

在這個為期1 週的夏令營中,學生將練習除以6、7、8 和9,以培養事實的流暢性,同時玩受Connect 4、Memory、Division Bump 以及平均滾動和到達終點線遊戲啟發的不同棋盤遊戲!
Kelsey G


4 現場會議
1 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
For parents who would like a final assessment, students will be provided with a one page worksheet of division facts to solve outside of class. This can then be submitted to me for feedback.


⭐In this 1 week summer camp, students will practice dividing by 6, 7, 8, and 9 to build fact fluency while playing different board games inspired by Connect 4, Memory, Division Bump, and your average roll & get to the finish line game!⭐

👉🏼This summer camp is perfect for the learner who is looking to gain confidence in their basic division facts. We’ll make learning about & practicing division engaging, upbeat and encouraging!


G A M E   D E S C R I P T I O N S :

1️⃣ RACE TO THE FINISH: Students will take turns with a dice roll and moving around the game board, with all students solving the equation that gets landed on. Whoever reaches the finish first, wins! Try to avoid the "Go Back" spaces and get an extra boost with the "Move Ahead" spaces! 

2️⃣ CONNECT 4 DIVISION: As a class, we will work together to get 4 connected answers in a row! We'll roll the dice to determine what number we'll be dividing and then find that answer on our board, marking them off working towards 4 in a row!

3️⃣ DIVISION MEMORY: Just like your average memory game! Students will take turns deciding which tiles to flip over. If we have a match for an equation and it's answer, we'll leave them uncovered - if it's not a match, back to the drawing board!

4️⃣ DIVISION BUMP: Students take turns with a dice roll to determine what number we'll be dividing. Their name will be placed on the answer to the equation. As students continue to take turns, they'll be able to "bump" other students off the game board, but they also have the chance to lock in their spot by getting the same answer a second time!

C L A S S   B R E A K D O W N : 

🌈Day 1: Dividing by 6
Students will:
+Skip count by 6
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 6 with Race to the Finish

🌈Day 2: Dividing by 7
Students will:
+Skip count by 7
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 7 with Connect 4 Division

🌈Day 3: Dividing by 8
Students will:
+Skip count by 8
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 8 with Division Memory

🌈Day 4: Dividing by 9
Students will:
+Skip count by 9
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 9 with Division Bump

C L A S S R O O M   S T R U C T U R E :
  ✏️Community Building: Introductions & Question of the Day
  ✏️Class Introduction: Discuss our learning target of the day and class expectations
  ✏️Warm Up: Skip counting by the divisor of the day and discussion of division strategies
  ✏️Game Time: So that all learners get the most out of this lesson as possible, all learners will solve the fact that is landed upon, whether it is their turn or not!
  ✏️Class Closing: Class reflection on our learning target and individual reflection on effort

🔴P L E A S E  N O T E 🔴 :
  🔻This class will utilize the chat feature in Zoom in order for learners to be able to privately send me their answers.
  🔻We may take time to review older divisors or more than one divisor if students move through the divisor of the day quickly.


A B O U T     M S.    K E L S E Y

📚Nebraska Certified K-6 Teacher
📚Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
📚7 years experience in an elementary setting
📚5 years teaching 2nd Grade
📚1 year teaching 3rd Grade
📚4 years as 2nd Grade Team Leader
📚2+ years teaching online

🍎I’m a dog mom who is obsessed with my “bigger than life” personality corgi, named Harlee
🍎I’d always beg to use my mom’s classroom materials to play school as a child
🍎My hidden talent is being able to sing the alphabet backwards

✏️An environment where students feel safe to explore, be themselves, cultivate relationships, and take control of their own learning
✏️Class meetings to build relationships and connect, instruction, as well as encouraged learner self reflection
✏️Gradual release of responsibility: I do, we do, you do - I model, we work together, followed by independent work time


Please reach out with any questions you may have - I can’t wait to meet your learner in class! 👩🏼‍🏫
Day 1: Students will be able to divide by 6.
Day 2: Students will be able to divide by 7.
Day 3: Students will be able to divide by 8.
Day 4: Students will be able to divide by 9.


4 課程
超過 1 週
課 1:
Dividing by 6
 Students will:
+Skip count by 6
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 6 with Race to the Finish 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Dividing by 7
 Students will:
+Skip count by 7
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 7 with Connect 4 Division 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Dividing by 8
 Students will:
+Skip count by 8
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 8 with Division Memory 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Dividing by 9
 Students will:
+Skip count by 9
+Use equal groups to divide numbers
+Use repeated subtraction to divide numbers
+Discuss rules for dividing by 0, 1, and 10
+Practice dividing by 9 with Division Bump 
25 分鐘線上直播課


Paper and pencil or a marker and whiteboard to show work if the learner needs it
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 November, 2021
學士學位 在 教育 從 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
📚Nebraska Certified K-6 Teacher
📚Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
📚7 years experience in an elementary setting
📚5 years teaching 2nd Grade
📚1 year teaching 3rd Grade
📚4 years as 2nd Grade Team Leader
📚2+ years teaching online




用於 4 課程
每週4次,共 1 週
25 分鐘

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-11
3-4 每班學員人數

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