
초보자를 위한 암호화폐 캠프 - 암호화폐란 무엇이고 어떻게 돈을 버는지 알아보세요

비트코인, 도지코인, 이더, 그리고 전체 암호화폐 시장의 가격은 2021년에 사상 최고치를 기록했습니다. 이제 암호화폐 시장은 위기에서 회복되고 있습니다. 이 미니캠프에서 학생들은 암호화폐가 무엇인지, 왜 전 세계적으로 트렌드를 이루고 있는지, 그리고 암호화폐를 거래할 때 수익을 창출하고 값비싼 실수를 피하는 방법을 배웁니다. 이것은 생활 기술, 개인 금융 과정입니다.
Lisa Kornberg
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 수업

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

3 라이브 미팅
3 수업시간
주당 1시간. No formal homework is assigned. Students will be playing an Investment simulation game where they can invest in cryptocurrencies as well as companies involved in blockchain and crypto related businesses. They can use the simulation game outside of class as little or as much as they choose,
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

Get $10 off this course with coupon code KORNBSEPTOCT10 until Oct 31, 2024.

This is the summer camp schedule- 3x a week for 1 week. If you are interested in a 1x a week for 3 week schedule, please use this link for the course listing. The Cryptocurrency Miniseries for Beginners has the exact same course content as the camp.
The Cryptocurrency Miniseries for Beginners 

Why Should You Care about Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency Market?

In 2021, the entire Crypto market reached all time highs and prices of BItcoin, Dodgecoin, and Ethereum skyrocketed. The opportunities to make profits in the cryptocurrency market are enormous and this course will help students learn what cryptos are, how they work, and how to be successful trading and investing in them.  By learning about Bitcoin, students will be joining a growing global community at the cutting edge of technological innovation.

In addition to gaining a practical understanding of Bitcoin and the Blockchain, students will use a true to life simulation game to trade cryptocurrencies with virtual cash.  Students will have fun buying and selling cryptos and tracking their gains and losses while they experience first hand why this market is so risky. Developing strategies to reduce this risk and and understanding how Bitcoin can be used as both a currency and an investment, will help students succeed and make more money!  Students will also be able to in invest in companies involved in blockchain, mining, and crypto related businesses such as Coinbase.

Class 1- Overview of cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain, 
Cryptocurrencies as alternative investments which offer high returns / high risk, Using the simulation game
Class 2- What makes prices of  cryptocurrencies change- economic and company news, student profits and losses in the simulation 
Class 3 - How cryptocurrencies can be used as a global currency and/or speculative investment, the future cryptos as a currency.
학습 목표
Students will learn:
-What Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain are and how they work
-Why the price of cryptos are so changeable and how the news affects their prices
-How to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using virtual cash in a true to life simulation game 
-The best strategies for trading and making profits in Cryptocurrencies
-The unique features of various cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dodgecoin
-Understand how Bitcoin works as a globally based currency

Note: The beginner stock market class, while not a prerequisite for this cryptocurrency course, provides a very helpful foundation to students. Why stock prices change and how to use the investment game are explored deeply in the beginner stock market class. Here is the course link:


학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
가입일: August, 2019
1145수강 후기
인기 수업
교사 전문성 및 자격증
뉴욕 교직증명서
석사 학위 New York University- Stern School of Business부터
As a former Investment Banker and certified Business Education Teacher,  I love teaching Cryptocurrency and Stock Market Investing!  My experience in the industry gives me a deep knowledge of investment analysis and the process of buying and selling stocks and cryptocurrencies.   My students always enjoy playing the Investment Simulation game and competing with me along with their classmates.   This Cryptocurrency minicamp is fun and engaging and knowing how to identify ways to profit from this growing phenomenon is an important life skill.  Investing responsibly is the best way to grow savings and build cash reserves.   That's why it's critical for young adults to learn how invest responsibly now, BEFORE they risk real money.   

Based on my extensive experience teaching this subject, I know how to make it interesting and memorable.  I use video clips and engaging handouts to make the content  easy to understand and remember.  This class is interactive, not lecture based, so students will have the opportunity to discuss, share experiences, and ask questions.  I will help students discover how current events effect the prices of  cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Ether) which will increase their engagement in the world around them.


실시간 그룹 수업
3 회 수업에


1주 동안 주당 3회

232 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 10-15
수업당 학습자 5-10 명

아웃스쿨 소개
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