

在我們的互動式公開演講課程中,讓青少年擁有自信和有效的溝通技巧。引人入勝的活動和個人化輔導使本課程對於 13-18 歲的孩子來說獨一無二!
Ferrell Studios


8 現場會議
6 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students may be asked to engage in short activities or assignments to practice their public speaking skills outside of class. This may include writing speeches, recording practice sessions, or watching and analyzing famous speeches. Homework is designed to take no more than one hour per week.
Students will prepare a final presentation to be presented in the final class. Students are expected to be working on this presentation throughout the duration of the course.
Grades and certificates of completion may be requested by the parent at the end of class. Should a learner need a grade for this class, parents should inform the instructor within the first week.
Grades and certificates of completion may be requested by the parent at the end of class.


英語程度 - A2
美國等級 9 - 11
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
This Public Speaking class will empower students with the skills and confidence needed to effectively communicate in front of an audience. Over the course of 8 weeks, learners will engage in interactive activities designed to improve their speech writing, delivery, and overall presence.

The class structure includes live practice sessions, peer feedback, and personalized coaching. Students will get numerous opportunities to present speeches, participate in group discussions, and refine their public speaking techniques. No prior experience in public speaking is required.
Develop strong public speaking skills, including speech writing and delivery.
Gain confidence in speaking in front of an audience.


8 課程
超過 8 週
課 1:
Introduction to Public Speaking
 Overview of the importance of public speaking, basic concepts, and goals. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Speech Structure and Organization
 Understanding how to organize thoughts and structure speeches effectively. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Presentation Anxiety and Tools
 Techniques for managing anxiety and building confidence. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Vocal Variety and Body Language
 Exploring the use of voice, gestures, and body language to enhance speeches. 
45 分鐘線上直播課


No sensitive content will be covered in this class. All materials and activities are designed to be age-appropriate and supportive. However, students will be given the opportunity to present on a topic of their choosing in the final class. While students are encouraged to select school-appropriate final presentation topics, parental guidance is suggested for selecting a final presentation topic.
Students should be prepared to create a slides presentation with the creation tool of their choosing (Canva, Google Slides, PowerPoint, etc)
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
已加入 March, 2022
學士學位 在 戲劇藝術 從 Rutgers University
Luke Ferrell
學士學位 在 戲劇藝術 從 Hunter College
Kevin Rose
學士學位 在 戲劇藝術 從 Temple University
Lysia Mogford
學士學位 在 新聞學 從 Temple University
Michael Kelberg
As an actor, Christie has performed professionally as a wide array of characters in various genres, from musical comedies to dramatic straight plays and new works. Some favorite credits include The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella), The Narrator (Joseph), Beth March (Little Women), Winnifred the Woebegone (Once Upon a Mattress), and Jennie Mae Layman (The Diviners), a role for which Christie received a nomination for ‘Best Supporting Actor in a Play’ in the 2023 Regional Broadway Awards. Backstage, Christie has managed everything from sound, microphones, sets, and costumes to help produce the best show possible. In her hometown of Jacksonville, Florida, Christie developed and directed an after-school theatre program for middle schoolers that instructed and guided students in theatrical performance and professionalism. She feels that fine arts education programs are essential for all to practice creativity and explore our shared humanity. She is grateful for the opportunity to do such socially valuable work and help curate an environment that encourages students to embrace their individuality as integral to their craft. 

Jackie Knollhuff (She/Her) is a New Jersey Freelance Director, Choreographer, and Teaching Artist whose passions include new play development, working with children, and theatre for persons with disabilities. She holds a Master's in Theatre Studies from Montclair State University. She has worked with professional and community theaters. 

Luke, a lifelong theater artist, has decades of experience directing, designing and writing plays for all age levels. As an actor, he has numerous film and stage credits. Luke loves to teach and learn through all things theater and is delighted to engage on almost any creative topic. He holds an M.F.A in Acting from Temple University and has served as Director of Theatre for the University of Montevallo and Bethany College. During his time at the Performing Arts Magnet High School (CCPAC), in Montgomery, his students earned statewide recognition, succeeded in earning significant scholarships, got offers from numerous training programs and for many, went on to successful professional careers. His own career includes directing over 85 plays representing a broad range of genres, age groups, audiences and venues. Luke’s approach to teaching is collaborative, eclectic, physical, and informed by years of study and practice. He is looking forward to sharing his expertise in Acting, Audition Prep, Playwriting, History and Appreciation, and more with the next generation of theatre people through Ferrell Studios/Outschool.




每週或US$150 用於 8 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 8 週
45 分鐘

年齡: 13-18
2-6 每班學員人數

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