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Top 40 free (and cheap) educational resources for kids

This free eBook covers the top 40 educational resources for kids. Get the scoop on free and low-cost apps, books, shows, podcasts, and more.

There is a vast array of educational resources available on the internet, and sorting through them to find the best ones for your child can be overwhelming. The challenge is not just finding any old resources. It’s pulling out only the ones that are safe, effective, engaging, and appropriate for your child's learning journey. That's where this eBook comes in.

To save you a whole lot of time and effort, we've sifted through the current digital landscape to curate a list of over 40 exceptional educational resources. Each resource has been chosen for its capacity to enrich your child's learning journey, and to do it at either a low cost or none at all.

Whether you’re looking for resources to complement traditional schooling or bring depth to a homeschooling curriculum, these resources offer tremendous value.

The list starts with resources primarily for younger learners and gradually transitions to those more suitable for older students. Keep in mind, though, that many of these resources are versatile enough to be valuable learning tools for all ages (yes, that even means you!). Get your free eBook here.

Issy ButsonIssy is a home educating dad with fresh ideas on learning for the next generation. He’s the voice behind the Life Without School podcast, the pen behind the Stark Raving Dad blog, and definitely doesn’t rely solely on coffee to parent effectively.

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