
以有趣的方式學習彈奏尤克里裡! - 尤克簡介(第 1 部分)

在這個為期 5 週、多天的烏克麗麗初學者課程中,學生將學習尤克里裡演奏的基礎知識:基本的彈奏、基本的和弦以及簡單有趣的歌曲。
Sing Create Play by Bella Ely


5 現場會議
2 小時 5 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Students can practise the strumming techniques and the chords discussed in class. The teacher will share digital copies of the songs that we learn during our classes so students can practise those songs as well.
Each Student will be informally assessed by the teacher during each lesson and will be given pointers on what to practise, how to correct or what to modify so their playing technique improves with each session.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 2 - 5
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
💙💜💛New to Outschool? Use my code SingCreatePlaybyBellaElyBellaElyOUTRE20 to get $20 credit to use for classes!

♪  Please note that you will need to have a tuned ukulele for this class. Please see the Materials section to learn how to tune your ukulele. Younger children will require parental assistance.

♪  It would be useful if students joined my 1, 2, Ready, Play - Absolute Beginners Uke class before enrolling for this course, but it is not compulsory. Here is the link:

~ Please send us a message before the course starts if we need to adapt our class to any specific needs of your learner and their learning style. This way, we make sure we provide the best experience for our families!

This is a multi-day course for absolute beginners who want to learn the ukulele. Children will have the opportunity to practise picking each string with their thumb or with their index finger, whichever comes easier to them, at this point. 

This ukulele beginners class is enjoyable, interactive and learning is happening combined with lots of fun and giggles. I look forward to meeting you in class, singing and playing with you! 

>>> Week 1: 
            - holding the ukulele correctly; arms, hands and fingers positions; fingers numbers;
            - we will check if the ukulele is in tune by singing a funny song 'My Dog Has Fleas';
            - learn the names of the strings (G  C  E  A) with the help of another game and colour coded notes/strings;
            - learn the parts of a ukulele;
            - learn how to keep a steady beat while strumming and picking the strings of our instrument;
            - strumming D D D D (down) and DU DU DU DU (Down-Up);
            - 'My Silly-Silly Song' on the ukulele which follows a simple strumming pattern (Down, Down, Tap, Tap). 

>>> Week 2: 
            - recap how to hold the ukulele, parts of the ukulele, simple strumming;
            - learn the C Major chord and will learn to strum holding the chords;
            - play 2 nursery rhymes: 'Are You Sleeping', 'Row Your Boat';
            - new strumming pattern D D D DU;
            - melody and music notes "Rain, Rain Go Away".

>>> Week 3: 
            - recap of the C chord and the 2 songs we learned last week;
            - learn F chord, fingers position;
            - play a song using the F chord 'Hot Cross Buns';
            - play "Skip To My Lou";
            - depending on students' abilities, we will also have a go at learning 'Baby Shark'.

>>> Week 4:
            - recap of the strumming patterns we learned, the ukulele strings and also the F Major and C major chords. 
            - learn a new chord: G7. We will practise the transition between C Major and G7;
            - 'The Wheels On The Bus'; 
            - 'You Are My Sunshine';
            - learn a new melody with notes on the ukulele's fret "Ring A ring Of Roses".

>>> Week 5: 
            - recap of all chords and the transitions between them;
            - we will learn 'She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain';
            - learn a new melody (notes) "Hot Cross Buns".
            - each student will have the opportunity to play a song of their own choice (if they wanted) while the others show their appreciation.

Students will improve their musical abilities, in general, and will also learn: 
-  how to play the ukulele, sing and strum at the same time;
-  how to hold a ukulele;
-  correct playing position;
-  proper hand position;
-  how to count and play chords (C Major,  F major, G7);
-  how to strum.

Other skills children will learn in this class:
* strum at different tempos (fast and slow)
* strum with different dynamics: loud, quiet, from quiet to loud building momentum;
* how to follow chord patterns;
* how to play multiple children's songs including 'Are You Sleeping', 'Row Your Boat', 'Hot Cross Buns', "Skip To My Lou", 'The Wheels On The Bus', 'You Are My Sunshine', 'Hokey Pokey', - using 1 or 2 chords (C Major, F Major and G7)
Students will improve their musical abilities, in general, and will also learn: 
-  how to play the ukulele, sing and strum at the same time;
-  how to hold a ukulele;
-  correct playing position;
-  proper hand position;
-  how to count and play chords (C Major,  F major, G7);
-  how to strum.

Other skills children will learn in this class:
* strum at different tempos (fast and slow)
* strum with different dynamics: loud, quiet, from quiet to loud building momentum;
* how to follow chord patterns;
* how to play multiple children's songs including 'Are You Sleeping', 'Row Your Boat', 'Hot Cross Buns', 'I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas', 'The Wheels On The Bus', 'You Are My Sunshine', 'Hokey Pokey', - using 1 or 2 chords (C Major, F Major and G7)


🌟 This is an inclusive class. Children of all abilities and disabilities are welcome. Including ADHD, Autism, Emotional Learning Disabilities, & more. Contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your learner's needs!
➡️ Please make sure that students need to have a TUNED ukulele for each class. Please check the course's welcome message to see how you can tune the ukulele. ➡️ Learners can use a pick, but it is not compulsory; I actually recommend the use of fingers for strumming/picking. ➡️ In order for me to give feedback and see clearly the learner while playing their instrument, please make sure you position the learners, so I can see their BOTH hands when playing, head to the waist, in a well-lit room (the light coming from their front, not from the back). The young learner can sit on the floor, with their legs crossed. If they are joining from an iPad/laptop, they can also be on the floor or a little stool, it can point straight or downwards. ➡️ Please note that the learner can't sit on an armchair as this will restrict the way their instrument needs to be positioned and also restricts the movement of the learner's arms. A chair with no arms, or a stool is recommended. Both learner's feet should be on the floor, not hanging. ➡️ Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns. 🎵 The teacher will provide the songs and other files (strumming and chords sheets); 🎵 Ukulele (Soprano or Concert Standard tuning G C E A) 🎵 Ukulele Tuner App
已加入 September, 2021
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Bella Ely
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Katie Campbell

💜 Creator and Founder of Sing Create Play
💜 Degrees in: Teaching (K-12), Social Work and Level 3 Diploma in Children's Psychology
💜 Experience incorporating auditory, visual and action based activities alongside music within the Sing Create Play curriculum to create an inclusive environment to help children immerse themselves in their learning 
💜 Personal and professional experience working with children with various learning styles and neurodivergent learners including: ADHD, autism, and dyslexia
💜 Trained in: Understanding Behaviour as Communication: A Therapeutic Approach, Tips & Tools to Manage Anger, Understanding Autism, Mindfulness for Daily Living, Understanding Anxiety, Classroom Behaviour Management, NLP Diploma in Life Coaching and Effective Communication Techniques for Teachers
💜 20+ years teaching in K-12 classroom settings
💜 5+ years teaching SEL specifically
💜 4+ years teaching online

💙 Bachelor’s Degree in Music with an Outside Field in Psychology (Music Therapy)
💙 Classically and professionally trained in clarinet with additional experience playing piano, guitar, and ukulele
💙 Experience working with children with a variety of learning styles and behavioral disorders
💙 Experience getting to know children personally in order for them to feel safe and become successful 
💙 Experience as a K-5 Music Teacher
💙 Believes in creating a classroom culture built on respect and equity
💙 Trained in: Project Based Learning and Orff Level 1 Certified
💙 4+ years teaching in public schools
💙 4+ years teaching online




用於 5 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 5 週
25 分鐘

有14 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 6-11
2-5 每班學員人數

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