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Make Your Own Perfumes and Colognes for Valentines

In this 5 week drop in anytime ongoing class, learners will gain an understanding of Health and Wellness, Chemistry, the tools, materials and practices involved in crafting personalised Eau-de-parfum, perfume...
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What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours per week
Certificate of Completion
At the end of this course you will receive a certificate of participation and an invitation to part 2- Setting up a Luxury Fragrance Business. You require the certificate from this class to take part.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Beginner Level
In this 5 week drop in anytime ongoing class, you will gain an understanding of Health and Wellness, Chemistry, the tools, materials and practices involved in crafting personalised Eau-de-parfum, perfume, cologne, cologne spray and body sprays... to meet personal taste; gain information on how design a fragrance without allergenic ingredients. 
The idea of this class is to start you on the road of being an entrepreneur; as part 2 of this class is how to start a small luxury fragrance business.

Week 1 -   Introduction and the history of perfume, including the meaning of "June Bride!"
Week 2 -  Understanding base, middle and top oils and which ones blend well.
Week 3 -  Recipe for natural, environmentally friendly, allergen free, perfumers alcohol. 
                 Practising using a dropper for precise measurements and hygenic procedures.
Week 4 - Understanding the process of designing a luxury fragrance.
                Designing a luxury fragrance, in silence no help and test it on adult present.

There are 4 learning styles visual, audio, tactile and kinetic; most of us learn through each style evenly, whilst some of us maybe predominant in one or two. This class seeks to engage the tactile and kinetic learners; but all learning styles are welcome!
Watch your teen come out of class with lots of entusiasm, motivation and very happy; looking forward to the next session!

Learning Goals

- Becoming an entrepreneur
- Measurements,
- Cleanliness
- Best practices for conserving materials
- Understanding all elements to craft a fragrance
learning goal

Other Details

Learning Needs
Learners who have ADHD, Dyslexia and ASD; will feel supported in this class; as I am on the spectrum myself. I am trained, with over 30 years experience to work with Autism, ADHD, AuDHD, Dyslexia, dyspraxia and Moderate Special Needs.
Parental Guidance
Health & Safety: Bottle of water Comfortable clothing Eating is allowed
Supply List
- Droppers
- Funnel
- Bottles
- Small measuring cup
- Beaker/glass container
- Card Stock
- Syringe
- Disposable gloves
Ingredients will be given the week before perfumes are made (end of week 3)
Language of Instruction
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined August, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I am a drama teacher, reading specialist and professional puppeteer and I am always making up new games. My husband is a nose (nez), a Fragrance Chemist as it is known; he will be my guest speaker in this class.
In these changing times learning is becoming static, there are 4 learning styles visual, audio, tactile and  kinetic; the tactile and kinetic learner often gets left out. I believe that playing games assists with the development of how to interact with others, etiquette, academic learning and social skills. This class will create an Empowering (positive outlook all the time), Passionate (always willing, helpful and enthusiastic), Innovative (spontaneous thinker) Citizen (a model mentor to others)!


Live Group Class



1x per week
30 min
Completed by 17 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
1-2 learners per class

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