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Exploring the World of Pros and Cons - Analyzing Choices and Forming Opinions

Having an opinion is good, but being able to explain why you have that opinion is even better. This interactive class will help children think critically and objectively, helping them form opinions and make well-thought-out decisions.
Carlin King (BA (Hons), PGCE)
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What's included

1 live meeting
45 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

Having an opinion is good, but being able to explain why you have that opinion is even better. This ongoing class will help children think critically and objectively about two different choices and help them make a decision- knowing both the pros and the cons of that decision. In every lesson, children will be faced with two choices. Together, we will look at each choice and discuss what is both positive and negative about that choice. Once we have come to a conclusion about the positive and the negative aspects, children will choose what they would prefer - giving a reason for their decision. It will always be reinforced that everyone is entitled to an opinion and with certain choices, eg: where one would like to live, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. We will learn to listen to what others think and feel, without trying to change their mind, but rather respecting their point of view. 

So often, when children are given a choice they cannot always put their reasoning, as to why they chose a particular thing, into words such as  ' I would do_____ because ____". This class aims to help children think thoroughly and make informed decisions. It is also designed to help children discover what they prefer for themselves and to have the confidence and ability to voice that. 

Each lesson, we will introduce ourselves and answer an ice-breaker question. We will then look at a story or a scenario and without thinking too deeply everyone will be encouraged to say what decision they would have chosen. We will then look at both options and dig deeper. We will discuss all the positive and negative aspects of both decisions and then give a deeper informed answer to the same question. 

Lesson 1 - The Town or the Country
Lesson 2 - Homeschooling versus Regular School
Lesson 3 - Cell Phones - good or bad?
Lesson 4 -Big family or Small Family
Lesson 5- To be rich and famous
Lesson 6- AI and Robots- Good or bad?

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined February, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Hello, my name is Carlin King. I am a Year 1 teacher living and working in the United Kingdom. I have been a primary school teacher for more than ten years and love being part of the formative years. I have been trained in a number of different phonetic programmes including RWInc (Read, Write Inc). 

My greatest passion is teaching children to read and write. As a child, I loved to write stories. I found it came naturally to me as I was a total book worm. However, as a teacher, I have seen that many children struggle with creativity, vocabulary and sentence structure when it comes to their writing. When children have both a writing model and an interest in the subject matter - that is when creative writing takes shape. Engaging and exciting themes, fun and well-written books and fascinating historical events and characters are just some of the subjects I like to use in my writing lessons. These classes will be for primary school children roughly between the ages of 5-8. Basic phonetic knowledge needs to be there as we can then sound out and build sentences together.  

I am a firm believer in teaching phonics when it comes to fluent and confident reading. I have been teaching children to read throughout my teaching career and have had many experiences in different phonetic programmes. I decided to create my own phonic reading scheme, using what I know works, and make it engaging and exciting for children.
I believe teaching is about having fun and allowing children to get emersed in a subject. As a teacher, I strive to be a guide - allowing children to let their interest and curiosity drive their learning. As a child, I loved school and was privileged to go to more than one school as I spent my childhood living in different parts of Africa. I was born in Nambia and then moved to Ghana when I was nine years old.  As a teenager, I attended a wonderful boarding school in South Africa. I now live in England with my husband and two gorgeous babies.


Live Group Class


1x per week
45 min

Completed by 357 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-9
2-8 learners per class

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