1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 40 分課題
週1時間. ○ Learners should practice writing the addition and subtraction facts learned in class ○ Learners should practice concepts taught in class ○ Learners should complete any follow-up activities assigned after class ○ Learners can post follow-up activities within 24-48 hours after assigned for Teacher review and feedbackテスト
○ Teacher assessment/s are given from time-to-time ○ Learner's progress is assessed throughout lessons / class. ○ No standard grades are given.評価
○ No standard grades are given.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 5 - 8
Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners covers 3rd, 4th & 5th grade math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for older students with learners their age in a small, comfortable group setting. These ongoing, small group sessions are created with your learner in mind and the goal of providing instruction to help each individual learner gain a solid understanding of mathematical concepts and reach their potential in performing mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division with a new confidence. This is a comfortable place where we address core math curriculum, standards and current math concepts in addition 2-3-4 digits, subtraction 2-3-4 digits, place value, multiplication [box method, place value method], division with & without remainders, short & long division; depending on the learners level and need, addressing areas where the learner has struggles or just wants to build and strengthen their mathematical skills. I zero in on the area of need, moving the learner to a better understanding of how math operations work, growing their understanding and developing new skill sets. We cover the four mathematical operations so the learners gain an understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication fact families, multiplication, division, computation of equations, greater/less than, word problems, whole numbers. Learners will gain an understanding of each operation and the process through the grouping of manipulatives, manually moving and drawing various objects, using graph paper, cubes, tiles or blocks, skip counting as they develop math concepts. The sessions are designed to help the learner understand the math that they see. Some of the concepts learners will review, learn and master: ○ Addition [basic] ○ Addition [multi-digit] ○ Addition with regrouping ○ Subtraction [basic] ○ Subtraction [single, multi-digit] ○ Subtraction with regrouping ○ Addition and Subtraction with larger numbers ○ Place value ○ Hundreds & Thousands Place Value Charts ○ Number line ○ Skip Counting ○ Money ○ Understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction ○ Word Problems with addition and subtraction ○ Multiplication Facts Families ○ Multiplication [basic] ○ Multiplication [multiple-digits] ○ Multiplication - Three different Methods ○ Word Problems using multiplication and division ○ Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division ○ Multiplying and Dividing with larger numbers ○ Division [basic] ○ Division [long division] ○ Division [with R = remainder] If your math understanding isn't where you want it to be, Learners, come sharpener your math skills in this class, Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners. Meet new friends and have a good time learning what numbers are all about in these small, ongoing sessions. Lessons are self contained so learners can join at any time, and hopefully stay for a while. SPECIAL NOTE: If older Learners have a good, solid understanding of the 4 operations from addition to multiplication and know the math facts [times tables] from 0 to 12 and are ready to tackle the challenges of fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement, probability and beginning geometry, take a look at Fractions, Decimals, Percents & Beyond ~ Operations & Practical Application [https://outschool.com/classes/fractions-decimals-percents-beyond-operations-practical-application-OG4Aey6e?refuid=ZvKivPMt]. This course is for older learners who have gone through Small Group Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners completely and are ready to move on to higher level thinking and mathematical skills. Learners needing a concentrated course in learning ways to master multiplication and division facts should enroll in "Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts [https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-multiplication-facts-a-fast-easy-way-to-learn-multiplication-facts-a5UUcjrw?refuid=ZvKivPMt] OR MATH Fact Families: Learn Multiplication & Division Facts the FUN Way [https://outschool.com/classes/math-fact-families-learn-multiplication-division-facts-the-fun-way-Q0QMyMnZ?refuid=ZvKivPMt]. Week of March 3rd: Revisiting place value [ones through millions], introducing standard, expanded notation, reviewing mathematical terms & vocabulary, rounding up & down Week of March 10th: Place Value, review of addition and subtraction facts, addition with and without regrouping, addition & subtraction math terminology Week of March 17th: Place Value with multiplication, multiplication terminology, 1, 2 & 3-digit multiplicands and multipliers Week of March 24th: Place Value Multiplication method, Multiplication Box method Week of March 31st: Addition, subtraction & multiplication with groups and arrays, repeated addition = multiplication, fact families, number bonds Week of April 7th: Multiplication and division, skip counting 6's, 7's & 8's Week of April 14th:Properties of Multiplication Week of April 21st: Multiplying with decimals, word problems, money its value Week of April 28th: Timed drills, fact families, math puzzles Week of May 5th: Comparing numbers, measurement, order of operations Week of May 12th: Estimating products, multiply whole numbers, multiply numbers ending in zeros; word problems Week of May 19th: Divisibility rules, skip counting 9's, 11's, 12's Week of May 26th: Division patterns with zeros, estimating quotients Week of June 2nd: Dividing whole numbers with 2-digit divisors Week of June 9th: Dividing whole numbers with 2-digit divisors, 3-digit divisors, word problems Week of June 16th: Multiplication & division expressions Week of June 23rd: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two whole numbers, word problems Week of June 30th: Evaluate numerical expressions one step at a time Week of July 7th: Identify mistakes involving the order of operations *** Parent NOTE: When enrolling your learner, please be sure to check out the Supply List below and have your learner bring a magnetic white board, marker, eraser and magnetic manipulatives to the first class so they're ready to work. The additional supplies on the list should be available for the learner to use at the following classes. For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of the lesson. "The Math Inspectors - The Case of the Claymore Diamond" [Story One] by Daniel Kenney & Emily Boever is used in this class as SPECIAL Reading material related to math concepts taught in this class.
○ gain a clear understanding of how addition and subtraction work
○ improve performance in addition and subtraction operations
○ understand the relation between addition and subtraction
○ learn the mathematical vocabulary associated with these operations
○ improve performance in multiplication and division operations
○ understand the relation between multiplication and division
○ retell mathematical stories
○ gain confidence in learner's math skills
○ learn to enjoy math
Parent NOTE: When enrolling your learner, please be sure to check out the Supply List below and have your learner bring a magnetic white board, marker, eraser and magnetic manipulatives to the first class so they're ready to work. The additional supplies on the list should be available for the learner to use at the following classes.
For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of the lesson.
"The Math Inspectors - The Case of the Claymore Diamond" [Story One] by Daniel Kenney & Emily Boever is used in this class as SPECIAL Reading material related to math concepts taught in this class.
○ thinking caps / active awake brain ○ Magnetic dry erase white board [11 X 18 mininum] hand-held board ○ Dry erase markers ○ Dry erase eraser [or clean sock] ○ 100-120 base ten blocks [for Place Value] Suggested: Simply magic 131+4 PCS Jumbo Colorful Magnetic Base Ten Blocks for Math + Headings [a MUST have] available online at Amazon ○ 100-120 magnetic manipulatives [magnetic magnets, frig magnets, magnetic value sticks, foam doubled-sided magnetic counters, whiteboard magnets] Suggested: Qualsen Fridge Magnet, 100 Pack RefrigeratorMagnets [10 Colors, Plain] OR Dowling Magnets Magnetic Two-Color Counters, [Set of 200] both available online at Amazon ○ Math notebook ○ Pencil/s ○ eraser ○ colored pencils ○ Graph paper ○ working camera on throughout the entire lesson ○ working mic on throughout the entire lesson ○ worksheets provided by Teacher ○ The Math Inspectors - The Case of the Claymore Diamond" [Story One] by Daniel Kenney & Emily Boever **** SPECIAL Reading material related to math concepts taught in this class.
修士号 Indiana Universityから 教育 へ
Being an educator for forty + years, I've taught all subjects to students K-8 which included math classes at all levels. I've taught special needs students and designed full curriculum for K-12 students. In addition, I have taught students online for seven years. When I was a young student, I thought I didn't like math because any thing above addition and subtraction seemed a little hard for me. The truth was, I didn't understand the fundamentals of math operations, even though I could calculate and get the right answers every time when adding or subtracting. This is why I am so passionate about learners understanding the concept and relationship to numbers and operations, because once they understand that, learners can build on the basic fundamentals taught and excel in Math and really begin to love it as I do now.
Credentials, Education & Experience:
BA in Psychology
MS in Education
Post-Graduate work in School Administration & Special Education
Lifelong Teaching Credential K-8
Special Education Department Chair - High School Grades 9-12
Teaching Experience since 1974
Principalships Experience since 1982
Online Teaching in multiple countries since 2017
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$60 セッションごと
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Rajvi Mehta (M S Wireless Engineering)
$36 セッションごと
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