
シェイクスピアを愛するようになるキャンプ: ロミオとジュリエット

Sean Foster Collins, BA, BEd.


8 ライブミーティング
7 時間 20 分 授業時間
週1時間. Guided questions based on the material read in class. Occasional self-directed reading at home of a scene or two. An optional project that can suit students interest and skill level best. It can be a formal written essay or a creative project. This will be determined collaboratively with the students.
Students are assessed informally each class through questioning and discussion. The optional final project will provide an opportunity for a more formal assessment.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 9
It is one of the most referenced story in all of English literature - how many pop songs mention "Romeo," "Juliet" or being "star-crossed"? Why has the story endured for the past 400 years? The short answer: it's a fantastic story with a lot more going on than just being a classic "romance." There's romantic stuff in it, but by definition it is not a "romantic" story at all, but a "tragic" one. 

Shakespeare's plays were always meant to be for everyone, not just the select few who could understand them. In this class my goal is to give learners the skills to make the play not only understandable, but edge-of-your-seat, wipe-a-tear-from-your-eye entertaining.  

Class Time Structure:
The beginning of each class will be devoted to taking up guided questions based on the reading done the class before.  During the rest of the class, we will closely read an abridged version of the text together to ensure that the events and the language makes sense to students. The wealth of insights into human nature in the play will also lead to teacher-led discussions where learners will feel free to share their thoughts, criticisms and questions. These plays are meant to be seen in performance, so our reading of the play will also be augmented with audio and video recordings of performances and discussions of the interpretations made by the actors and filmmakers.   

Below is a rough breakdown of what we will cover over the course of the two weeks:

Week 1 / Classes 1 - 4: 

History of Shakespeare, the rules of "Tragedy" / Symbolism of "Queen Mab" / Theme of "Parent & Child Relationships" / Act 1
-- The history of Shakespeare and Elizabethan times
-- "Tragedy" and the "Tragic Hero"
-- Complete Act I and answer guided questions / discussion 

The theme of "The Individual Versus Society" and "The Struggles of Class" / Finish Act 2 and begin Act 3
-- Read Act 2 & 3 and answer guided question 
-- Definition and significance of "soliloquy"

Week 2 / Classes 5 - 8: 

Symbols in the play / The theme of "Passion vs Critical Thinking & Reason" and "The Power of Love" /  Finish Act 3 and begin Act 4 
-- Read Act 3 & 4 and answer guided questions 
-- Iambic pentameter and its significance to the content of the play
-- Complete Act 3, begin Act 4

Theme of "The Inevitability of Fate / Fate vs. Self Determination" / Finish Acts 4 and 5
-- Consolidate all themes / Finish Acts 4 and 5
-- Answer guided questions
-- Final projects / presentations
Students will learn the story of Romeo & Juliet and feel empowered to truly understand Shakespeare's language, his poetic style, and his insights into human nature.


The play presents violent imagery and mature themes about life, death, and suicide that some students may find upsetting.
A PDF text of the play as well as a package of guided reading questions will be provided by the teacher.
参加しました April, 2020
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
学士号 University of Western Sydney (Australia)から 教育 へ
学士号 Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)から 英語 へ
Prior to joining Outschool in 2020, I was a classroom teacher of middle school and high school specializing in senior level English for more than 20 years. I have taught Shakespearean texts to students from grade 7 to 12.  I have a bachelor's degree in English from Trent University in Ontario, Canada and a bachelor's of Education from the University of Western Sydney in Australia.




8 クラス分
週に4回、 2 週間
55 分

9 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-15
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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