

for 4 classes

失読症や書字障害のある生徒のためのタイピング - オートン・ギリンガム法キャンプ

2 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 7 歳-12 歳
このオートン・ギリンガム方式の多感覚適応型タイピング コースでは、認知障害のある生徒を対象に、タイピング スキルを習得するとともに、音声学を徹底的に強化し、読解力とスペル力を向上させます。
(807 レビュー)

週に4回、 1 週間
1 人-5 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
30 分


4 ライブミーティング
2 授業時間



In this Orton-Gillingham Method of multi-sensory adaptive typing course, and uses a mulit-sensory approach for students with Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, ADD/ ADHD and Autism, teaches typing skills while thoroughly reinforcing phonics to improve their reading and spelling skills.  Typing is a skill that students with Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, ADD/ ADHD and Autism should master because of the increase amount of writing assignments students are required to complete.  

The course starts with students learning to touch-type, read and spell the vowels - a , e , i , o , u. The audio track accompanies the letters as they appear on screen, reinforcing sound-letter correspondence, which is a crucial skill for sounding out words in reading. The student then receives their first score - and success!  

Touch Type Read Spell takes  a multi-sensory approach to typing.  Touch Typing Read Spell is modular in design and contains 24 levels with 31 modules in each level. A module takes approximately five minutes to complete.   Lessons are divided into small modules for a feeling of rapid success for the student.  Touch Type Read Spell teaches the skill of touch typing and strengthens spelling, reading ability at the same time.  Each level contains a spelling assessment.  

All students will begin  at Level 1 - Module 1 and progress through the levels at their pace.  Because this course is self-paced for each student's specific learning ability, students are encouraged to re-enroll in this course as many times as needed to complete all 24 levels, continuing where they left off in the previous class.  

Level 1
Modules 1 - 31 introduces vowels and consonants. Two and three-letter words are presented in groups, for example, up, cup, pup, and you begin to type capital letters and proper nouns. You will also type your first few simple sentences. Dictation exercises provide an opportunity to practice content from the previous four modules. Letters introduced: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u w y, Words: Short vowel CVCs, Punctuation: Periods

Level 2 
Modules 1 - 31 introduces additional letters and presents short consonant-vowel-consonant words in groups. Modules then shift focus to consonant blends and digraphs, for example, fl: flag, flan, flat, flip, flop, and sh: hush, wish, fish. Letters introduced: x v, Words: Short vowel CVCs, Consonant blends: cl, dr, fl, gr, pl, sk, sl, sp, st, Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, Assimilation: mp, nch, nd, ng, nt

Level 3
Modules 1 - 31 -  introduces a range of consonant blends and digraphs presented in groups to draw attention to different patterns in the target words. NOTE: At the end of Level 3, you may wish to visit Settings and turn off the on-screen hand-guides. Letters introduced: q z, Consonant blends: ct, dr, fr, ft, lm, lt, pr, rk, rm, scr, sm, sn, sr, st, sw, tr, xt, Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, Vowel consonant digraphs: ar, Assimilation: mp, nch, nd, ng, nt, nx, Compounds

Level 4 
Modules 1- 31 features vowel-consonant di and trigraphs and double letters. Morphemes are presented in isolation and as part of words. Vowel consonant di and trigraphs: al, ar, er, or, Double letters: ll, oo, ss, Word sums, suffixes, prefixes

Level 5
Modules 1- 31 features word sums, suffixes, prefixes, vowel-consonant di and trigraphs, single and double letters, and silent letters. Vowel consonant di and trigraphs: ar, as, aft, ath, Single letters: l, Double letters: ff, Silent letters: kn, gn, wr, Additional: ck

Level 6
Modules 1- 31  introduces vowel-consonant-e words in which the addition of the e makes the vowel long. Short and long examples are presented for each type: car-care, spin-spine, cod-code, tub-tube. Short vs. consonant long-vowel e words with a, i, o, u

Level 7 features vowel-consonant-e words, introduces contractions, the ‘v’ rule, words in which o is said /ŭ/, and words with a soft c at the end. Short vs. consonant long-vowel e words with a, i, o, u, Punctuation: Commas and apostrophes

Level 8 begins with soft c at the end and soft c in the middle words, and then presents words beginning with k and j, sk, soft g said /j/, -dge short vowel, and -tch short vowel words.

Level 9 features long vowel sound, short vowel spelling words, soft g, long /ā/ spelled ai and ay, and long /ō/ spelled oa and ow words.

Level 10 presents long /ī/ words spelled igh and y, long /ū/ words spelled oo, ew, eu, and ue, and long /ē/ words spelled ee and ea

Level 11 begins with more long /ē/ words spelled ee and ea and then presents homophones, words in which ea is said /ĕ/, and words with oi, oy, and ou.

Level 12 covers ou, ow, and long /ō/ spelled ou words, /er/ spelled ir, ur, and ear, and the doubling rule, for example, hop, hopped, hopping.

Level 13 presents examples of the doubling rule, /o/ spelled a after w, and the drop e rule, for example, save, saved, saving.

Level 14 features drop e words, keep the e add the suffix words, keep the e for compounds, keep the e to make the c or g soft, change the y to i, and keep y when adding -ing words. There are also keep the y in vowel digraph words, and exceptions to the rule.

Level 15 features plural words that take -es, plurals that end in f and change to v, irregular plurals, collective nouns, contractions with not, and closed and open syllable words.

Level 16 begins with more open syllable words then introduces mixed pattern syllable division words, short vowel-consonant to close the syllable words, for example, habit, civic, rapid, and split digraph a - e and e - e words, for example, compare and complete.

Level 17 covers split digraph e - e, i - e, o - e, and u - e words, r as a medial consonant with /ă/, /ĕ/, /ĭ/, /ŏ/ and /ŭ/, regular final syllable -tion words, high frequency le words with -ble, -ple, -tie, -dle and -gle, and syllabic l words with -ble.

Level 18 features syllabic l words with -ble, -ple, -gle, -kle, -dle, -tle, -fle, and -zle, adjective and noun exceptions to le at the end of words, homophones, and Rule 1 of suffixing one-syllable words - doubling consonants, for example, begin, beginner, beginning.

Level 19 begins with more examples of Rule 1 of suffixing one-syllable words - doubling consonants, then covers suffixing for words that end in l. Modules also feature /er/ in the final syllable words, Greek origin words with ch said /k/ and ph said /f/, French origin words with que said /k/ and ch said /sh/, ic words, and silent gh words.

Level 20 presents silent gh words, ie words that have the /ē/ sound, i before e except after c words, ei words with the /ā/, /ə/, or /air/ sound, and words in which ti and ci are said /sh/. You will also find final syllable -sion said /zh/, and final syllable -ssion said /sh/ words, and i said /y/ words.

Level 21 covers regular final syllable -ture words, silent u words, /er/ for the agent spelled -er, -or, and -ar, adding the suffixes -ery and -y, and exceptions to the -ery, -ary, -ory suffix pattern words.

Level 22 presents suffixes -ary and -ory as part of the stem words, homophones, and words with silent letters.

Level 23 begins with silent letters and then presents country names, nationalities, people’s names, and sight words.

Level 24 presents people’s names, words with Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes, for example, circumference and telegraph, and additional place names.

Who is Touch Type Read Spell for?
Touch Type Read Spell  is designed for students of all ability levels who can benefit from typing lessons with added literacy support. The course builds keyboarding, reading, spelling, and pronunciation skills and can also be an effective intervention for students with learning difficulties.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: NO software required. 

Please make sure these minimum requirements are met: 
◾   A PC or MAC computer with external keyboard is required. No tablets or iPads, please!
◾   Set of headphones or earphones 
◾   Internet Explore 8 or newer
◾   Safari 6 or newer
◾   NOT fully supported on Windows Edge Browers
◾   Adobe Flash player 11 or above we recommend you update to latest version from get.adobe.com/flash player/


Students will  improve their reading and spelling skills through Orton-Gillingham Method of multi-sensory adaptive typing course for students with cognitive impairments, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, ADD/ ADHD and Autism.


NOTE: Each student will receive their own unidentfying unique username and password from the teacher prior to the start of class. This class uses Touch Type Read Spell and teacher will use screenshare. Students at this young age very often need adult assistance using a computer/keyboard. PDF instructions will be sent to parents after enrolling explaining how to set up devices for the learner. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: NO software required. Please make sure these minimum requirements are met: ◾ A PC or MAC computer with external keyboard is required. (NO Tablets or iPad's) ◾ Set of headphones or earphones ◾ Internet Explore 8 or newer ◾ Safari 6 or newer ◾ NOT fully supported on Windows Edge Browers ◾ Adobe Flash player 11 or above we recommend you update to latest version from get.adobe.com/flash player/
NOTE:  Each student will receive their own unidentfying unique username and password from the teacher prior to the start of class. This class uses Touch Type Read Spell and teacher will use screenshare.  Students at this young age very often need adult assistance using a computer/keyboard.  PDF instructions will be sent to parents after enrolling explaining how to set up devices for the learner.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: NO software required. 
Please make sure these minimum requirements are met: 
◾   A PC or MAC computer with external keyboard is required.  (NO Tablets or iPad's)
◾   Set of headphones or earphones 
◾   Internet Explore 8 or newer
◾   Safari 6 or newer
◾   NOT fully supported on Windows Edge Browers
◾   Adobe Flash player 11 or above we recommend you update to latest version from get.adobe.com/flash player/
 クラス登録時に 3 の学習素材が提供されます


参加しました November, 2020
アーカンソー州 教員免許 中等教育で
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. Certified Teacher
修士号 Saint Peter's Universityから 教育 へ
Ted Weinberg
修士号 Arkansas State Universityから 教育 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. Certified Teacher
修士号 Arkansas State Universityから 教育 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. Certified Teacher
学士号 Ithaca Collegeから 映画/映画/ビデオ研究 へ
Ted Weinberg
学士号 Arkansas State Universityから 科学 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. Certified Teacher
My name is Mrs. Lisa Tennyson.  I'm an experienced, licensed and certified educator with a diverse background. My areas of expertise and certification include Kindergarten through 6th grade teacher, 7th and 8th grade all four core areas, Gifted and Talented Teacher and Director of Education, Special Education Grades 4 through 12 specialist as well as building principal for PreK through 8th grade. I am certified in Orton - Gilliham. 

Mrs. Adamson - Hello, my name is Mrs. Adamson, I am the owner and founder of Apples2Zippers Learning Academy organization on Outschool.  I have been teaching for 20 years. I am a state certified and licensed teacher PreK - 12th grade. I am  licensed and certified educator in Business Technology & Business Education, Special Education Instructional Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences, and a graduate of the Career and Technical Education Leadership Academy and ESL Instructor and certifications in TEFL/TESL/TESOL. I hold a Master's degree in Special Education, Business Technology Education and Ed.S. in Educational Specialist.

Mrs. Lauren - I'm a K-8 certified teacher in the state of Michigan and have been a teacher since 2011. I have a Masters degree in Teaching and Curriculum with an Educational Technology concentration and a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. Both degrees are from Michigan State University. I'm also a Google Certified Educator, both Levels 1 and 2. 

I taught K-8 Computer and PreK-5 Library classes at a private school in southeast Michigan from 2016-2021. In my teaching career, I also have experience in middle school Math and English Language Arts, along with the general elementary classroom. On Outschool, I have taught various technology classes since summer 2020, including typing/keyboarding, Google Slides design, and coding.

I'm very passionate about technology in education and I love teaching young students about all sorts of tech programs and skills - typing and word processing, slide shows and other presentations, graphic design, spreadsheets, website creation, video editing, coding, and more. My goal is to help students build new tech skills, apply them in creative ways, and have lots of fun while learning!


Apples2Zippers Learning Academy は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$20 クラスごと
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-12 歳
他のクラス by Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
他のクラス by Apples2Zippers Learning Academy

タイピング - キーボード入力 - タイピング力の向上 - 週1回の継続的なタイピング 対象年齢7~12歳
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の11:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-12 歳
タイピング 101 - キーボード 1 - タイピングを学ぶ、またはタイピング スキルを向上させる 4 回/2 週間
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$19 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/2 の4 PM です
2 週間、 4/週、 45 分
8 歳-12 歳
タイピング - キーボード入力 101 タイピングを学ぶ 1 年間コース
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/9 の4 PM です
35 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-13 歳
タイピング - キーボード入力 - タイピング力の向上 (継続中) (週 1 回) 13 ~ 17 歳
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の10:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
13 歳-17 歳
Ms. P. (Karen), Computer Science Education
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4:30 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
7 歳-12 歳
キーボード入力: Nearpod ドリルとタイピング ゲームを使用してタッチタイピングを学びましょう! (1:1)
Stephanie Newton, BSc
$25 セッションごと
11 歳-16 歳
タイピング - キーボード入力 101 タイピングを学ぶ、またはタイピングスキルを向上させる 1x 週 / 4 週
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$19 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の8 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 45 分
13 歳-18 歳
タイピング - キーボード入力 101 タイピングを学ぶ、またはタイピング スキルを向上させるキャンプ (7 ~ 12 歳)
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$19 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の4 PM です
1 週間、 4/週、 45 分
7 歳-12 歳
Choreography by Rae
$19 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の6 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 55 分
7 歳-12 歳
タイピング - キーボード入力 101 タイピングを学ぶ、またはタイピング スキルを向上させる - 週 1 回 / 4 週間 (7 ~ 12 歳)
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
$19 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の6 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-12 歳
1:1でタイピングを学ぶ - 初級、中級、上級 - 7歳以上
Teacher Kathy Ortiz
$20 セッションごと
7 歳-12 歳
キーボードキャンプ: タッチタイピング (初級、中級、上級)
Stephanie Newton, BSc
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 2/10 の11 PM です
2 週間、 4/週、 25 分
11 歳-16 歳
現代のタイピングのためのキーボード入力(初級、中級、上級) 対象年齢 11 歳以上
Stephanie Newton, BSc
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の4 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 25 分
11 歳-16 歳
Nearpod のゲーム、コンテスト、ドリルを使用して、高度なキーボード入力 / タイピングを習得しましょう。
Stephanie Newton, BSc
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の9 PM です
1/週、 25 分
11 歳-16 歳
Choreography by Rae
$22 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の10:30 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 55 分
8 歳-13 歳
1:1 でタイピングを学ぶ指導 - 初級、中級、上級 - 対象年齢 13 歳以上
Teacher Kathy Ortiz
$20 セッションごと
13 歳-18 歳
App StoreでダウンロードGoogle Playで入手する