
IEW 寫作方式:1A 級第 1 學期

在本課程中,學習者將了解 IEW 寫作風格和結構的寫作方法。這種結構化的寫作方法指導作家幫助「如何」寫作。它將遵循每週 1A 級課本。
Greater Gains: Reading, Math, Writing, Spelling


24 現場會議
12 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. Homework will be assigned for outside of class time. Writing turned in will be graded with a rubric and feedback provided.
Writing turned in will be graded with a rubric and feedback provided.


英語程度 - A1
美國等級 4 - 6
This multiday writing class is taught using the IEW method by a certified IEW instructor and includes weekly writing homework for practice of in class skills.  Whether your learner has previous experience with IEW or not, this is a great class for building writing skills, especially for reluctant writers who don't seem to have ideas or starting points for beginning to write.  It provides a concrete method and structure that allows learners to know exactly how and what to write so they can experience success and growth as a writer.

✨Class Structure✨
Each week, a new unit, style of writing, will be introduced to learners.  During the first class of the week, learners will practice using a key word outline to jot down writing ideas and create a roadmap for what they will write.  This is working on the STRUCTURE of writing, or the foundation for what learners will write.  The second class of the week will focus on the STYLE of writing and will include dress ups such as strong verbs, ly adverbs, quality adjective, and more as well as and sentence starters that learners can use to add interest to their writing and vary sentence structures.  Also included weekly are vocabulary to words to practice and use within the writing to strengthen vocabulary skills and increase known words.  At the end of the week, learners will use our keyword outline produced in class and skills taught to be able to write their own paragraphs for homework (in class if time allows).

⭐Class Breakdown⭐
Week 1: Unit 1: Note Taking and Outlines
Week 2 Unit 2: Writing From Notes 
Week 3: Writing From Notes and Dress up #1
Week 4: Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories
Week 5: Retelling Narrative Stories and Dress Up #2
Week 6: Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories
Week 7: Retelling Narrative Stories and Dress Up #3
Week 8: Unit 4: Summarizing a Reference and Dress Up #4
Week 9: Summarizing a Reference 
Week 10: Summarizing a Reference
Week 11: Summarizing Multiple References
Week 12: Summarizing Multiple References

💥Class Structure💥
🕰Time Spent in Class
Class 1:
5 minutes of vocabulary introduction
5 minutes of text
10 minutes of brainstorming and creating a keyword outline
10 minutes of writing in class

Class 2: 
5 minutes of vocabulary review
10 minutes of stylistic introduction and practice
15 minutes of writing and adding stylistic applications

🕰Time Spent Out of Class (optional)
Day 1 after class: Finish key word outline and practice retelling to an adult
Day 2: Use retell and write paragraphs 
Day 3 after class: add stylistic techniques to written paragraph and include vocabulary words if possible
Day 4: edit paragraphs and write final copy
To use notes and source texts to create narrative, summary and creative style writings
To add details and dress ups to writing with the 6 practiced Dress Ups


24 課程
超過 12 週
課 1:
Note Making and Outlines
 Learners will learn the ins and outs about how to make notes using a keyword outline that will be a guide for writing 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Note Making and Outlines
 Learning about note taking and outlines cont'd 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Writing From Notes
 In these lessons, learners will practicing using their keyword outlines or KWOs, to write paragraph retells 
30 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Creating a Title
 Continuing to write from notes and adding a title using the Title Rule 
30 分鐘線上直播課


Purchase of IEW Level 1A curriculum is required to work along with this class
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
密蘇裡州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Sarah Collings
紐澤西州 教學證書 在 小學教育
俄克拉荷馬州 教學證書 在 小學教育
Lauren Haney
Teacher is an IEW accredited instructor




每週或US$275 用於 24 課程
每週上課 x 2 次, 12 週
30 分鐘

有4 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-12
3-12 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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