1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 35 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 4
In this seasonal inspired class, students will learn how to be young Botanists as they explore the life cycles, identify the parts of winter botanical. Each class period will begin with a centering Welcome Poem that includes a mindful breath and positive affirmation. We will have a short discussion about the weather and the signs of the evolving season. As we all live in different parts of the country and world, it is always interesting to hear how our lives and both similar and different! Students will then be introduced to the "Botanical of the Week", which will be followed by a short story. Some stories will be told as puppet shows, while others, memoized by me, are told "from the heart". This is a Waldorf inspired class, so stories told as puppet shows include hand dyed silks, felted wool, wooden props, and other natural materials. The stories will include songs and verses about Winter, weather, and what plants need in order to survive. Each story will have facts about the botanical and the season woven into fiction. Following the story students will learn a variety of additional facts about the botanical including: Adaptations for Survival: * How plants withstand freezing temperatures (e.g., antifreeze-like substances in sap). * Strategies like shedding leaves to conserve energy. * How evergreen plants keep their needles and minimize water loss. Unique Characteristics * Winter blooming flowers (e.g., hellebores, witch hazel) and why they bloom in colder months. * Shapes and structures of winter plants that resist snow and frost damage. * Special pigments or waxy coatings that protect against harsh conditions. * Botanical Functions in Winter * How photosynthesis occurs in evergreens during shorter daylight hours. * Root systems storing nutrients for spring growth. * Dormancy cycles and how plants conserve energy. Ecological Importance: * The role of winter plants in providing food and shelter for wildlife (e.g., berries for birds, cover for small mammals). * How winter plants help stabilize soil and prevent erosion. Cultural and Historical Connections * Folklore or traditions related to winter plants like holly, ivy, and mistletoe. * Uses of winter plants in herbal remedies or winter celebrations. Finally, through a guided illustration, we will depict the life cycle of the botanical. Using a second camera I will model for students how to draw and label each plant. Students will have the opportunity to recall information they have learned as we add details to the picture together. During this section I will include additional information about photosynthesis, pollination, and other fascinating facts. Students who are able, may join me is labeling their work and adding additional text. Students are welcomed to share their illustration at the end of class and encouraged to offer positive feedback to their classmates. Each class will end with a mindful breath, positive affirmation, and goodbye verse! Finally, each week student will receive a packet that will include a copy of the story, facts about the weekly plant, or an activity to complete outside of class in order to reinforce the learning. This is an ongoing class. Students are welcome to join at any time! THEMES INCLUDE: Photosynthesis Pollination Parts of a flower (petals, stamen, pistil, etc.) Life cycle of a plant Types of leaves (simple, compound, needle-like, etc.) Seed dispersal methods (wind, water, animals, etc.) Different types of flowers (annuals, perennials, biennials) Importance of bees and other pollinators Plant adaptations to their environment Cranberry Dive into the story of cranberries, vibrant red berries that thrive in wetlands and are a holiday favorite. Learn how they are harvested and their role in ecosystems and traditions. Poinsettia Discover the poinsettia, a bright symbol of the holiday season, known for its red and green foliage. Explore its tropical origins and the science behind its colorful "flowers." Christmas Cactus Uncover the secrets of the Christmas cactus, a resilient plant that blooms indoors in winter with stunning pink and red flowers, brightening the darkest days. Mistletoe Learn about mistletoe, a mysterious parasitic plant with white berries, steeped in folklore and traditions, and its role in winter ecosystems. Winterberry Meet winterberry, a deciduous holly that lights up the cold season with clusters of vivid red berries, providing essential food for birds. Winter Jasmine Explore winter jasmine, a cheerful plant with yellow flowers that bloom in the heart of winter, adding a touch of sunshine to frosty landscapes. Conifers Celebrate conifers, the steadfast evergreens that provide year-round greenery, offering shelter to wildlife and beauty to snowy scenes. Winter Blooming Camellia Discover the elegance of winter blooming camellias, with their delicate yet hardy flowers that defy the cold in shades of pink, red, and white. Winter Aconite Marvel at winter aconite, one of the first signs of life after frost, with its golden blooms spreading joy as winter begins to fade. Evergreen Leaves Uncover the mysteries of evergreen leaves, their waxy coatings, and unique adaptations that help plants retain moisture and photosynthesize through winter.
Get $10 off my classes with coupon code FRIENSPRINGFUN10 until Mar 23, 2025. Look through my classes at https://outschool.com/teachers/noraryszka-yahoo-com and enter the coupon code at checkout.
Welcome to The Friendly Forest School!
I come to you with a wealth of knowledge, classroom experience, and a passion for teaching young children though play.
My classes follow a Waldorf-inspired approach that focuses on the holistic development of children, ensuring that academic skills are nurtured in an engaging and imaginative manner.
A predictable peaceful rhythm, delightful melodies, American Sign Language, and captivating tales (often set in the Friendly Forest) infuse every lesson, making learning a joyful exploration!I
By embracing the ebb and flow of nature's cycles, my goal is to help children feel grounded, secure, and ready to absorb knowledge with open hearts and curious minds.
My journey in education began in the summer of 2001 with an internship in Early Childhood Education at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. After earning my Bachelor's Degree from Purdue University, I worked as a social worker and case manager for young children in LaPorte, Indiana.
I later moved to Phoenix, AZ, where I transitioned into Special Education, working as an in-home therapist for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. My focus was on developing expressive language through American Sign Language, as well as supporting the whole child through sensory integration and positive behavior strategies. In 2005, I was honored to be named Arizona’s "Caregiver of the Year" by the Governor.
In 2006, I earned my Master’s Degree in Special Education and began teaching in a K-6 self-contained classroom. During this time, I developed an award-winning, school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support program rooted in peace and mindfulness. For this work, I received the "You Make a Difference" award from the Osborn School District.
My daughter, Eleanor, was born in 2010, and in 2013, I left the classroom to focus on motherhood full-time. That same year, my youngest daughter, Annalise, was born. During this time, I embraced Waldorf philosophies at home and began homeschooling using Waldorf and Montessori-inspired methods.
In 2017, I founded my own Early Childhood Center, Let’s Play Learning, which provided a developmentally appropriate curriculum centered on the belief that young children learn best through hands-on exploration of the natural world, a thoughtfully prepared environment, and nurturing guidance from both caregivers and skilled educators. When the pandemic began, I transitioned to teaching online—a shift I have come to love!
In my classes, I strive to cultivate a culture of peace and mindfulness, integrating academic learning with nature, imaginative play, storytelling, and artistic expression.
Today, I live with my family just five minutes from the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan.
他のクラス by The Friendly Forest School with Ms. Nora, M.Ed.
他のクラス by The Friendly Forest School with Ms. Nora, M.Ed.
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Teacher Sharon, M.Ed., TEFL
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1 週間、 1/週、 35 分
6 歳-9 歳
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Let's Go Learning
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Teacher Sharon, M.Ed., TEFL
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