
英文 - 讓我們學習如何閱讀 - 2 級(ESL 友善)(CEFR:Pre a1 a1 A2)

Polyglots Academy


5 現場會議
2 小時 30 分鐘 每週上課時間
每週 1 小時. Each lesson includes a portion in which the student identifies, recalls and writes sounds independently.
Informal assessments are imbedded throughout each lesson of this course. There will be constant checking of sound identification and mastery of blending.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 Pre-Kindergarten - 1
In this class students will learn how to identify letters by the sounds that they make. They will then learn and practice blending sounds to form words and sentences. Each lesson will include practice identifying sounds, blending words, rhyming, new vocabulary, comprehension and writing. I will teach from slides and also use my hands and body movements to help with understanding, for example: counting sounds when sounding out words and demonstrating how to form our mouths to create the correct sounds. Slides will be interactive so students should have access to their writing tools via the Zoom annotation bar. Students will learn how to read in this class. Students can join at anytime and feel comfortable learning because lessons are repetitive and all information taught is revisited during each lesson. 

*no prior knowledge is necessary for students to learn and be successful in this class.

Week of September 2: identify and blend sounds: m, s, a, e, t, r, d, i, th, c, o, n, and f, with rhyming and word reading and sentence reading
Week of September 9: identify and blend with additional sounds: "u" and "l" with rhyming and word reading and story reading
Week of September 16: identify and blend with additional sounds: "w", "I", "g" and "sh", with rhyming, word reading and story reading
Week of September 23: identify and blend with additional sounds: "long a" and "h", with rhyming, word reading and story reading

* Each week will include additional sounds that will be used to practice consistent blending methods to read new words and sentences

* This schedule will repeat every 4 weeks at level one. Students may request to move forward and join a new level at anytime.

This class contains 20 lessons, 

This Level 2 class is part of a curriculum. There are 5 levels in the curriculum, with each level consisting of 4 weeks. Each level includes 20 lessons. After finishing all 5 levels of this course, students can go to my "Reading Club" enrichment classes.
Students will learn how to use sound identification and a blending method to read words and sentences.


This curriculum is designed to support learners with unique learning needs. It is taught with a direct instruction approach while implementing multisensory learning, which combines sight, hearing, touch, and movement.
There are no prerequisites for this class.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 July, 2020
佛羅裡達 教學證書
Wisvel Joseph
佛羅裡達 教學證書 在 數學
Wisvel Joseph
非美國 教學證書 在 中學教育
Wisvel Joseph
喬治亞州 教學證書
Mr. Haywood
碩士 在 社會科學 從 Catholic Theological Union
Wisvel Joseph
碩士 在 教育 從 Liverpool John Moores
Bassant Biddah
學士學位 在 社會科學 從 Divine Word College
Wisvel Joseph
學士學位 在 數學 從 Quisqueya University
Wisvel Joseph
學士學位 在 外語 從 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Augustus Haines
I am professionally trained and have 25 years of experience teaching SRA Direct Instruction. I am also familiar with and experienced implementing Orton-Gillingham philosophies and practices. My college studies include: Early Childhood, Elementary Education and Modern Languages which are: Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese. I served as a teacher in various areas, such as Kindergarten, First Grade, PreK, and Arabic. I have been delivering reading lessons successfully to young learners of varying levels and abilities for 25 years. I am currently teaching Reading, Writing and ESL online as well as in person. I have taught ESL for various online companies to students located all around the world. I also teach beginning and emergent literacy skills in Spanish, Arabic, and Mandarin Chinese. 




每週( US$15每班
每週上課 x 5 次
30 分鐘

有1 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-7
2-6 每班學員人數

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