabetically in the document.






45 分
24 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-11
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人

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