

for 8 classes

German 3, 4, & 5 for High Schoolers (Part 4 of 4)

New class
Ages 13-18
Live Group Course
Take the next steps to fluency with German 3. UNIQUE HYBRID FORMAT: 1 weekly Live Session + Guided Work provides the equivalent of 4 sessions per week.
Average rating:
Number of reviews:
(200 reviews)
Rising Star

Live video meetings
1x per week, 8 weeks
4-18 learners per class
45 min

What's included

8 live meetings
6 in-class hours
2-4 hours per week. You can expect to spend between 2 and 4 hours per week on the Guided Work portion of this class. (This will, of course, vary for each student.) Guided Work will include… + “grammar training” videos + “grammar training” worksheets + readings + practicing the 2-way prepositions Additionally, you should expect to spent time in daily vocabulary study and studying for quizzes & exams.
Students will complete occasional quizzes and one exam per quarter.
A Quarterly Report will be provided families at the end of each quarter, containing 1) information on the class content, 2) instructor credentials, 3) student exam grades, and 4) a narrative on the student's progress in the class. If you need any additional information for your homeschooling transcript or high school guidance counselor, just let me know.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Intermediate Level
Guten Tag! German 3 lets you continue on an exciting language-learning journey that could eventually…
1. prepare you to meet college or university entrance requirements
2. enable you to read, write, speak, and listen to German with competence and ease
3. allow you to consider a career in international politics, business, engineering, global health, translation…the sky’s the limit!

There are real benefits to a continuous, sequential course of study with a group of like-minded learners, led by an expert in the field. The instruction in this course will be targeted right to your level every day and will lead you predictably and efficiently toward your goals.

Please read more below for class details. I so much hope you’ll join us!

--Dr. Jennifer

P.S. If you’d like to meet with me, feel free to sign up for my Sampler Class and/or an Open House session.


Students who take my German classes see results! 

+ By the end of German 1, you’ll be able to speak about yourself and everyday life around you.
+ By the end of German 2, you’ll be able to speak about higher-level topics, stating your opinion, defending your position, and explaining your reasoning.
+ In German 3, your speaking ability will become more natural, more automatic, and more nuanced. German 4 & German 5 will take you even further toward true fluency.

Most students in my classes score in the A or B range on the exams. I think you’ll be surprised by how quickly you’ll learn and by how proficient you’ll become.

One of my favorite parent reviews (from German 2) says it best:
“My daughter’s ability to speak and understand German is growing by leaps and bounds. Dr. Jennifer is a great teacher, the class is interesting and it WORKS!”


I am an expert instructor with 25+ years of experience.

You can see the details of my teaching credentials in the “Teacher Expertise” dropdown and on my profile page (https://outschool.com/teachers/Jennifer-Bjornstad).

A few highlights:
-	I have a PhD in German.
-	I am a near-native speaker of German.
-	I have lived and traveled in Germany extensively. 
-	I was a tenured professor at Valparaiso University.
-	I am a licensed high school teacher.
-	I homeschooled my own son for several years.
-	I have taught intermediate-level German classes many times.

I really know my stuff when it comes to German language, history, literature, and culture. I’m also an approachable and welcoming teacher—our virtual classroom is a lively, warm, and congenial place.


The class follows a hybrid format, with two components:

1)	Each Monday, we come together in our Live Session for speaking practice, discussion of our readings, follow-up on grammar assignments, and cultural enrichment.

2)	During the week, you work individually on the Guided Work assignments. I will teach you via interactive videos, writing assignments, and grammar-practice worksheets. 

You can expect to spend two to four hours per week on the Guided Work assignments.


This listing is for Part 4 of 4. The cost of the 8-week session is $800. Although we meet just one day a week as a group, the learning material and support your learner receives (through the Live Session & the Guided Work component) is equivalent to that of a 4-day-a-week class.

Total cost for the year: $3200

Note to Families:
I know that the cost of this class represents a significant investment in your learner’s education. 

The class price includes…
+ high-quality, expert instruction
+ instructor-created lesson plans, activities, & materials
+ close communication via the once-a-week Family Letter and Outschool messages
+ individualized feedback on your learner’s progress via exam grades and Quarterly Reports

(If you have already taken one or more of the self-paced classes that makes up the Guided Work component, I’ll offer you a coupon code for that portion of the class price.)

Teaching on Outschool is my full-time job. I take my work seriously and spend a lot of time thinking about how best to support each learner. I teach just a small number of students per year, so you can be sure your child is getting the personalized attention that builds confidence, honors each student’s unique abilities, and leads to success.


Learners of German have all kinds of reasons they are interested in studying the language. 
Do any of these reasons apply to you?
+ I want to improve my understanding of how English is related to other languages.
+ I want to speak with my Oma in her native language.
+ I want to get world news coverage from a European perspective.
+ I want to understand the German I hear in my favorite movies about WWII.
+ I want to sing a Schubert lied with confidence.
+ I want to play video games in German.
+ I want to learn a bunch of cool long words like Geschwindigkeitsüberschreitung.

It is not a surprise that so many people want to learn German. After all, it is the language of one of the most important European cultures of the present era and the language of a rich political, philosophical, and artistic past.


This course, designed especially for teen learners, uses a highly interactive approach to language-learning that will keep you on your toes, learning more and more German each day. My teaching style focuses on getting everyone involved at the level they feel comfortable with, asking for lots of volunteers, and giving everyone a chance to participate.

In our live sessions, we will concentrate on getting you lots and lots of speaking practice!


If you’ve taken German 1 and German 2 with me, you already have a copy of Kontakte: A Communicative Approach. This textbook has been around for quite a while in various editions, so it’s very well thought-out and carefully edited.

We will be using the textbook from time to time in German 3 to review and to expand upon what we learned in German 1 and German 2.

In addition to the textbook, we will be using a lot of materials that I have created myself over the 25+ years of my teaching career. These materials bring contemporary Germany into the classroom, provide links to other fields of study (mathematics, history, art, literature, music, etc.) and keep things fresh and interesting.

These are the same materials I sell to other teachers and learners on my Teachers Pay Teachers storefront; you get them free as a part of the class!

Kontakte is designed around what is known as the Natural Approach to language learning. In the Natural Approach, students are given the chance to learn at a natural pace, listening to the instructor speaking German at their level and responding with whatever words and phrases they feel ready to use. You will be able to participate verbally as you feel comfortable, moving to longer and longer responses. You will be hearing and speaking a lot of German during the live class sessions, allowing you to be fully immersed in the language, but you will be able to ask a question in English at any time.


In German 3, we will focus on all four communicative skills—reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

You will have the chance to READ lots of German. In Quarter 1, we’ll read the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Das Mädchen ohne Hände.” In Quarters 2 & 3, we’ll read the chapter book Ben liebt Anna by Peter Härtling. 

You will have the chance to WRITE a lot of German, working to express yourself clearly and to use your growing language skills creatively. In Quarter 4, we’ll do a writing-based project.

You will also do a lot of LISTENING and SPEAKING. We’ll spend the majority of our time in the weekly live session getting you lots of speaking practice. In Quarter 4, we’ll also practice oral description & storytelling based on the “Vater und Sohn” comic strips by Erich Ohser.


Sometimes when people think of language classes, they think of grammar—lots of dry and boring tables, charts, and lists. Today’s language classes are not like that! Today, we focus on your functional abilities—what can you do with the language? Being accurate is still important, but we see grammatical accuracy in context, as a means of making you understandable to the people you want to communicate with.

Don’t get me wrong—we will be learning the rules of grammar, and we will be doing a lot of grammar-based practice. In my experience, an “immersion only” method doesn’t really work unless you can devote hours a day to being surrounded by the language and culture (i.e. move to Germany!), so we will learn by pairing our immersive experiences with targeted practice. This will let you learn both with your intuition and with your intellect.

All this is to say that I won’t be correcting every error. Broadly put, we will be working on grammatical accuracy in written work and in targeted speaking exercises, but when it comes to learning to put our thoughts, feelings, and ideas into words, we will focus more on general fluidity and confidence of expression. No one wants to be interrupted in the middle of what they’re trying to say, and one of the best ways toward improved speaking skills is simply lots and lots of unimpeded practice.

In all four quarters of the class, we will be making a thorough review of the basic points of German grammar. We will also be focusing on three key advanced grammar points:
-	verbs in the simple past tense
-	two-way prepositions
-	adjective endings


One thing I really want you to know is that this class encompasses so much more than just learning to speak German! Along your way to fluency, you’ll learn a lot about German history, music, art, and literature.

You’ll also become an expert in the connections between German and English. (Did you know they were actually the same language—West Germanic—until around 1400 years ago?) Looking into word histories is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have converted many students into amateur etymologists! I think you will find this field of study fascinating, as well. Learning that “der Baum” (tree) is related to “beam” or that “die Apfelsine” (orange) means “apple from China” is a fun way to expand your vocabulary—in German and in English—and it is an exhilarating way to use all parts of your brain.

The readings we will focus on (“Das Mädchen ohne Hände,” Ben liebt Anna, and the Vater und Sohn comic strips) bring us into contact with a variety of cultural themes from German’s past and present:
+ 19th and 20th century political history
+ folklore studies and literary culture
+ social issues such as class and ethnicity
+ German schooling, family culture, and everyday life


Once you have completed German 3, you may want to continue to gain more advanced skills. 

For work at the German 4 & 5 level, I offer self-paced classes that allow you to learn through project-based learning and structured reading classes. 

Depending on the time and energy you give your German studies, you may be able to place directly into an upper-level German class in college. That would get you a nice head start on a German major or minor, which many people combine with another major such as history, engineering, English, another foreign language, business, nursing, etc. Advanced skills in a second language are always useful, both for job placement and for personal enjoyment.

Many colleges and universities offer foreign language placement tests, which you take the summer before you begin college, and I can help you prepare for that.


DATES FOR 2024-2025
German 3, Part 1 runs from 9/9/24 to 10/28/24.
German 3, Part 2 runs from 11/4/24 to 1/13/25.
(with breaks 11/25/24 and 12/23/24 & 12/30/24)
German 3, Part 3 runs from 1/20/25 to 3/10/25.
German 3, Part 4 runs from 3/17/25 to 5/12/25.
(with a break 3/24/25)


Q: Do you teach the class in GERMAN or in ENGLISH?
A: Both! I use what you might call a “partial immersion” approach. Most of our class time is focused on reading, writing, listening, and speaking—in German. But I believe there is a role for English in the classroom, as well. A targeted use of English can really promote student confidence and increase learning efficiency.

Q: Are you a NATIVE SPEAKER of German?
A: I am what is called a “near-native” speaker of German. I have a BA, MA, and PhD in German and I have spent significant time in Germany, so my language skills are top-notch. As a near-native speaker, I offer students the best of both worlds: not only do I have clear pronunciation, advanced vocabulary, and excellent grammatical accuracy, but I also speak a standardized German that is easy to follow, and I excel in adapting my speech to different ability levels.

Q: Does it matter that you are a TRAINED TEACHER?
A: I sure think it does! I have spent my career reading, thinking, and talking about how best to teach German and then putting those ideas into practice in the classroom. I am a member of the AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) and the MLA (Modern Language Association). I have attended and presented at dozens of teacher conferences and have published articles on pedagogical topics. All of this means that I am familiar with best practices and current thinking on effective teaching methods and that I’m able to use this knowledge to help lead your learner to success.

Q: We have a SCHEDULING CONFLICT. Can my learner still take the class?
A: Absolutely. Your learner can always catch up on a missed class by watching the class video, posted automatically by Outschool after each class session. 

Q: Can we count this class for HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT?
A: Quite possibly. If you are a homeschooling family creating your own transcript, you can list German 3, Parts 1 – 4 as a full high school credit. If you are working with a high school guidance counselor, you can submit the class description, my credentials, and your learner’s exams scores and narrative reports for possible credit.

Q: We missed the beginning of the school year! Is it TOO LATE TO START?
A: I’m often able to accommodate learners with a late start. Message me and let’s see if we can make it work. If, for example, your learner has already done some work with German, they may be able to jump right in.

Q: I don’t think we’ll be able to get the TEXTBOOK by the first day. Is that a problem?
A: No problem. Last-minute enrollments are welcome. I can provide scans of any necessary pages until your book arrives.

Q: I have more questions. Can we GET TOGETHER to talk?
A: Yes, please! I love getting together with learners and their families to learn about their particular questions, concerns, and needs. Send me a time that works for you, and we can do an Open House session: 

Learning Goals

Students will improve their skills in READING, WRITING, LISTENING, & SPEAKING
Students will improve their grammatical accuracy


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Week 1
 -	verbs in the future tense 
-	project presentations
-	discuss the comic strip genre 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Week 2
 -	genitive for possession (including genitive prepositions)
-	project presentations
-	discuss comic strips 1 & 2 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Week 3
 -	da-compounds & wo-compounds 
-	project presentations
-	discuss comic strip examples 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Week 4
 -	subjunctive mood 
-	project presentations
-	discuss comic strips 3 & 4 
45 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Learning Needs
Students in this class receive individualized attention that can address unique learning needs. The asynchronous portions of the class, especially, allow students to work at their own pace or to repeat instruction as necessary.
Parental Guidance
I will be giving a short biographical sketch of Erich Ohser at the beginning of the first lesson, in which I will briefly mention that he was banned by the Nazi government from publishing because of his outspoken views against the regime. That context is important, I think, because it places Ohser accurately in history and shows why this very gentle, light-hearted (and completely apolitical) comic strip became so popular. I will not mention the details of his death, which was caused by the government, though indirectly. (See Wikipedia for more information.) No worries--this will be a cheerful class!
Students at the intermediate level are ready for this class. If you missed German 3, Parts 1 & 2 & 3 and want to jump in now, no problem. Message me and let’s see if you’re at the right level to join in.
Supply List
In order to successfully complete the class, learners should have access to the following materials:

+ Kontakte: A Communicative Approach, 8th edition, ISBN: #978-1259307423
(We will be using the 8th edition of the textbook. Please be sure you do not purchase any other edition by mistake.)

+ all other materials will be provided by the instructor
Language of Instruction
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.

Meet the teacher

Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Indiana Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Indiana Teaching Certificate in Foreign Language
Doctoral Degree in Foreign Language from University of Wisconsin-Madison
I have been teaching German, composition, and arts & humanities for more than 25 years, and I speak German with near-native fluency. I have a PhD in German Literature and was the 2014 Indiana German Collegiate Teacher of the Year. I was a professor of German for 16 years and have homeschooled my own son. I bring first-rate content knowledge and pedagogical expertise to the online classroom, plus a genuine love of working with young learners.

Because I have extensive experience at the college level, I know just where high school students are headed and can expertly guide them as they prepare themselves for the next step. My focus on learning strategies and study skills is an added benefit, useful for any learner.  

See my Profile Page for my resume.


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