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10 tips I’ve learned in my ten years utilizing Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA)

Arizona parent shares how she has leveraged the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship account over the last ten years to support her kids' education.

Editor’s note: Melissa Shah’s story is the perfect example of why Arizona ESA funds are so impactful. Melissa is a Parent Advocate and Consultant for various companies and nonprofits supporting the special needs community. She’s been using an ESA since 2014 and leverages the funds for private school and supplemental services available on the disability contract. Here’s how the advice she’d give to folks who are new to the ESA.

Stay informed

Knowledge is power, and this is very true when managing your ESA account. Over the years, so many changes have transpired that being informed is crucial. The main resource remains the parent handbook. It is well worth your time to read it thoroughly each year and make note of any changes. The ESA administration sends emails for updates, but additional clarification is always helpful. There are many Facebook groups that help with questions, but always refer back to the official parent handbook if there is a discrepancy. ESA staff is also available via email, helpdesk, and phone, but it can take patience to get responses. Another great resource is Love Your School. That organization is on the frontlines of this program and disseminates accurate and up-to-date program changes.

Watch deadlines

Pay attention to important deadlines such as contract signings and renewals. Receipts for debit card users also have deadlines as well. Quarterly dispersion occurs on a specific schedule, so knowing those dates helps with planning.

Blaze the trail

Inform others about the ESA program. Ask vendors to apply with Class Wallet, sign attestations, or accept the debit card. Many families have had success with organizations becoming vendors in Class Wallet just by working together.

Get creative

Be willing to try new things. The beauty of ESA is that there is very little risk of commitment with any particular activity or schooling choice. If your child wants to try something and it doesn’t quite fit, then you are able to pivot easily to the next option. We are all just doing our best with the knowledge we possess at the time! This isn’t a straight path, so embrace all the windy roads and uphill climbs. You might find beauty in this educational adventure.

Stay calm

With a government program of this size, mistakes happen! Every change in leadership has its growing pains. I have been with this program through paper expense reports, a transition to Class Wallet, and a complete overhaul of the handbook. Usually, when large-scale mistakes happen (like an incorrect contract one year!), they are addressed and resolved quickly. If your error is individualized, of course, take the correct action. Overall, trying to stay calm and patient can ease stress when these things occur.

Organization is everything

I can’t overemphasize this one enough! Find a system that works for you and run with it. I have a folder with receipts from each quarter's receipts back to the beginning! I try to upload my receipts at the time of purchase if possible. Finding a digital system and keeping things from piling up will help tremendously when deadlines approach. If you have multiple children or purchase many items for homeschooling, this is especially critical. Remember, you are now the administrator of your child’s education! This takes significantly less time once you are seasoned, and I spend only about an hour per month managing receipts now. Tracking down refunds also takes time, so being diligent about transactions is important. Class Wallet has several helpful reports, so check them out!

Create your dream

This is your permission to think outside of the box! Many children on ESA are unique learners and, therefore, need creative solutions. Reading the ESA handbook, searching online, requesting suggestions on social media, and speaking with other parents can be extremely helpful. But realize that your child’s journey is up to you and them! Embrace their passion, support their needs, and follow their individualized learning style. This will ensure a successful education!

Stay flexible

Things will change a lot! But again, isn’t that why we’ve chosen this path for our children? Checking in with our children, families, and professionals often is essential to meeting their needs on all levels. Communication and observations often lead to a re-evaluation of the current plans. In 9th grade, my son transitioned from private school to an online school, paired with a learning pod and community college, changed from karate to a rock band, and used Outschool for SAT prep. That was a big year for us! Sometimes that happens, but whether it’s a small change or a large leap, that is the gift of ESA. You get to choose!

Identify your budget

Checking your fund balance and deposit dates, as well as planning your expenses, is another important facet of the successful implementation of ESA. Given the wide range of funding levels, this will be very individualized. Some parents use all their funds for private schools, so math is simple. Others exclusively homeschool and balance the cost of curriculum and supplies with special interests and therapy. We are currently using funds for a mix of those models. The most recent change for us has allowed the funds to encompass a more comprehensive education than in past years. I assess my balance quarterly with all fixed expenses and then budget for discretionary uses. My son wanted to increase his music lessons and then take some additional Outschool classes for writing support, 1:1 Tutoring, personal development, and escape room classes. Knowing this was feasible within his allotted disbursement was helpful when making those decisions.

Find the right support

The cornerstone of being successful with anything new is community and support. Get involved if possible. This doesn’t have to mean large time commitments. It can be commenting on a post or allowing someone to DM you! I have helped so many parents along my journey, and in turn, I have gained knowledge and ideas from them as well. I have asked for support and guidance from our community at so many bumps in the road. I found my son’s online school this way, and it changed the entire trajectory of his education! One comment from one other parent who was willing to give me her input was life-changing! I have, in turn, also been able to pass information along to other companies and providers looking to support our families.

I hope you find this information helpful in navigating the Arizona ESA! If you want to ask me your AZ ESA questions (and get Outschool class recommendations), you can book a free consult with me here.

Melissa Shah Melissa is a Parent Advocate and Consultant for various companies and nonprofits supporting the special needs community. She’s been using an ESA since 2014.

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