
1対1のRoblox Studio Ambitionコーチング!

Coach Jonathan
これらの 1 対 1 のセッションでは、学生たちは Roblox Studio プラットフォームを使用して、学生や他の Roblox プレイヤーが楽しめる完全な Roblox エクスペリエンスの立ち上げに向けて取り組みます。学生たちの野心を刺激しましょう。


米国の学年 6 - 9
Intermediate - Advanced レベル向け
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
Students will learn how to use their already existing understanding of the fundamentals of Lua programming and the Roblox Studio platform to create engaging experiences on the Roblox platform.
Senior computer science major at the University of Florida

Senior Code Coach at a coding school (2 Years)

• Prepared  Roblox Studio / Godot / Unity (C#) / Unreal Engine) lesson plans for over 70+ students from 7 to 18 to teach kids programming via personalized projects.
• Taught 3D mathematics concepts (vector spaces, spherical trigonometry etc...).
• Taught and retained over 20% of the client base in 2021 (150+ students total by the end of the year).
• Prepared training material on several technologies (Unity / Godot / Roblox Studio) to train 10+ coaches.
• Mentored 10+ coaches on company culture and best practices that promote an environment of fun and
learning for our students.

In addition to the 2 years detailed above, I have spent an additional 2 years tutoring students in specifically Roblox Studio and college course work (such as Data Structures and Algorithms). This class will not shy away from advanced programming concepts or mathematics concepts (such as trigonometry).
After each session, your student will always have "Challenges" that they will be tasked with completing. If a "Challenge" is not completed, we will work on understanding and completing the "Challenge" at the beginning of the next session. Challenges can be in the following forms: -Worksheets -Modifying a programming snippet -Writing a programming snippet to complete a certain objective -Completing some significant portion of their project on their own (The goal is for every student to get to this point)
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
I would highly recommend your student taking anywhere from 3-6 months of the following courses, especially if this is your students' first experience with coding:
-Roblox Studio Ambition Training A
-Roblox Studio Ambition Training B
Depending on the genre of game your student wants to create, some parental approval may be required. Example genres that would require approval:

-Horror games
-Survival games
My name is Jonathan and I am a Roblox Developer who has been creating on the Roblox platform since 2020.

I am a firm believer in Project-Based Learning because I have seen firsthand, over my 3 years of experience teaching game development on the... 


60 分

6 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 11-17

Outschool International
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