per week含まれるもの
5 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 7 時間 5 分宿題:
週あたり 1-2 時間. There will need to be activities done ahead of class or finish completing certain activities and review after class sometimes. There will be lots of work needing to be printed out ahead of time.テスト
We will provide an assessment that will be evaluated by a Certified Teacher for each learner in the middle of the year and at the end. This will be on top of the informal assessment of mastery and skills throughout the days, weeks, months, and year.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten
In this daily class we will cover Sight Words, Sentences, Letters, Phonemic Awareness, Math, Science, Social Studies and Reading. We incorporate Interactive Journals for 3 of our subjects, Language Arts, Math, and Science. We will provide you with all the printouts needed for the journals weekly and Your learner will need 3 composition journals or 3 notebooks with at least 100 pages to hold the full year's curriculum along with glue, crayons, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils. These interactive notebooks are a great tool that allow your student to be building their own portfolio of work to be able to look back upon and see how far they have progressed throughout the year or weeks. In order to do this, there will be a lot of cutting and gluing in each class that will help keep the learners engaged and manipulating the concepts as we go. We ask that your learner has the day's pages precut along the lines to make sure we can cover everything needed in class. Your learner will need 3 composition journals or 3 notebooks with at least 100 pages to hold the full year's curriculum along with glue, crayons, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils. There will be fun projects and we try to minimize the need for parent help during class. We will be moving throughout class so please have a safe area to be able to jump, skip, etc. around. If your child is unable to move around for whatever reason I will show "chair movements"; they can do movements with their arms so everyone can join the fun. Each Sunday we will send out the printable activities and worksheets for the interactive journals. In each class we will have a movement activity in the middle of class to break it up where your learner can join or take a few minute break for potty time or snack, drink etc. Each day we will do a circle time to get started and will be doing our lessons and Interactive Journal work for the day. We will finish the day with a book and story time. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays are going to be days where we cover Science Tuesday, Thursdays we will be covering Social Studies Week 1 Dinosaur Monthly Theme Sight words (my, is) Sentences (Good morning, ______.) Letters (Capital, Lower) Phonemic Awareness (First Names) Math (Counting 1-20) Books: Will be chosen each week to correspond with the lessons Week 2 Continuing Dinosaur Monthly Theme Sight words (my, is) Sentences (My name is.) Letters (# or letter) Phonemic Awareness (Rhyming -at) Math (Counting and Grouping sets of 1-5) Books: Will be chosen each week to correspond with the lessons each week Week 3 Continuing Dinosaur Monthly Theme Sight words (am, I) Sentences (A cat is.) Letters (MATSC) Phonemic Awareness (Rhyming -at ) Math (Counting 1-10, Missing numbers) Books: Will be chosen each week to correspond with the lessons each week Week 4 Continuing Dinosaur Monthly Theme Sight words (am, I) Sentences (I am _____) Letters (RIPFB) Phonemic Awareness ( -am, is ) Math (Counting 6-10, Missing numbers) Books: Will be chosen each week to correspond with the lessons each week Summary of Month 1 Theme: Dinosaurs We will cover Literacy Skills : Differentiate b/w Capital & lowercase letters; letters & numbers letters: Mm, Aa, Tt, Ss, Cc, Rr, Ii, Pp, Ff, Bb; Read Sight Words: my, is, at, at, am, I Rhyming Words: -at, -as, -am, -is Math Skills Covered: Counting 1-100, Matching & Counting 1-10
Your student will gain mastery of all of the Common Core standards in a fun, relaxed and safe environment.
We ask that your learner has the day's pages precut along the lines to make sure we can cover everything needed in class. Your learner will need 3 composition journals or 3 notebooks with at least 100 pages to hold the full year's curriculum along with glue bottle and glue stick, crayons, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils etc.
We will be moving throughout class so please have a safe area to be able to jump, skip, etc. around. If your child is unable to move around for whatever reason I will show "chair movements"; they can do movements with their arms so everyone can join the fun.
Each Sunday we will send out the printable activities and worksheets for the interactive journals.
We ask that your learner has the day's pages precut along the lines to make sure we can cover everything needed in class. Your learner will need 3 composition journals or 3 notebooks with at least 100 pages to hold the full year's curriculum along with glue, crayons, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils. We will utilize some other manipulatives in class like dough, legos, or other easy things to find around the house. We will give plenty of notice when there are other items needed beyond they papers, notebooks, glue and coloring and writing utensils. We will be moving throughout the class so please have a safe area to be able to jump, skip, etc. around. If your child is unable to move around for whatever reason I will show "chair movements"; they can do movements with their arms so everyone can join the fun. Each Sunday we will send out the printable activities and worksheets for the interactive journals.
We ask that your learner has the day's pages precut along the lines to make sure we can cover everything needed in class. Your learner will need 3 composition journals or 3 notebooks with at least 100 pages to hold the full year's curriculum along with glue, crayons, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils.
We will be moving throughout class so please have a safe area to be able to jump, skip, etc. around. If your child is unable to move around for whatever reason I will show "chair movements"; they can do movements with their arms so everyone can join the fun.
Each Sunday we will send out the printable activities and worksheets for the interactive journals.
1 先生は教員免許を持っています
イリノイ州 教員免許 初等教育で
3 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 Kennesaw State Universityから コミュニケーション へ
学士号 Fort Hays State Universityから 刑事司法 へ
学士号 University of Alaska Fairbanksから 英語言語と文学 へ
1 教師は準学士号を取得しています
準学士号 State College of Floridaから コンピューターエンジニア へ
We have multiple certified educators in elementary education and early childhood education. All of our teachers love this age where this is such an explosion of knowledge and progress for each student.
他のクラス by Dragon Academy by Trammell Classes, DnD,Coding,RPG
他のクラス by Dragon Academy by Trammell Classes, DnD,Coding,RPG
Ms. Jessica Bale - Early Childhood Educator
$15 セッションごと
3 歳-8 歳
Ms Libby
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の10 PM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-6 歳
Leigh Fitzsimmons, (Science & STEM)
$30 セッションごと
3 歳-6 歳
Ms. T (Tiffany Thornton)
$50 セッションごと
4 歳-6 歳
早期学習: 文字、数字、色、形、アルファベット
Nicole Joyal : Math Tutoring and Semester Math
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の2 PM です
8 週間、 2/週、 25 分
3 歳-4 歳
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
$15 セッションごと
3 歳-4 歳
週末ワークショップ: 幼児教育 | 就学前 | ABC、123、図形
Teacher Pearls
$5 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 3/22 の1 AM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
3 歳-6 歳
Teacher Ivy - Cultivating Clarity and Focus
$25 セッションごと
4 歳-9 歳
初期の基礎 - 16 週間、週 3 回 - 幼稚園/幼稚園児向けの素晴らしいホームスクール ヘルパー
Mrs. Amy O'Connor TESOL
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 8/12 の3 PM です
16 週間、 3/週、 55 分
5 歳-6 歳
Ms. Dena-B.A. Psychology, Early Childhood Educ.
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の5 PM です
5 週間、 1/週、 30 分
6 歳-7 歳
Ms. Angie (B.A. in Early Childhood Education)
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の7 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
1:1 個別指導 ~ 幼児教育
Betty Nilssen
$44 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/17 の8:30 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
Betty Nilssen
$43 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/24 の4 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
幼児向け個人指導 スピーチ、読書、算数
$40 セッションごと
3 歳-6 歳
Miss Kate - EdS in Early Childhood
$40 セッションごと
4 歳-9 歳
★スクイッシュアンドシェイプ - 幼児向けプレイドークラブ。★
Olivia Porter | PGCE Qualified
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の4 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳