

Gabriela Besel


1 ライブミーティング
50 分 授業時間


Learners will need to have a guitar with them (please be sure to tune it beforehand :) there are various free apps and websites to choose from). 

At the beginning of class I ask if anyone has prior guitar experience, I will not teach more advanced chords until all students are at the same level. This class is geared towards people who have no experience of very little experience. 

Two basic guitar chords will be taught per class. For example, G & C, D & A, or Em & Dm. Strumming will be a simple 4/4 pattern. Once we're able to coordinate our chords and rhythm, we'll collaboratively write a simple verse/chorus song. Most of the time they end up sounding like jingles. This helps the learner practice and remember the chords they just learned.

**Students are NOT required to have a background in music to join this class**
If your learner already plays some guitar with a good rhythm, this course might be too basic for them.

*** Please note that this class requires active participation. It is a collaborative class, not a lecture class :)
Students will learn guitar chords, basic rhythm, and how to write a song/jingle collaboratively.


Please make sure the learner is in a quiet and private space. Being able to hear well is crucial in this class. Not only because of the chords, but because other learnes will actively participate by sharing their ideas. Please make sure your learner's guitar is tuned before class. Thank you!
Learners must have a guitar. *** Songwriting Journal (optional): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095GRWQBW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
参加しました March, 2020
学士号 California State University, Los Angelesから 心理学 へ
Hi there! My name is Gabriela and I teach Songwriting, guitar, and Spanish.

I wrote my first song at the age of 11, titled "Love", haha! I still sing it from time to time. Writing songs has been a way to document my life, emotions, experiences, and dreams. The power they hold is incredible and I hope to share it with others who are interested in exploring something new (or even if they've been too shy to start songwriting on their own!).

Teaching English as a second language started in 2016 while I was visiting family in Argentina. The course was called "Fun English" and we learned through playing games, making art, cooking, singing, and gardening. Upon returning to California I began teaching at a Spanish immersion preschool (2016-2019), where my professional focus was Spanish, Art, and Music. This preschool also offered an afterschool program for elementary school children in which I was very involved (I'm particularly proud of the songs we wrote and short films we made). 

Pre COVID-19 I was teaching through my own in-person workshops, once again in Argentina (similar to "Fun English", but now called "Mundos Compartidos"). 

Since the pandemic I've been fortunate to make Outschool my main classroom. I love it!

When I'm not teaching I am fully immersed in my craft as a singer-songwriter. As well as seeking other business opportunities such as selling songwriting journals on Etsy.

You can view my shop here: 

With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, I find that I value - above all - the emotional comfort of each student (in a situation where their physical safety and health are already taken care of). This is because I believe learning is maximized when each person is comfortable, engaged, and in harmony with their self-expression. I value establishing trust in a student/teacher relationship, as well as hearing my student's learning needs, so I can assist them in a way that is best for THEM. 
I teach my subjects in a way that requires active participation and collaboration with activities such as games, conversations, and hands-on activities. 
Students hold the power to creating the learning experience that suits them best, and it's my job to guide them through realizing that power.

I can't wait to go on this journey with you!




50 分

204 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-13
クラス人数: 4 人-8 人

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