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Flex Video Game Creative Writing: Let's Write a Roblox Story!

Do you have a writer who loves video games and Roblox? This flex camp will focus on Roblox while we develop vital narrative writing skills! Learners will practice prewriting, focus, elaboration, and revision skills!
Kellie Trout
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What's included

2-4 hours per week. Students will complete modules and work on their story outside of class as much as they need/ want.
I will provide feedback on each module.

Class Experience

US Grade 5 - 7
In this course we will use Roblox as a way to hone our creative writing skills. We will create a character and setting, and explore how we use that character to advance a plot and develop a theme. Module One will focus on pre-writing, Module Two on writing, Module Three on revision, and Module Four on sharing! We will cover the following topics:

Module One: 
*Roll- A- Story: Let's get those creative juices flowing and start generating ideas!
*Choose Your Character: When we play Roblox we take special care to pick out the perfect skin, and creating a character is no different! We will go beyond what your character looks like and explore personality.
*Climb Plot Mountain: We should write with the ending in mind, and one way to do that is to outline our plot. What successes and failures will your character experience? What lesson will they learn?

Module Two:
*Allow Me to Introduce Myself: Some readers rely on introductions to determine if a story is worth reading. How will you hook your readers? We will learn a few ways to craft a catchy introduction. 
*The Heart of it All: Your readers are hooked and ready to follow your character's adventures. So, what adventures will they go on?
*All Good Things Must Come to an End: It's time to wrap up your story. What does your character accomplish? How does this advance your theme?

Module Three:
*Focus: Writing a story is similar to taking a photograph: we should focus on the real subject. Are there parts of your story we can tighten up and refocus?
*Show, Don't Tell: Now that we have our story properly focused, let's look at our craft. Did we tell our readers the character is scared, or did we show them by describing how they look and act?
*The Nitty Gritty: Now is the time for the last minute adjustments! Run you story through a grammar and spelling check. Read it aloud to see how it sounds. Have a peer read through it. Then, celebrate! You've created a masterpiece! 

Module Four:
*Gallery 'Walk': It's time to share and celebrate our work! Learners will go on a virtual gallery walk to view stories and share their own!

Students will use Gimkit to practice skills.

Learning Goals

Students will learn pre-writing skills such as character development, story organization, setting, theme, and plot development. They will learn how to hook the reader, focus and elaborate on elements that advance the story, and conclude in a way that satisfies the reader. They will also learn some revision techniques and how to peer edit.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Students will use Gimkit to practice skills. Parental consent is required to use this resource.
Supply List
I will provide all handouts. Learners will need a die or set of dice for the first module.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Gimkit
Joined April, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have a Master's of Education degree and I am a certified teacher with over ten years experience in education. I am certified in K-6 elementary education, 7-12 social studies education, 7-12 language arts education, and K-12 Reading education. 


Live Group Class


for 4 weeks

4 weeks
Completed by 1 learner
No live video meetings
Ages: 10-13

This class is no longer offered
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