weeklyor US$1,350 for 45 classes
45 現場會議
90 上課時間作業
每週 2-4 小時. YES! Students will be expected to work outside of class. They will have assignments in math, reading, writing, language arts on a weekly basis. Assignments in science and social studies are occasional, usually with 1 or 2 projects per session. Students may submit homework in the Outschool Classroom.評估
I continuously assess students informally as I teach, making adjustments as needed. At this age, I do not usually assign letter grades. Instead, students are assessed on progress, especially in reading and writing. Tests in math, science, and social studies will be given upon request. Written evaluations documenting student progress are also available upon request.評分
Letter grades are available by request.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 4 - 6 年級
Beginner - Advanced 等級
I believe that a curriculum should adapt to the child, not the other way around. In my homeschooling classes, students learn content together, but complete work based on their abilities. Each student is treated as someone who has something to contribute to our community of learning. My classroom is a safe place to share ideas, ask questions, and make mistakes--all vital aspects to learning! As we learn together, students build relationships with one another and make connections from their world to all of our classes. Students are never required to do anything they don't want to do, however they are all ENCOURAGED to challenge themselves to become better learners. Usually, as students get to know each other, they do this naturally! Using a variety of resources, I've created a curriculum for 4th-6th graders that includes instruction in MATH, LITERACY, SCIENCE, and SOCIAL STUDIES. Students learn in SMALL, LIVE CLASSES Mondays through Thursdays (Friday classes only on weeks with Monday holidays). Classes are scheduled in 9-week sessions, with 1- to 3-week breaks between sessions. This schedule allows for continuous learning yet provides enough time off that students don't get burned out and have time to pursue other interests. (See detailed schedule below.) Things you will enjoy when you enroll your child in my homeschooling classes: -a consolidated schedule -a familiar teacher who specializes in personalized learning and homeschooling -a discount compared to individual class tuition -a sense of community, seeing familiar faces throughout classes -written evaluations -Open Class sessions, where students have the option to ask questions if they need help with anything Things expected of YOU when enrolling your student: -Help your student gather supplies to be ready when the live classes begin -Help your student log onto class at the right time -Help your student schedule time OUTSIDE of class to complete homework -Check your child's homework (especially math) -Communicate any concerns, questions, or help your child may need from me I have been teaching these classes on Outschool for over 4 years. I make every effort to make each student feel valued and heard, and I try to make the content they are learning relevant to their own lives. YOUR STUDENT WILL LOVE THESE CLASSES! The current students are amazing and welcoming. Come join us for 2024-25! Our school year begins JULY 29, and runs through MAY 30, but students may join at anytime throughout the year. Below you will find sections for CLASS DESCRIPTIONS, WEEKLY SCHEDULES, ENROLLMENT and PAYMENT OPTIONS. Feel free to message me with any questions! ***************** ENROLLMENT ***************** Once you enroll, you will see all of the meeting times on your student's schedule. Classes appear as 1- to 2-hour blocks on the schedule. Each block contains several subjects and will include 10-15 minute breaks between them. Students will not need to log off and back on between classes that are in the same block of time. For math, they will only attend the 30 minute class that matches the level they are in. They DO NOT need to attend the whole math block. CONTENT BLOCK: Science for 45 min, Social Studies for 45 min, with a 10-min break in between. LITERACY BLOCK: Literacy for 30 min, Reading for 30 min, and Language Arts for 30 min, with 10-min breaks in between MATH BLOCK: Math classes are split by levels 4-6, and your student will only attend their level (30 minutes during this block). After enrollment, you and I will determine your student's math placement together. OPEN CLASS: Students attend this class only if they need help with any homework. Students can request 15-minute blocks of time anytime in this hour-long class. *********************** CLASSES OFFERED *********************** Below you will find a description of all the classes included in this program. Your student is NOT required to attend them all, but the tuition price includes everything. MATH: Dimensions Math, Levels 4-6 ------------------------------------ I believe success in math depends on a child's ability to not only understand numerical concepts, but to be able to apply those strategies to problems by using mathematical thinking. My approach in this class is to give students the tools they need to be able to solve problems, and then allow them to experiment, fail, and try again until they get the answer. Throughout the semester, we work on developing strategies, understanding relationships, and building confidence. As I tell my students, there is always one right answer in math, but there is not just one way to get there. This class uses Dimensions Math, a Singapore Math curriculum. Singapore Math is a mastery-based approach to math, where students progress from concrete examples (real life), to pictures, and finally apply their knowledge to the abstract, using numbers and algorithms. Students do a lot of hands-on work, as well as, mental math. Instead of mimicking procedures, they learn how to think mathematically and apply what they know to solve problems. CLASSES MEET TWICE A WEEK FOR 30 MINUTES. STUDENTS ARE PLACED IN LEVELS ACCORDING TO ABILITY. READING: Freestyle Reading ----------------------------- In this small-group learn to read class, students not only learn reading and comprehension strategies, but also learn to LOVE READING. How? They will become personally involved in their own learning by choosing their books and challenges. In doing so, they follow their own interests, are self-motivated, and learn to apply what they learn in class to their own reading material. Just like any other reading class, students will learn comprehension, vocabulary, and literature analysis skills. The only difference is that instead of the teacher assigning the books to read, THE STUDENT chooses their own books. I do this through GENRE STUDIES. Each week we learn about a different genre of literature. As students learn about key elements of the genre, they look to their own books for examples and details. CLASSES MEET ONCE A WEEK FOR 30 MINUTES. SCIENCE: Biology ----------------------------- This hands-on, interactive science classes give students in GRADES 4-6 a foundation in the basics of biology. Through experiments, engaging books, and fascinating, interactive science videos, students discover how science works and how to become scientific thinkers. The classes use the R.E.A.L Science Odyssey curriculum as a base, and also incorporate other projects, activities, and experiments to deepen student understandings. Students in this class design experiments, do research projects, and learn to think like scientists. All while having fun! CLASSES MEET TWICE A WEEK FOR 45 MINUTES. HISTORY: History Quest U.S. History -------------------------------------- History Quest is an engaging curriculum that uses story-telling and hands-on activities to bring to life the story of humankind. I have been using story-telling for over 20 years to spark the imaginations of children. Through this curriculum, students hear the story of our past and are able to watch as society builds itself--how one event leads to another. This year, students will be learning US HISTORY Each week students progress through the read-aloud chapter book. Class is supplemented with interactive slideshows, videos, or stories related to the chapter. Throughout the class students keep a notebook to keep track of questions they wonder about, things they’d like to learn more about, and summaries of the things they’ve learned. In addition, most week include a History Hop, where we time travel back to an important part of history, meeting notable people or seeing what life was like. Finally, we wrap up each chapter with a hands-on activity (like cooking, art, or writing) and a story or two. Stories might be a biography, a myth, epic tale, or an engaging non-fiction text. CLASS MEETS THREE TIMES A WEEK FOR 45 MINUTES LANGUAGE ARTS: Playing With Words --------------------------------------- Grammar can be confusing. But sometimes when you break the rules, it can be funny and absurd! For example, the following sentences have two very different meanings: "I love cooking dogs and kids." (Ew!) "I love cooking, dogs, and kids." (Much better!) Each week in this ongoing class, students are introduced to a humorous example of what happens when you ignore a grammar rule. Then they learn the rule and the logic behind it. Finally, they will practice the rule in "The Language Mechanic" workbook by The Critical Thinking Company. Students also have the option to work on spelling at their own level. CLASS MEETS ONCE A WEEK FOR 30 MINUTES. WRITING: Building Writers --------------------------- Students are encouraged to find their own voice as they learn to write. Class includes a different writing focus each week, like catchy intros or writing in dialogue. Through writing exercises, prompts, and free-writing students are encouraged to get creative and find their own voice as they write. Students may choose to work on a story over multiple weeks or write a new story each week. CLASS MEETS ONCE A WEEK FOR 30 MINUTES. ********************************* 2024-25 WEEKLY SCHEDULE ********************************* ======= MONDAY ======= CONTENT BLOCK The block will be listed as 2 hours in the classroom, however class time may be SHORTER, depending on how classes run. Generally science is 45 minutes and social studies is 45 minutes. Students will NOT need to log off and back on in between classes, but will have a 10 min break between them. -Biology & US History (all students) 12:45-2:25 PST/3:45-5:25 EST OPEN CLASS Students only attend if they need help with any work or need to speak with the teacher. 2:30-3:30 PST/5:30-6:30 EST ======== TUESDAY ======== MATH BLOCK Students only attend this block during the time of their math level. -Math 4 12:45-1:15 PST/3:45-4:15 EST -Math 5 1:25-1:55 PST/4:25-4:55 EST -Math 6 2:05-3:25 PST/5:05-5:25 EST ========== WEDNESDAY ========== CONTENT BLOCK The block will be listed as 2 hours in the classroom, however class time may be SHORTER, depending on how classes run. Generally science is 45 minutes and social studies is 45 minutes. Students will NOT need to log off and back on in between classes, but will have a 10 min break between them. -Biology & US History (all students) 12:45-2:30 PST/3:45-5:30 EST ======== THURSDAY ======== OPEN CLASS Students only attend if they need help with any work or need to speak with the teacher. 9:00-10:00 PST/12:00-1:00 EST LITERACY BLOCK The block will be listed as 2 hours in the classroom, however class time may be SHORTER, depending on how classes run. Generally language arts, reading, and writing each run for 30 minutes. Students WILL have a 10 minute break between classes, but WILL NOT need to log off and back on again. -Language Arts (all students) 10:00-10:30 PST/1:00-1:30 EST -Reading (all students) 10:40-11:10 PST/1:40-2:10 EST -Writing (all students) 11:20-11:50 PST/2:20-2:50 EST MATH BLOCK Students only attend this block during the time of their math level. -Math 4 12:45-1:15 PST/3:45-4:15 EST -Math 5 1:25-1:55 PST/4:25-4:55 EST -Math 6 2:05-2:25 PST/5:05-5:25 EST **************************** YEAR-LONG SCHEDULE **************************** My classes are scheduled into four 9-week sessions: summer, fall, winter, and spring. There is an 8 week summer break. In between other sessions, students have a 2-3 week break. SUMMER 2024: JULY 29- SEPTEMBER 27 (Fall Break: September 30 - October 11) FALL 2024: OCTOBER 14 - JANUARY 10 (Thanksgiving Break: Nov 25-29) (Winter Break: Dec 16 - Jan 3) WINTER 2025: JANUARY 13 - MARCH 14 (Spring Break: Mar 17 - Apr 4) SPRING 2025: APRIL 7 - MAY 30 ************************* COST AND PAYMENT ************************* Payments can be done as a WEEKLY payment plan or you may pay BY SESSION (every 9 weeks). You are never locked into a commitment beyond WEEKLY PAYMENT: $150 9-WEEK SESSION PAYMENT: $1350 Please feel free to message me with any questions!
Students who complete 36 weeks of this class will have completed a full curriculum in reading, writing, language arts, math, science, and social studies.
There are some classes (especially in science & history) where scissors or other sharp objects are used in experiments or crafts. There are other classes (history) where cooking is an optional project. Parental guidance is highly recommended in these instances.
History has many circumstances where we can question the perspective of the events. For example, one group of people “conquers” another group, or a group of people form a religion around a certain set of beliefs. I make every effort to include multiple perspectives or ask questions that encourage students to think about different viewpoints. I explain to students often that there are multiple ways to construct history, because there are so many people involved in any one part of it. That’s what makes it so interesting! Students are always free to ask questions and state opinions in a respectable way. If controversial topics arise, my practice is to point out that not everyone believes the same thing, and it’s our job to try to see things from everyone’s point of view if we are to create a fair picture of what happened in the past.
Additionally, history is not always pretty. Death, mistreatment, and other uncomfortable concepts may disturb sensitive students. I will make every effort to give parents a heads-up to any sensitive topics like this, and welcome any parent to reach out with questions or concerns they may have about their student.
During week 1 in our history class, we discuss evolution of animals and the evolution of humans. You are welcome to skip this week if you don't feel comfortable with these ideas.
Some of the supplies used in this class may need adult supervision, including, but not limited to:
-potassium chloride
-rubbing alcohol
-hydrogen peroxide
HISTORY Students will be required to keep a notebook for this class. This can be any 3-ring binder where they can add and remove pages as needed. Students will also need to purchase the History Quest chapter book and the History Quest Study Guide (see below). The study guide includes pages needed for notebooking throughout the entire year. Due to copyright laws, I am unable to provide copies to students. However, when you purchase the Study Guide, you can use it for all other classes in this series. History Quest Study Guide, available in print or as a digital copy for about $30. Used for the entire year: History Quest Chapter Book, available in print ($22), digitally ($16) or as an audio book ($30). Used for the entire year: Audio Book: Print Book or ebook: Additionally, students will need supplies for hands-on projects. A detailed list of supplies will be provided upon enrollment. Most of the supplies needed are common things you will find around your home. These include things like, paper, colored pencils, tape, flour, mixing bowls, etc. SCIENCE Upon enrollment you will be given a fully detailed supply list. Most of the materials are items you might find around the house (coffee filter, rubber bands, etc.), but there will be some items you will need to purchase or borrow, including: -balloons -potassium chloride (salt substitute) -science thermometer -borax -hydrogen peroxide -popcorn -Alka-seltzer -yeast -red cabbage -rubbing alcohol All students will need a copy of the REAL Science Odyssey Student Pages, available here for $19 (ebook) or $$28 (print book): Students will also need a 3-ring binder to keep their journal pages. WRITING Spiral notebook or composition book for writing READING 2-3 books (students' choice) at the child's reading level MATH HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Dimensions Workbook, available for about $13. Once student is placed, they will be instructed on which books to purchase: 4A/B, 5A/B, or 6A/B OPTIONAL MATERIALS: We will be using mostly virtual manipulatives, but the following can be useful for those who struggle with new concepts:
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
History Quest curriculum
"History Quest: Early Times" Chapter Book
-This book was written with the intention of offering an unbiased story-telling approach to history. The author explains that "for me, it was very important that History Quest refuse to promote a predetermined agenda. Most people understand that scientific work is best done when scientists approach data without preconceptions so that the data can determine conclusions. The same can be said about historical work. The abuse of history to advance a political ideological, or religious agenda disturbs me greatly. But despite my devotion to an accurate and unbiased presentation, I, like all history writers, have my own inevitable subjective perspective. I do try hard to mitigate that, and I worked in tandem with a wonderul publisher and editor, whose perspectives challenged and complemented my own.”
“Discovery in the Cave” by Mark Dubowski
-a Step-Into-Reading book about the discovery of ancient cave drawings found in France
“First Drawing” by Mordicai Gerstein
-a fictional story about what it might have been like in prehistoric times when the first cave drawing was made
“The First Dog” by Jan Brett
-A fictional account of how a boy living during the Stone Age might have befriended a young wolf.
“You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Writing”
-Though these books are written with a sense of humor, they offer historically accurate information In class we use the books as a discussion starter and will differentiate the facts from the fiction.
“Gilgamesh the King,” “Return of Ishtar,” and “The Last Quest of Gilgamesh” are 3 books by Ludmila Zemen that tell the epic tale of Gilgamesh. The books are used to show students some of the stories used at this time in history. As the author of the History Quest chapter book notes, “History should be much more than descriptions of conflicts and battle. Art, inquiry, ideas, and invention also shaped the past dramatically and are treated as vital topics.”
“A Street Though Time” by Steve Noon and DK
--a wonderful picture book that displays the progression of a fictional Roman city from the Stone Age to today. The pictures depict what life may have looked like in various time periods. It is a wonderful way to look at history from a variety of perspectives as we see how the very same place can look so differently, depending on the people that live there and the things that have happened (like invasions, battles, sickness, and prosperity).
REAL Science Odyssey
Dimensions Math 4A/4B, 5A/5B, 6A/6B
Balance Math, by Critical Thinking Company
Brave Writer: Building Confidence Writing Projects
科羅拉多州 教學證書 在 小學教育
I am a Colorado-certified teacher with over 20 years experience teaching children in grades K-8. I homeschooled my own 4 children (ages 12-22) and taught other children in many settings, including public schools, and private schools. I own my own microschool, where I teach homeschoolers from my community. I have also been teaching all of these classes here on Outschool for over 4 years.
Kim Musolff的其他課程
Kim Musolff的其他課程
什麼是貸款?使用 Minecraft 了解金錢:7-11 歲(團體)
Mark Richard Mazzu a.ka. "Mister Mark"
US$28 每班
下次會議在 4 PM Wed 3/12
1 週, 1/週, 40 分鐘
Cherry Learning Center by Mrs. Berry-Cherry
US$17 每班
32 週, 4/週, 1.50 小時
Cherry Learning Center by Mrs. Berry-Cherry
US$20 每班
32 週, 4/週, 1.50 小時
US$16 每班
35 週, 4/週, 45 分鐘
Morgan Haddox
US$14 每班
32 週, 4/週, 45 分鐘
Micole (Teacher, Permaculturist, Homeschooler)
US$40 每堂課
US$16 每班
下次會議在 11 PM Mon 9/22
1/週, 50 分鐘
Britain Earl, Historian, Artist, Lawyer
US$19 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Wednesday
1/週, 50 分鐘
Dina M
US$25 每班
34 週, 5/週, 1.50 小時
四年級家庭學校完整課程:第 4 部分
Seed and Stem Learning Center
US$25 每班
下次會議在 2 PM Mon 3/24
8 週, 5/週, 1.50 小時
四年級一起 - 全年課程
Silly School With Teacher Greg
US$16 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Monday
4/週, 40 分鐘
Seed and Stem Learning Center
US$16 每班
30 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Seed and Stem Learning Center
US$15 每班
32 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
Homeschool POD 四年級完整課程全年有趣且引人入勝的 Blooket
Inspire Creativity Academy & Microschool
US$10 每班
37 週, 3/週, 40 分鐘
Michelle “Nonna” Lagares
US$18 每班
34 週, 1/週, 1 小時
Blooket 正在進行的四年級數學全年課程
Inspire Creativity Academy & Microschool
US$15 每班
下次會議在 10 PM Monday
1/週, 40 分鐘