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More "Stuff" Made Simple! Earth Science Explained Easily! {Session 2 Of 2}

A fun and informative exploration of our physical world: A complete Earth science course in two twenty-week blocks.
Joseph Constantine
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What's included

60 live meetings
55 in-class hours

Class Experience

US Grade 5 - 8
There are three perspectives from which to understand the physical universe around us: The Atomic Level [quantum physics]The Molecular Level [chemical/cellular level]The Macroscopic Level [physics, planetary science, and climatology] Finally, we will combine these three perspectives into one perspective that clearly shows how the three levels result in the superorganism we call Earth, our beautiful home to which we owe our very existence. We will utilize lectures, games, simulations, group work, video clips, discussions,  & extra-credit options. No previous knowledge is needed for we will journey from the beginning of the universe to the formation of our solar system, our planet, and most importantly life! We will move slowly, but surely and look at these difficult scientific concepts in a way that is easier to grasp (plus, we will have a lot of fun, so that's a bonus! :) n our journey of scientific discovery we will be looking at the field of geology, but we will touch upon, astrophysics, chemistry, meteorology, ecology, and quantum physics to truly understand the nature of the world around us. 

We will meet three times a week for 55 mins (labeled below as a,b,c). Every other week, DAY C will alternate between a test/assessment and laboratory/group work. In the final week, we will have each group present a final 5-10 minute project of their choosing. 

WEEK #1 A short review of session 1
a. Review 1
b. Review 2
c. review & test
WEEK #2: Groundwater
a. Fresh Water Stored in Rocks
c. LAB:
WEEK #3: The Production of Groundwater
a. Auifers 
b. Groundwater Sustainability 
c. review & test
WEEK #4: Karts Topography
a. Results of Groundwater 
b. Dissolution of Rock and Limestone 
c. LAB:
WEEK #5: Rock Deformation
a. How and why Rocks Deform and Change Over Time
b. Three Types of Rock Deformtion
c. LAB:
WEEK #6: The Geological Structures
c. review & test
WEEK #7: Faults and Joints
a. faults 
b. joints
c. LAB: San Andreas Fault case study
WEEK #8: Earthquakes
a. What causes Earthquakes and where are they located
b. Divergent and Convergent Plates
c. review & test
WEEK # 9: Earthquake Damage
a. Magnitude & Intensity
b. Tsunamis 
c. LAB:
WEEK #10: Seismology
a. what is seismology: a brief history
b. The Seismograph 
c. review & test
WEEK #11: Mountains
a. what is a mountain and how is it formed
b. Four Types of Mountains 
c. LAB:
WEEK #12: Orogeny 
a. Foldbet Mountain Formation
b. Three Types of Orogenic Processes 
c. review & test
WEEK #13:  Fossil Fuels: Coal 
a. How we use it and where does it come from 
b. advantages and disadvantages 
c. LAB: Nuclear Power is safe?  
WEEK #14: Fossile Fuels: Petroleum 
a. How we use it and where does it come from 
b. advantages and disadvantages 
c. review & test
WEEK #15: Hydropower
a. how it works
b. advantages and disadvantages 
c. LAB:  Biggest Damn In the world
WEEK #16: Extra-Terrestrial Geology
a. planetary science in our system
b. Planetary science of exo-planets 
c. review & test
WEEK #17: Ecology of Geology
a. climate and life
b. habitats
c.LAB: Trophic Cascades in Yellowstone
WEEK #18: Climate Change
a. Causes and effects
b.  Possible solutions
c. review & test
WEEK #19: Final Projects
a. Project Presentations 1
b. Project Presentations 2
c. Review
WEEK #20: Final Exams
a. Review Session
b. Final Exam 1
c. Final Exam 2

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Earth Science Resource List Here is a list of the majority of the resources that will be used in the course. I have chosen to use only official originations, institutions and universities, and well-known scientific publications. These resources come from highly trained, peer-reviewed, professionals from diverse and inclusive backgrounds that will provide a Global Multi-Perspective understanding of the subject. Geosciences Textbooks and Lesson Breakdowns (I will provide the following documents to the students) Meteorology Today 11th Edition C. Donald Ahrens & Robert Henson Foundations of Earth Science 14th Edition, 13th Edition, 8th Edition Edward Tarbuck & Lutgens The Blue Planet: An Introduction to Earth System Science, 3rd Edition B. Wiley Encyclopedia of Earth & Space Science by Facts on File (2005) TED-ED Geosciences Educational Resources https://ed.ted.com/lessons?category=earth-and-space-science https://ed.ted.com/lessons?category=environmental-science https://ed.ted.com/earth-school National Geographic Earth Science Educational Resource Library https://www.nationalgeographic.org/video/earth-101/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science Scientific Journal & Publications https://www.scientificamerican.com/my-account/ https://www.britannica.com/ https://www.newscientist.com/# Online Educational Organisations https://www.wondrium.com/ {Earth Science Library} https://www.discoveryplus.com/ {How the Universe Works} PBS EONS PBS NOVA BBC EARTH LAB SEEKER CRASH COURSE KURZEGAST National Science Foundation (NSF) Geosciences https://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=ear United States Geological Survey (USGS) https://www.usgs.gov/ American Geosciences Institute https://www.americangeosciences.org/ National Caves Association https://cavern.com/Learn/creatures.asp NASA Earth Science https://science.nasa.gov/earth-science USC Geosciences Resource Library https://libguides.usc.edu/c.php?g=234982&p=1559535 International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) https://www.iugs.org/ Climate & Weather Educational Resources https://cloudappreciationsociety.org/ https://www.noaa.gov/ Interactive Educational Simulations & Gaming: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/accessibility https://create.kahoot.it/profiles/082302a5-d348-4208-96a8-c202ca2114d4 https://www.blooket.com/dashboard https://earth.google.com/web/@0,0,0a,22251752.77375655d,35y,0h,0t,0r Universe Sandbox (Steam Platform) Minecraft Education These are suggested supplementary resources parents can obtain for their child, but are required textbooks: NAT GEO Atlas of the World NAT GEO Compact Atlas of the World DK Oceanology: The Secrets of the Sea Revealed NAT GEO Pocket Guide to Rocks & Minerals DK Rock and Gem: The Definitive Guide
Joined October, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from Ithaca College
I am an experienced educator with a bachelor's of science from Ithaca College. I'm currently working towards my Master's Degree in Education with over three years of study so far and my dissertation remaining. In addition to that work, as a graduate student, I consistently seek out workshops and webinars that provide additional certifications for educators. My experience as an educator includes teaching at both public and private schools as well as tutoring students in STEAM subjects including SAT/GRE/ACT/ & AP prep, I have experience and training in teaching individuals with both Learning Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities. I have also volunteered my time in my local community library by organizing workshops on STEAM topics for children.  

For over ten years now, in my personal time, I have been active in the Citizen Science community participating in projects when possible. In recent years, when the opportunity arises I try to incorporate the awareness of these projects in some of the STEM-based classes that I teach, but I want to bring a greater awareness of the possibilities of Citizen Science to as many students as possible. The great part of Citizen Science is that ALL are welcome to participate despite lacking any particular degree in science. Each project has detailed instructions and tutorials and for those willing to learn a great opportunity awaits!  I would be an excellent guide on the student's journey utilizing my previous experience of the process to help clear a path of learning for them. 


Live Group Class


for 60 classes

3x per week, 20 weeks
55 min
Live video meetings
Ages: 10-15
3-18 learners per class

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