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Paragraph Power: Mastering Paragraph Writing Skills, Step by Step

Wild Prairie Learning
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In this guided creative writing class, we will write a new type of paragraph each week. We will write descriptive, persuasive, narrative, and procedural paragraphs using creative and engaging writing prompts.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 4
Aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
  • Students will begin to write paragraphs! Students will also learn about the different types of paragraphs and the requirements for each.
Wild Prairie Learning is a team of experienced, qualified teachers who are committed to inspiring and educating students through innovative and engaging methods. We strive to foster a love for learning while nurturing each student's individual potential.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: If students do not complete their paragraphs in class, they may finish them at home.
Students will need paper (or a notebook) and a pencil.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined March, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Ms. Amanda M.Ed. TESOL/TEFL
Master's Degree in Education from Wilkes University
Ms. Amanda M.Ed. TESOL/TEFL
Bachelor's Degree from University of Saskatchewan
Ms. Melissa Ellen JD
🌾Welcome to Wild Prairie Learning! 

Our inclusive classes are taught by experienced, qualified teachers. We are dedicated to helping our learners build strong skills and confidence.

📚Our Approach to Learning 

At Wild Prairie Learning, we strive... 
Group Class


1x per week
25 min

Completed by 97 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-10
2-8 learners per class

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