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Guitar for Beginners - (For Kids)

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This ongoing class is the perfect starter class for students wanting to learn how to play guitar! No experience needed

Class experience

Michael has been working with students for 13 years as a preschool teacher, one-on-one leader and activity manager for a science center/children center.  He has been teaching music and improv for over 10 years and uses music as a way to engage students and build confidence.  Michael started learning guitar at the age of 8 and uses the exercises and techniques he learned to help students learn how to play guitar and have fun!
Homework Offered
Each student will get pre recorded videos to help them practice guitar and during the live meetings get feedback. This class is great for learning at your own pace
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Grades Offered
Learners should have a guitar and something to take notes with. 
Joined August, 2022
MGTeams is an organization of educators working in theater, childcare, music, and media production.
Our aim is to provide fun classes that allow students to practice social and collaboration skills.
Group Class


1x per week
30 min

Completed by 7 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
1-5 learners per class

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