weeklyor $304 for 16 classes
Public Speaking 101
Ages 12-15
Live Group Course
Live video meetings
2x per week, 8 weeks
4-8 learners per class
45 min
What's included
16 live meetings
12 in-class hoursProjects
1-2 hours per week. There will be three speeches assigned over the course of this semester. The first speech that the students complete will be accompanied by a manuscript and will be sent to me in a recording. The second speech will either be given live or, optionally, be pre-recorded in the form of a video. Once students have warmed up to public speaking, all third speeches at the end of the term will be given live in front of the class. In addition to this, class participation will be mandatory. Every student who joins this class will eventually engage in public speaking. But, don’t worry. We’ll make it easy. DAILY ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE 1. n/a 2. n/a 3. n/a 4. Recorded Manuscript Speeches 5. n/a 6. n/a 7. n/a 8. n/a 9. Optional: Pre-Recorded Video of First Presentation 10. First Presentation and Peer Analyses - Group One 11. First Presentation and Peer Analyses - Group Two 12. n/a 13. n/a 14. n/a 15. Second Presentation and Peer Analyses - Group One 16. Second Presentation and Peer Analyses - Group TwoLetter Grade
Grades for this course will be based on the following components: • Participation and Engagement (15%) • Manuscript Delivery Assignment (20%) • First In-Class Presentation (25%) • Second In-Class Presentation (30%) All assignments and participation will be assessed using clear rubrics provided in advance. Late submissions may incur a grade penalty unless prior arrangements have been made. Students will receive immediate or near-immediate feedback on their individual assignments, and will be given an overall letter grade at the end of the term. The grading scale is as follows: • 94-100: A • 90-93: A- • 87-89: B+ • 83-86: B • 80-82: B- • 77-79: C+ • 73-76: C • 70-72: C- • 67-69: D+ • 63-66: D • 60-62: D- • 59 and below: FClass Experience
US Grade 7 - 9
Beginner Level
1. COURSE CONTENT In this course we will go over the basics of the structuring, writing and delivery of a speech, including how to ask research questions, how to formulate a thesis, and how to present an argument verbally with a beginning, middle, and end. 2. GOALS The primary goal of this course is to teach students how to write, structure, and deliver a speech. The secondary goals of this course include: • learning to ask critical questions • learning to form advanced logical connections • to become more confident (especially when speaking in large groups) • to have fun! 3. METHOD While this course is largely discussion-based, it will follow an outline and will include times in which I lecture. As such, learners are encouraged to come to class prepared to contribute. We will engage in ice-breaker games in order to facilitate these discussions when necessary. In addition to the in-class discussions that happen during the class, there will be two major opportunities for the student to exercise their ability to speak publicly. Everyone who participates in this class will at some point engage in public speaking. 4. ASSIGNMENTS There will be three speeches assigned over the course of this semester. The first speech that the students complete will be accompanied by a manuscript and will be sent to me in a recording. The second speech will either be given live or, optionally, be pre-recorded in the form of a video. Once students have warmed up to public speaking, all third speeches at the end of the term will be given live in front of the class. In addition to this, class participation will be mandatory. Every student who joins this class will eventually engage in public speaking. But, don’t worry. We’ll make it easy. 4a. Manuscript Delivery Assignment While not every speaker is best suited to the use of a manuscript, the process of learning how to prepare a manuscript is beneficial to nearly all speakers. Preparing a manuscript forces one to learn how to write in ones own voice in a way that normal essay writing does not. Think about a movie that you have seen recently and imagine that you are the director of that movie. The press has asked you to give a speech regarding what you enjoyed about your movie. Write a five paragraph manuscript persuading people to go buy tickets then record it and send it to me. Your speech should have a clear thesis statement as well as a beginning, a middle, and an end. We will not be performing these speeches out loud to the class. Your manuscripts should be turned in to me along with an audio or video recording of you delivering it. 4b. First In-Class Presentation Because multiple students will be presenting, some students will give their speeches on the tenth lesson, while others will give their speeches on the eleventh. We will schedule the exact day that each student will present on the first day of class. If, for any reason, this day is missed (perhaps due to sickness or late registration) please message me so that I can be sure that you are included. You will have a selection of topics provided to you on a google form which will be linked to you later in the class. It will then be your responsibility to go in to that google form and select which topic you wish to deliver a speech on. After this, you will craft a five minute speech on the topic that you have selected. You may do as much or as little writing as you wish to prepare for this assignment. Some learners may prefer to write out their entire presentation in advance, while others may prefer to speak entirely off the cuff. You are free to choose how detailed you wish for your notes to be in this regard. However, choosing to speak “off the cuff” does not exempt you from having a clear structure in the presentation of your speech. All speeches must have a clear thesis, a beginning, a middle, and an end. If you want you may record a video of yourself giving the speech, instead of giving the speech live. However, if you do this, your video will be due on the start of week five on lesson nine. After each student presents, we will engage in a period of encouraging and constructive peer review before moving on. 4c. Second In-Class Presentation The second presentation is much like the first, with the only difference being that the second presentation must be given live. Topics will be linked on a google form, you will select the one that you wish to present on, you will give your speech, then, after presenting, we will try to learn from one another by listening and analyzing each-others speeches. Both speeches should be approximately five minutes, however this is just an approximation and if your speech is a little longer or shorter, that’s nothing to worry about. As long as you keep it above two minutes and under nine minutes, there should not be a problem. 5. CLASSROOM POLICIES • No cell phones or electronics other than the one you are using to access Outschool during class. • While there will be lots of discussion in this class, only one conversation at a time. • Do not interrupt. • Ensure that everything that you submit is entirely your own work and that you have not copied it from somewhere else. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. • Be respectful of other students when engaging in peer review.
Learning Goals
The primary goal of this course is to teach students how to write, structure, and deliver a speech.
The secondary goals of this course include:
• learning to ask critical questions
• learning to form advanced logical connections
• to become more confident (especially when speaking in large groups)
• to have fun!
7 Units
16 Lessons
over 8 WeeksUnit 1: Introduction
Lesson 1:
Why Study Speech
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Basics Of Public Speaking
45 mins online live lesson
Unit 2: Researching a Speech
Lesson 3:
Researching a Speech I - Picking a Topic
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Researching a Speech II - Asking Questions
45 mins online live lesson
1 assignment
Other Details
Parental Guidance
In a few of our sessions, we will watch a few selected examples of speeches and monologues from movies, television and history as time permits. This will be done in an objective way in order to analyze their ability to communicate with an audience, rather than to promote a particular political or religious perspective.
Learners should be familiar with how to write a five-paragraph essay and how to operate basic video and audio recording tools.
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
In a few of our sessions, we will watch a few selected examples of speeches and monologues from movies, television and history as time permits. While not each source is guaranteed to be included in the curriculum, they do represent all potential options for viewing. If you find anything on this list to be objectionable for your child, please feel free to contact me and I will see if I can make accommodations. The class will not view clips that are not listed here without first contacting the parents for permission.
• A Bugs Life. “Puny little ants”
• Aladdin. “Aladdin Meets Genie”
• Churchill, Winston. “Finest Hour”
• Despicable Me. “We are going to steal the Moon”
• Emperor’s New Groove, The. “I’ll turn him into a flea”
• Incredibles, The. “You caught me monologuing”
• Kennedy, John F. “We Choose To Go To The Moon”
• King, Martin Luther. “I Have A Dream”
• Lion King, The. “Everything the light touches”
• Lord of the Rings: Return of The King. “Aragorn’s Speech At The Black Gate”
• Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. “Sam’s Speech: ‘Worth Fighting For’”
• Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb “Smile my boy, it’s sunrise”
• Princess Bride, The. “No! To the pain”
• Princess Diaries, The. “I’m really no good at speech-making”
• Ratatouille. “Anton Ego’s Review”
• Reagan, Ronald. “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall”
• Remember the Titans “Gettysburg”
• Shakespeare, William. “Macbeth: Tomorrow” Sir Ian McKellen
• Spiderman: Into The Spider-verse. “My name is Peter Parker”
• Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. “You lose! Good day, sir!”
Please bear in mind, that while this list is somewhat lengthy, only a small portion of these will actually be viewed in class.
Meet the teacher
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have over 8+ years of public speaking experience as I worked to attain my degree studying preaching from a Christian seminary. During that time, I enjoyed leading an after-school club for youth. Since then, I have spoken in nursing homes, churches, and classes on a range of topics. Now, I enjoy sharing what I have learned here on Outschool with the next generation of speakers.
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