
如何透過每週的表演課程成為演員的真相:第 1 部分

每週只需 60 分鐘,您的孩子就會成為熟練的演員,準備好扮演任何角色。不要錯過這個難得的機會,讓您的孩子獲得創造力和自我表達的天賦。
Universal Talent Acting School by Vivian Woods


8 現場會議
8 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. Students are expected to keep up with the homework each week. If a student misses a class they are expected to watch the recorded video and if they have any questions then to reach out to me. It is imperative that the student stays up-to-date with their work for successful completion of the program.


Get your child started on the path to becoming a successful actor with this 8-week program designed for ages 10-15. Plus, upon successful completion, your learner will receive a certificate!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to have your child attend 90% of these classes to qualify for this exclusive reward. Each week, students will learn valuable lessons and work on short scenes designed for on-camera acting.

The program covers a range of topics, including what it takes to become an actor, basic improv games, character development, emotional choices, script analysis, and scene study. With no experience necessary, your child will be introduced to method acting, practice monologues, and learn about casting directors, agents, and production companies.

This class is not only educational but also engaging. Students will participate in warm-up improv games, brief meditations, and other exercises to keep them focused and energized.

But hurry, this class requires a minimum of six students to register. If the class doesn't meet the requirement, the teacher reserves the right to postpone it. So, sign up today and give your child the chance to learn what it takes to become an actor. And after completing this class, your child can continue to Part 2: The Truth on How to Become an Actor With Weekly Lessons.

Please note that all sides or scripts provided are confidential for classroom use only, and this class is rated PG13.

Week 1:  Topics and Lesson
What does it really take to become an actor?
Basic Improv Games and discussion about what casting directors, agents and production companies are really looking for which will include headshots, proper portfolio, demo reels and more
Week 2:  Students will be given a practice monologue which they will over the next 6 weeks work towards putting it all together with their weekly lessons 
Week 3:  Introduction to Method Acting: Basic Character Development 
Week 4:  Emotional Choices and Beats
How changing emotions, inflections and beats affects a line.
Week 5:  Students will be introduced to basic script analysis.
Week 6:  Students will start scene study watching films and analyzing character Relationships, character gestures and objectives, transformations and more 
Week 7:  students will wrap up basic scene study discussions today
Week 8: Presentation of scene/monologue


Please have a notepad, pencils and erasers and sharpener.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Please bring to class a notebook, pencil and eraser and a water to keep you hydrated. It is highly recommended that you have a printer for this program to print out the short scenes and or monologues. However it is not necessary, as it is good practice to have the students write out their line so it helps them memorize.
Dear Esteemed Parents,

We’re thrilled to announce that our acting school has been honored with five distinguished awards, including the coveted Global Recognition Award and the esteemed Canada’s Choice Award. This is a testament to the vibrant creativity and unwavering dedication that flows through our virtual classrooms.

In our quest to nurture the next generation of talent, we’re ecstatic to unveil our latest offering: an innovative audition technique class designed to elevate your child’s confidence and hone their skills. Our seasoned instructors are maestros of the most cutting-edge Hollywood techniques, ensuring that your child will dazzle in the spotlight of every audition.

Embark on an exhilarating adventure with us as we dive into the realms of improvisation, character exploration, and bespoke lessons crafted to highlight the individual brilliance of each young star. Acting is not just a craft; it’s a celebration of self-expression and discovery, and we’re here to make it an exuberant experience for all!

Warmest regards, 
Vivian & The Team

P.S. Your aspirations for your child’s acting journey are our blueprint for success. Share your vision with us, and watch us bring it to life! Plus, we’re proud to share that our collective experience spans over 40,000 hours across teaching and professional acting. Notably, one of our beloved teachers brings over 12 years of expertise as a talent agent. At the heart of our teaching philosophy lies the belief that learning is most impactful when it’s fully interactive and immensely enjoyable. Let’s embark on this joyous educational odyssey together!




用於 8 課程
每週1次,共 8 週
60 分鐘

有187 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-15
6-10 每班學員人數

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