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수학적 사고 5A: 싱가포르 수학 커리큘럼(Dimensions Math)

이 학기 동안 진행되는 과정에서 학생들은 싱가포르 수학 커리큘럼(Dimensions Math)의 레벨 5A까지 진행하면서 수학적으로 생각하는 법을 배우고, 문제 해결, 정신 계산, 수학 개념에 대한 기술을 습득합니다.
Kim Musolff
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

36개의 라이브 미팅
수업 27 시간
주당 1-2시간. Students will be expected to complete 4-8 pages of homework each week. Assignments will be posted in the Classroom on Mondays. We DO NOT go over every problem of the homework, so if you'd like to check your student's work, you may want to purchase the Teacher's Guide. We do have about 15 minutes each class to answer specific homework questions or to go over particularly difficult problems.
I am always informally assessing students in class and adjusting my teaching accordingly. Throughout the activities, we discuss our thinking and our strategies for approaching problems. Upon request, I will provide a written evaluation for your student.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어레벨 - A2
미국 4학년 - 6학년 학년
레벨 Intermediate - Advanced
I believe success in math depends on a child's ability to not only understand numerical concepts, but to be able to apply those strategies to problems by using mathematical thinking.  My approach in this class is to give students the tools they need to be able to solve problems, and then allow them to experiment, fail, and try again until they get the answer.  Throughout the year, we work on developing strategies, understanding relationships, and building confidence.  As I tell my students, there is always one right answer in math, but there is not just one way to get there.  

This class uses Dimensions Math, a Singapore Math curriculum.  Singapore Math is a mastery-based approach to math, where students progress from concrete examples (real life), to pictures, and finally apply their knowledge to the abstract, using numbers and algorithms.  Students do a lot of hands-on work, as well as, mental math.  Instead of mimicking procedures, they learn how to think mathematically and apply what they know to solve problems.  

I specialize in personalized learning, and I try to meet the needs of each and every student in my class.  This class size is small--I max at 6 students--so each child has a chance to participate often, gain confidence, and so that I can give every student the attention they need.  Because the class is structured this way, it is very important that students are at the right math level. It's perfectly okay if you enroll your child in the wrong level at first.  (Sometimes it's easier to tell where a child fits in, just by having them play games in a few classes!) However, be aware that I may suggest moving them up or down a level once I get to know them.  

If you'd like more help placing your child, please see the prerequisites below, or reach out to me with any questions.   

This class is for students working in Level 5A (roughly 5th grade) in the Dimensions (or other Singapore) curriculum.  Class time consists of instruction of the material, as well as time to practice through games and other activities.  The general format is as follows, though I do change things based on the topic we are covering and the needs of the students.  Often games have many "teachable moments" where instruction is integrated.   

5-10 minutes:  Instruction in math or in the game we are playing
20-25 minutes:  Game play or activity
15 minutes:  Review of the workbook pages

Students are expected to be working on math outside of class.  At the beginning of each week I post workbook pages from the Dimensions 5A workbook.  These pages are highly recommended, as they offer additional practice and are scaffolded to help students develop better mathematical thinking.  We DO NOT go over every problem in the workbook pages, however, I do reserve about 15 minutes at the end of each class to review the pages or answer specific questions students may have.  

This class begins the week of July 29, 2024 and ends the week of January 6, 2025.  Level 5B follows this class and will begin January 13, 2025.

Singapore Math is structured a little bit differently than other math programs.  In order to succeed in this level 5 class, your child should know the following skills: 

-Have all multiplication facts memorized
-Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide, including long multiplication and long division
-Be able to add, subtract, and multiply mixed fractions
-Been introduced to decimals.  

If you're not sure about what level is best for your child, you can get a placement test here: https://www.singaporemath.com/placement-tests/
학습 목표
Upon completion of this class, students should be able to:
-Understand expressions and the order of operations
-Divide by 2-digit numbers
-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with fluency
학습 목표

강의 계획서

Singapore Dimensions Math 커리큘럼 기반
8 유닛
36 레슨
18 주 이상
단위 1: Chapter 1: Whole Numbers
Big Numbers
 Students learn names for really big numbers.  Then they play Race to a Billion to practice adding and subtracting with really big numbers. 
45 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
Mental Math
 Students look for patterns when they multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000.  They play Mental Math Duel to practice. 
45 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
단위 2: Chapter 2: Writing & Evaluating Expressions
Order of Operations
 Students are introduced to the order of operations.  They play Shaded Dots and Build It to practice. 
45 분 온라인 라이브 레슨
Order of Operations
 Students continue practicing order of operations with the game Build It. 
45 분 온라인 라이브 레슨

그 외 세부 사항

사전 요구 사항
Students enrolling in this class should: -Have all multiplication facts memorized -Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide, including long multiplication and long division -Be able to add, subtract, and multiply mixed fractions
수업 자료
I will provide downloadable activity supplies (number cards, recording sheets, etc.) if they are needed for the week's games.  Many of the games require paper/pencil, index cards and dice, so having those on hand will be helpful.  

Dimensions 5A Workbook, available here for about $14:  

10-sided dice, available here for about $9:  https://amzn.to/3wI7Wv5

-Dimensions Home Instructor's Guide 5A (If you would like the answer keys to check your student's work) $22:
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: April, 2020
225수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
콜로라도 교직증명서 초등 교육에
I am a certified elementary teacher who has been teaching hands-on math to young children for over 25 years.  I have taught in a variety of settings, including public school, private school, and homeschool environments.  I have been teaching Math on Outschool for over 4 years.  


라이브 그룹 코스


또는 36 회 수업에US$775
18주 동안 주당 2회

11 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 9-11
수업당 학습자 3-6 명

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