Beginner Guitar - 8 Week Semester Class - (Ages 10-13) - FUN Group Lessons
What's included
8 live meetings
5 hrs 20 mins in-class hoursClass Experience
Join me for an 8 week semester-long guitar course, for the absolute beginner, where I will take students through fun and simple exercises, chords, TAB songs, reading chord charts, and more. Your learner will have a blast developing their new guitar skills! In addition to our weekly group lessons, learners will receive play along videos for songs and exercises to help them with their practice throughout the week. What will they learn? 🌟 Parts of the guitar + how to hold it 🌟 Chords: G, C, Am, F (1 finger and 2 finger versions) 🌟 Fun songs, using beginner friendly chords 🌟 How to read and play basic TAB songs 🌟 Strumming on basic rhythms 🌟 Fun simple exercises to strengthen finger independence 🌟 Beginner version of a Minor Pentatonic Scale What does a typical class look like? ❣️ Review from last class ❣️ Warm up Exercise ❣️ New TAB Song ❣️ Chord Review ❣️ New Chord Song ❣️ Review of days class All group classes will include engaging slides, to help students understand what they are learning on the guitar, as well as opportunities to perform songs for me and other students if they are interested. This is completely optional but is a fun way for students to show off what they have been learning in class! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E S S O N P L A N : Week 1: The basics: Guitar anatomy, string names, finger numbers Fretting exercise, basic strumming, TAB Song: 7 Nation Army 1 Finger chords: G, C Songs: Row Row Row Your Boat, Marry Had A Little Lamb Week 2: Review + new exercises How to read TAB, TAB exercises, TAB Song: Smoke on the Water Chord Song: Skip to my Lou Week 3: Review + new exercises TAB Song: Iron Man New Chord: Am (2 fingers) Chord Song: Lips Are Movin' Week 4: Review + new exercises TAB Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 8th Note Strumming Chord Song: Shake It Off Week 5: Review + new exercises Scale: Am Pentatonic Scale New Chord: F (2 fingers) Chord Song: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain, You Are My Sunshine Week 6: Review + new exercises TAB Song: Marry Had a Little Lamb Chord Song: Someone to Lava New Chord: G (2 fingers), C (2 fingers) Chord Song: Let It Be Week 7: Review + new exercises TAB Song: London Bridge Chord Song: Ho Hey Week 8: Review + new exercises Island Strum: D DU UDU Chord Song: Riptide
Other Details
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
2 Diplomas in Contemporary Music and Technology from Selkirk College: Songwriting, and Directed Studies, Vocal and Guitar Double Major - 2017, 2018
2017 MusiCounts Scholarship Program: Honours for Outstanding Achievement in Music and Recording Arts and Sciences
8 years experience teaching private music lessons: Voice, Guitar, Songwriting, Music Theory
2 years experience leading youth Worship Leading program (training youth and young adults in worship leading)
12 years experience as a Worship Leader, leading and directing musicians in the worship teams.
Live Group Class
for 8 classes1x per week, 8 weeks
40 min
Completed by 24 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 10-13
3-6 learners per class