weeklyor US$10 for 0 classes
每週 1 小時. Each week students will be given access to multiple videos to help them work on the techniques on their own. There will be discussions and projects assigned for students to try out their new techniques and discuss what the six principles mean to them.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
This four week class is designed to help get learners started in their martial arts journey. Each week, students will be given links to videos covering different taekwondo techniques. Each week we will focus on a variety of stances, kicks, punches, and blocks. Learners will be directed to a link with a video teaching and explaining the technique. They are then asked to practice on their own and send the teacher updates and questions when needed. Students will share a video or a photo of them practicing what they are learning if they are comfortable. Martial arts is designed to work the mind and body. While learning all the physical skills, we will also focus time on learning the six principles of martial arts. We will have discussions about different pieces each week and students will be asked to share what each of these means to them and how they can improve in each aspect. Week one - This week we will go over warm up stretches (encouraged to be done before each training session) that will help us train safely and effectively. We will also learn about the first two principles, two stances, Two kicks, and two blocks. At the end of the week we will introduce students to a basic drill designed to combine some of each technique. After learning the drill, students can record a video of them completing it and timing how long it took them. They can then post the video on the classroom page and watch other students do the drill as well. Week two - Students will review the warm up again to make sure they are stretching properly. We will cover the third and fourth principles, two more kicks, correct punching techniques, and 2 blocks. This week, students will be asked to time themselves doing last weeks drill and work to improve their speed. Students can then challenge each other to see who can do it the fastest, who has the most power, and who can do it with the least mistakes. Week three - This week will cover the remaining two principles, a jumping kick, and two handed blocking. After getting faster and more confident in their drill, students will be asked to discuss what they think the drill is defending against and how to make it stronger. Students will then record what they think the other side of the drill would look like to them. As each student submits their interpretation, we will work together to see if the drill would be able to defend against each students attacks. Week four - During the last week, we will cover the three rules of focus, an additional two kicks, and two chopping techniques. After completing all the video portions and discussions, students will be asked to take some of their new skills and put them together into a combination drill of their own. Once they have created and tried their drill, they can share what it is in written or video form so other students can try it as well. Students can then post videos of them trying other students drills. For example, a student could create a combination of two punches, a down block, a jump and kick. They would either record themselves doing the drill, or write it out in word form and share it with the class. Students can then vote on which drill was their favorite.
As students will be learning techniques such as punching and kicking, we ask that all learners have a safe and open space to practice.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Links will be posted in the classroom multiple times a week to direct students to the instructional videos. Students can choose to complete each instructional video one day at a time, or all at once. Videos will be posted on Mondays.
跆拳道俱樂部 ~ 武術小忍者、健身與生活技能
Teacher Mónica - BMusEd
US$15 每班
下次會議在 6:15 PM Mon 6/2
1/週, 35 分鐘
Silly School With Teacher Greg
US$17 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Thursday
1/週, 45 分鐘
Master Mark
US$15 每班
下次會議在 12 AM Wednesday
1/週, 30 分鐘
綜合格鬥 (MMA) 健身、專注和樂趣! (大眾班)
Mr. Braun
US$14 每班
下一堂課明天 6:45 PM
1/週, 30 分鐘
綜合格鬥 (MMA):青少年的健身、專注和樂趣!
Mr. Braun
US$14 每班
下一堂課明天 9 PM
1/週, 35 分鐘
像忍者一樣踢腿 - Kinderkicker 綜合格鬥
Maryam Braun, M.Ed.
US$12 每班
下一堂課明天 10:30 PM
1/週, 30 分鐘