per class含まれるもの
1 ライブミーティング
30 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
From 700 BCE (Before Common Era) to 300 BCE, hitting its zenith in the 5th Century BCE, birthed democracy as we have come to know it. This span of 400 years witnessed the ingenuity and persistence of some of ancient history's bravest people, which in turn influenced the natural scientists and philosophers of the generations that followed them. Out of over 100 city-states of that time, the conflicts between two of them - Athens and Sparta - sparked the idea of democracy through the backdrop of the wars and plagues surrounding them. If the circumstances of this time had been altered even slightly, then the outcome would have been very different, and the idea of democracy would not have survived at this time. Find out how just one city-state out of over 100 rose up and fought for the very system that is held up as the ideal system of government throughout time until today. I always teach the class, even if there is only one learner enrolled, so please do not worry about the cancellation of my classes if you should receive an automated email from Outschool stating that the class might be canceled if enrolment is too low.
Learners will study ancient history through the context of modern democracy, and they will understand how fragile the circumstances surrounding its conception really were.
- I will screen share Google Slides and YouTube during this class.
- Learners do not need to access the internet outside of Outschool during this class.
- Alcock, Susan E and Robin Osborne (eds). 2007. Classical Archaeology. Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing. [938 CLA]
- Alexander, Christine, 1932. ‘Models of Delphi and Olympia’. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 27: 12-13.
- Anastaplo, George 2004. On Trial: from Adam and Eve to O.J. Simpson. Lanham M.D.L: Lexington Books. [340.11 ANA C.A. Law]
- Cartledge, P. (ed.) The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [938 CAM]
- Cherry, John, 2007. The Personal and the Political: the Greek World. In Alcock, Susan E and Robin Osborne (eds). Classical
Archaeology. Pp 288-306. Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing.
- Grant, M. and R. Kitzinger (eds), 1988. Civilisation of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. New York: Charles Scribener’s
- Hurwit, Jeffrey M. 1999. The Athenian Acropolis: history, mythology, and archaeology from the Neolithic era to the present.
Cambridge U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press. [938.5 HUR]
- Kaplan, Robert 2000, c.1999. The nothing that is: a natural history of zero. London: Penguin. [513 KAP C.A Mathematics]
- Morris, Ian 1992. Death-Ritual and Social Structure in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.
[393.0938 MOR]
- Nevitt, Lisa. 2007. Housing and Households: The Greek World. In Alcock, Susan E and Robin Osborne (eds). Classical Archaeology.
Pp 205-223. Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing.
- Orrieux, Claude 1999. A History of Ancient Greece. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. 938 ORR
- Owens, E.J. 1991. The City in the Greek and Roman World. London and New York, Routledge
- Osborne, Robin, 2007. Cult and Ritual: The Greek World. In Alcock, Susan E and Robin Osborne (eds). Classical Archaeology.
Pp 246-262. Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing.
- Pedley, J. G. 1998. Greek Art and Archaeology (2nd ed.). London: Laurence King Publishing.
- Pomeroy, Sarah B et al. 2008. Ancient Greece: a political, social, and cultural history. New York: Oxford University Press.
[938 ANC 2008]
- Pound, Ezra and Noel Stock, 1962. Love Poems of Ancient Egypt. New York: New Directions (1978 printing).
- Van Dommelen, P. 1997. ‘Colonial Constructs: Colonialism & Archaeology in the Mediterranean.’ World Archaeology 28: 305-323.
- Ward-Perkins, J.B. 1974. Cities of Ancient Greece and Italy: Planning in Classical Antiquity. New York: George Braziller.
- Whitley, James 1991. Style and Society in Dark Age Greece: the changing face of a pre-literate society 1100-700 BC.
Cambridge UK, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [938.01 WHI]
- Whitley, James 2001. The Archaeology of Ancient Greece. New York: Cambridge University Press. [938 WHI C.A.]
I have degrees, post-graduate, and professional qualifications in the following:
- Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology & History
- A1 First-Class Honours in Archaeology
- Member of AAA (Australian Archaeological Association)
- Member of ASHA (Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology)
- PhD Candidate in Archaeology (Full Scholarship)
- Academic Medal in Undergraduate Coursework
- Winner of the Robert Mays Memorial Prize for North Queensland History
- Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society
- I have co-authored published articles in professional archaeological journals
- I have delivered speeches at the Australiasian Mining History Association
- Winner of the Best Poster Presentation at AAA
- I have started my TESOL (150-Hours) Professional Certificate through Arizona State University, and I expect to complete this
within the next month
I am also a homeschool father of multiple children. We have always homeschooled and participated in distance education. We came to Outschool in 2018 as learners, and now I am excited to also teach on this platform. I understand the needs of parents of learners here as I am one myself. Further, I am a native English speaker.
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