for 6 classes
6 ライブミーティング
3 授業時間宿題:
There will be optional homework each week to include Readings Hands-on projects Videos評価
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 3
This is the class for younger or more sensitive learners. Please see the older version for 9 to 14-year-olds here: This African American studies course is designed to develop an understanding of the causes, character, and consequences of the African American experience and its influence on the world, the United States, and the African American community. Beginning with a historical, geographical, social, political, economic, and cultural understanding of the African continent, the course will provide a descriptive and corrective overview that will introduce the student to the study of the African and African American experiences. Why start here? Most Eurocentric curricula begin African American history with their enslavement, completely leaving out the rich cultural history many Africans had in their own societies. By teaching students about history pre-slavery, you build deeper respect and self-confidence in black children who learn this early. Here is the week class topic. Each class will cover History of the area we are discussing geography of areas we are discussing or birthplace and early years of people we discuss social issues surrounding the topics discussed Key events 1 Ancient African Ruler focus: Mansa Musa and Mali 2 African Kingdom Focus: City of Great Zimbabwe (Ancient Architectural Ruins) and Ancient Kush 3 The Abolitionists: Key People Focus - Harriet Tubman 4 Our Arts & Cultural Contributions to the World: Key Event The Harlem Rennaissance 5 Our Science and Math Contributions of African Americans to the World: Key Person Focus - Benjamin Banneker 6 Youth Activism and Black Lives Matter Courses taken to provide experience for weeks 1 and 2 are as follows: I have also completed a course using the textbook Classical Africa by Dr. Asante Read the entire textbook called Journey of Liberation by Dr. Asante I have also completed this course: Unit 1: Ancient Africa - The Cradle of Civilization from Education for Life Academy: Where Black History Lives (This course is highly regarded and respected among the African American Historian Community) As well as learned all the content in the African Studies Institute from the University of Florida found here (This is a course for teachers offered in the Summer in Florida each year and speaks highly of African Empires) Books I have read as well: The Royal Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay: Life in Medieval Africa The Negro in Ancient History The Story of the World A Child's Introduction to African American History: The Experiences, People, and Events That Shaped Our Country When The World Was Black: The Untold Story of the World's First Civilizations, Part 2 - Ancient Civilizations The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors I have also taught Black History starting with Ancient Africa to Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and High School students over my 10 years as an educator. I have a Master's Degree in School Counseling and can teach up to 12th grade. I am certified in Elementary Education, Guidance and Counseling, and Special Education. My undergraduate degree is in Education and Interdisciplinary Studies. The sources used in class need to come from widely respected scholars/professionals in the field including Darlene Clark Hine, William Hine, and Lisbeth Grant-Britton, and Dr. Molefi Kete Asante (All African American Educators and well respected authors, writers, and leaders in their fields) All resources and articles used are written by highly respected black authors and leaders in their fields and are widely regarded as the best options when comes to teaching history from a decolonized perspective. All of the resources used to discuss racism and discrimination as African Americans have experienced this since slavery began in America. They are objective resources and state historically accurate facts of the issues surrounding the topics of slavery, discrimination, and racism against marginalized groups but still in a historically accurate and developmentally appropriate manner. For resources dealing with racism and discrimination, a gentle approach is used and age-appropriate for the student's developmental level. Some great resources that discuss how to talk to children about racism are,, and finally The resources address racism in an objective and age-appropriate manner. This class is structured to promote engagement, curiosity, and creative thinking among learners. We will use slides, videos, discussions, and games to interact with our learners. My teaching style is very laid back, but I also like to encourage learners to participate. I like to be sure all of our students have a chance to speak. Here is the typical class structure 15 minutes of discussion and minilesson 10 minutes of hands-on activities 5 minutes to wrap up We do a lot of discussion in my classes. Oral discussion is a research-backed way to help students build comprehension skills as well as develop and helping to retain information. I ask a lot of questions and may call on students to help build rapport and confidence. I encourage participation but am sure to be positive and kind when giving feedback. Teacher Expertise: During undergrad and graduate school, I took the following courses which make me qualified to teach this subject. Teachers have a degree connected to the topic they are teaching or additional training/education related to the topic. Intro to the Study of History African-American History to include a decolonized perspective beginning in Ancient Africa World History American History I am a Florida certified guidance counselor with a Master's in School Counseling. My graduate degree required classes on issues of cultural inclusion, race, and diversity. I have also taught anti-racism during my time as a school counselor in public schools. Specifically, I had to take: Counseling Theories and Applications Cultural Diversity and Advocacy Mental Health in Schools Counseling Children and Adolescents Teacher Experience: During my college courses and afterward I have also had to study the following books Through Our Own Eyes: A Journey into African American History by Joseph Edelin M.Ed. African American History: A Journey of Liberation by Dr. Asante They Came Before Columbus by Ivan Van Sertima Black Indians: A Hidden History by William Lorenz Katz A Young People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn I have also completed a course using the textbook Classical Africa by Dr. Asante The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of A Slave I have also completed this course: Unit 1: Ancient Africa - The Cradle of Civilization from Education for Life Academy: Where Black History Lives As well as learned all the content in the African Studies Institute from the University of Florida found here Rules of Engagement During class, we will establish or review ground rules for the respectful discussion of political dialogue in class. We emphasize that the goal of the work in this lesson is to increase understanding and that hateful or derogatory speech of any sort is not acceptable. We remind students that a piece of art does not owe readers consideration of every perspective; its responsibility is to present its perspective. Readers, however, can and should bring multiple perspectives to interpreting the work as long as their perspectives are grounded in facts and are presented respectfully. Regarding Homework: We will go over homework during class time and will not check it outside or respond outside of class hours. Please upload it to the classroom before your class start time so we can view it together as a class. Students do not need any previous experience to take this class.
Upon completion of the course, the students will:
• Gain an appreciation of the richness, diversity, and contributions of African American culture to national and international life and the world.
• Reaffirm the fact that civilization in the United States is not the result of the work and energy of one people, but is the result of the contributions of African Americans and many other groups.
• Develop a knowledge of important people, events, and ideas that have played a key role in shaping the history and culture of African Americans, and the history and culture of the United States.
There are connecting threads present throughout the course. These threads are reflective of major aspects of, and influences on African American life. Some of the major themes to be developed throughout the course will include the:
• Enduring presence of Africanisms – those patterns of life which emanated from Africa – and their impact on African American life in the United States.
• Impact of racism and colonialism – individual and institutional – on Africans and African Americans.
• Origins and development of slavery and its negative impact on Africa and the United States..
• Development of African American nationalism as a result of the segregated nature of American society.
• Participation of African Americans in each of the nation’s wars and conflicts.
• Significant and continuous role of women in the African American experience and in the struggle for liberation.
• Failure of government – federal, state, and local – to support existing laws and demands of African Americans that would provide equality.
• Presence of an Afrocentric perspective as an alternative to the Eurocentric viewpoint that has dominated American life and culture.
This course does speak about enslavement briefly but in an age appropriate way. Decolonized education in general may be contrary to what you have learned in school and there may be some surprising information shared. Please be aware.
No outside materials or needed for this class.
1 先生は教員免許を持っています
フロリダ 教員免許
フロリダ 教員免許 初等教育で
This may be a sensitive topic to families who are used to the Eurocentric history perspective.
I am certified in the following:
School Counseling K-12
Special Education K-12
Elementary Education K-6
and was required to take classes on cultural competence, diversity, inclusion, and African American History while receiving my Master's so that I could teach students of marginalized groups.
Teacher Expertise:
During undergrad and graduate school, I took the following courses which make me qualified to teach this subject. I have a degree connected to the topic they are teaching or additional training/education related to the topic.
During my college courses and afterward I have also had to study the following books
Through Our Own Eyes: A Journey into African American History by Joseph Edelin M.Ed.
African American History: A Journey of Liberation by Dr. Asante
They Came Before Columbus by Ivan Van Sertima
Black Indians: A Hidden History by William Lorenz Katz
A Young People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
I have also completed a course using the textbook Classical Africa by Dr. Asante
I have also completed this course: Unit 1: Ancient Africa - The Cradle of Civilization
from Education for Life Academy: Where Black History Lives
As well as learning all the content in the African Studies Institute from the University of Florida found here
Intro to the Study of History
African-American History
World History
American History
I am a Florida certified guidance counselor with a Master's in School Counseling. My graduate degree required classes on issues of cultural inclusion, race, and diversity. I have also taught anti-racism during my time as a school counselor in public schools.
Specifically, I had to take:
Counseling Theories and Applications
Cultural Diversity and Advocacy
Mental Health in Schools
Counseling Children and Adolescents
I have a degree connected to the topic I am teaching and additional training/education related to the topic. (My Masters's is in Guidance & Counseling with classes to include cultural competence, diversity, inclusion, and African American History from a Decolonized Perspective.)
I am also an activist who assists with protesting against racial injustices, I have taught this curriculum with my students in the past, and have experienced racism in my own life.
他のクラス by Kind Academy-Online MicroSchool for Future Leaders
他のクラス by Kind Academy-Online MicroSchool for Future Leaders
Kind Academy-Online MicroSchool for Future Leaders
次回のセッションは Fri 4/11 の1 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 45 分
13 歳-18 歳
アフリカ系アメリカ人の歴史コース || 黒人の歴史 || 継続中
Zhane A
次のセッションは今日 7 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-12 歳
黒人の歴史 | 音楽、芸術、医学 || 継続中のコース
Zhane A
次のセッションは今日 1 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-12 歳
黒人歴史月間の起源 - どのように、そしてなぜ始まったのか
David Miller
次回のセッションは Sunday の5 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
10 歳-15 歳
Kind Academy-Online MicroSchool for Future Leaders
次回のセッションは Mon 4/7 の8:30 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 35 分
9 歳-14 歳
黒人歴史コース || 音楽、芸術、医学 | 継続中 | 対象年齢 (12-16)
Zhane A
次のセッションは今日 2 PM です
1/週、 30 分
12 歳-15 歳
アフリカ系アメリカ人の歴史 || 継続コース(13〜16歳)
Zhane A
次のセッションは今日 4 PM です
1/週、 30 分
13 歳-16 歳
Stokes (Griot)
次回のセッションは Monday の2 PM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-16 歳
アメリカ史の深掘り:アフリカ系アメリカ人の歴史 - 1 学期
Ms. Ashley Christman
次回のセッションは Mon 4/7 の11:30 PM です
16 週間、 2/週、 1.33 時間
14 歳-18 歳
Amber Johnson Logan
次回のセッションは Wed 7/9 の6 PM です
39 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
Culture Corner Academy
次回のセッションは Mon 7/7 の4 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 30 分
5 歳-10 歳
SS 認定教師によるアフリカ系アメリカ人とヒスパノ系アメリカ人の歴史入門
Diana Algarin
次回のセッションは Tuesday の10 PM です
3 週間、 2/週、 40 分
13 歳-18 歳
魂の旅 1: 黒人の卓越性の芸術、歴史、そして遺産!
次回のセッションは Tuesday の5:30 PM です
1/週、 50 分
9 歳-13 歳
AP アフリカ系アメリカ人研究 (アドバンストプレースメントプログラム認定)
Amber Johnson Logan
次回のセッションは Tue 8/19 の1:30 PM です
31 週間、 2/週、 1.92 時間
15 歳-18 歳
料理して女性の歴史を讃えよう: B. スミスの野菜スープ
Mrs. Lisa aka Chef RD
次のセッションは明日の 5:15 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1.08 時間
9 歳-14 歳
女性の歴史を祝い、焼き菓子を作ろう: マヤ・アンジェロウの有名なバナナプディング
Mrs. Lisa aka Chef RD
次回のセッションは Sunday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1.08 時間
9 歳-14 歳