
三、四年級科學 - 互動學習:完整課程第 1 季度

Kristi Given, M.S.


美國等級 3 - 4
This is a COMPLETE list for the class. The supplies list will be posted in the classroom each week prior to the lesson. 
-recycled items, such as: egg cartons, strawberry containers (the cardboard containers that berries are usually purchased in), pipe cleaners/twist ties, bubble wrap, toilet paper rolls, any other kinds of small cardboard pieces, rubber bands, tape 
-play dough (two containers- colors that you don't mind mixing or the same colors) 
-two textbooks (or something of similar weight)
-2 or 3 eggs
-paper towels
-different colored PlayDough (feel free to bring as many colors as you'd like, but we'll likely be needing at least 3)
-5 small containers (you can try a dollar store, craft store, or walmart- there are some that are small and easy to stack almost like a square shaped) they will need lids!
-Blue, green, and red food coloring
-optional: small ocean creatures (plastic toys can be bought at the dollar store, walmart, or even amazon) 
-paper and pen and you can bring some tape along as well for the labels
-2-4 quart (sandwich) size plastic baggies 
-duct tape 
-Bowl of ice water
-5 small paper cups 
-hole punch
-duct tape 
-3 wooden sticks (these can be craft sticks, but they'll need to be longer than a popsicle stick, for example chopsticks, or any other wooden sticks that size)
-empty water bottle
-newspaper (to crumble up)
-a shallow bin 
-small aquarium plants or some grass pulled up from outside, but you want to try and keep the roots attached 
-small rocks, but larger than pebbles
-construction paper
-ice cubes with blue food coloring in them
-a medium sized container filled half way with water
-red food coloring
-popsicle sticks 
-duct tape or masking tape
-bubble wrap
-aluminum foil
-skewer sticks
-playdough, Clay 
-a shallow container (this can be an aluminum baking dish) 
-medium sized rocks or pebbles
-a fan
Hi! My name is Kristi and I am so happy you ventured over to my science learning lab! 

My goal is for students to have fun, maybe get messy, and gain a love for science! My teaching style is interactive and hands-on as I try to bring science to... 


用於 10 課程
1x 每週, 10 週
40 分鐘

由 12 學習者完成
Ages: 8-10
2-6 每班學員人數

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