

Choreography by Rae


8 現場會議
7 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Each class concludes with a written homework assignment to be completed outside of class. Assignments are submitted via Google Docs. Students are expected to complete the homework via Google Docs. We cannot accept pdf or photos.
Students will receive written feedback on both of their final essays.


英語程度 - A2
美國 4 - 5 年級
This class introduces different types of essay using the 5 paragraph essay format. Students will  practice the core components of writing an essay, and complete two essays (one opinion essay and one literary essay). Previous experience with writing a narrative essay is required. This course is designed to develop the ability to express an opinion with clear supporting reasons and to build critical thinking skills. Students begin to move away from first person focused writing and start to apply their experience to world views. Each class begins with a free write exercise before going into the focus of the day. The teacher will engage in a discussion with students regarding the components of the specific essay type, then students will use both Google Docs and Nearpod to write their essay. As writing skills improve students may be invited to engage in peer review or observe editing of student essays in class. 

Links are sent via chat and at times teacher's may use breakout rooms to answer student questions.
No printouts are required for class work.  

Please note: Students must attend at least 50% of the classes in order to continue receiving homework and class feedback. Only watching the class video recording does not substitute for the in class experience. A Flex course is available for those who are unable to attend classes.

- Must have taken Writing for 4th and 5th Grade Elementary school Level 1 or email instructor to discuss your child's writing level
- Basic computer literacy (ability to copy links in chat and paste them into a web browser, ability to minimize zoom if needed, ability to type in Google Docs)
- Some knowledge of grammar is helpful even if the student is unclear about the difference between a noun and a verb.

*** Students do not have to be good at typing, but should be comfortable using a mouse and a keyboard. This class does not use paper and pencil. If your child needs support with basic computer skills please consider registering for our course titled: Learn Typing and Computer Skills for Elementary School***
Course Overview:
Week 1: 
Week 2: Writing Body Paragraphs for an Opinion Essay
Week 3: Writing our Introduction and Conclusion for our Opinion Essay
Week 4: Analyzing a Story
Week 5: Writing Body Paragraphs for a Literary Analysis 
Week 6: Revising our Work and Group Feedback

This class is great for:
- Students who have taken our Writing for Elementary School Level 1 course
- Students who are familiar with identifying fragments 

Class Overview:
- Welcome & Share
- Free Write of the Day via Google Docs
- Focus of the week using Google Docs or Nearpod
- Putting the Writing Techniques into Practice using Google Docs
- Reviewing Our Work


Develop a solid understand regarding different types of essays. The ability to write about their opinion using clear and complete statements. The ability to think critically about text and use data to support their view. Develop comfort with using a brainstorm and outline.


Students do not have to be good at typing, but should be comfortable using a mouse and a keyboard. This class does not use paper and pencil. No special accounts need to be created to use Google Docs. If your child does not have an email account to access Google Docs, then please notify us prior to the first class and ensure that your child has a writing program on their own device (notepad, notes, Word). Nearpod links are shared in class using Zoom Chat and do not require a special account. Students are sent the links via Zoom chat and will login using any name they choose. The student name is not saved in Nearpod. Each assignment will receive a written review from the instructor at least 3 days before the next class meeting. Students may be asked to revise their written work before the next in-person meeting. Teacher comments are placed in the document's comment section. In some cases, the teacher may remit a short video to the student to demonstrate what changes are recommended. The final essay will be reviewed during the final class. Students will have 3 days after the final class to make revisions to their final essay. Once the deadline has passed the instructor will provide written feedback on the content of the final essay.
Must have taken Writing for 4th and 5th Grade Elementary school Level Basic computer literacy (ability to copy links, minimize zoom if needed, type in Google Docs) Some knowledge of grammar is helpful
A device with a keyboard, working microphone, and a mouse. Using a laptop or computer is ideal. If using a tablet, students must be comfortable using the keyboard available on their tablet.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
For our literary analysis we will use a publicly available version of Little Red Riding Hood. This is not the original Grimm's version and the ending is not violent.
已加入 March, 2020
Ms. Rae has over 8 years of experience teaching creative writing to Middle School students. She has been teaching ESL learners online for 6 years. 




用於 8 課程

每週1次,共 8 週
55 分鐘
有9 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-11
2-6 每班學員人數

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