

この 4 日間のクラスでは、生徒は毎回新しいリアルな描画テクニックを学びます。
Elizabeth (BFA, MAE)


4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 40 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Students may need to spend time outside of class completing their drawings, depending on the size and detail level of the work.


Nearly everyone can who can hold a pencil can learn to draw well... with lots of practice and good instruction! If you are willing to try something new and learn to "see" in a new way, your drawing abilities will improve.

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This is a beginner to intermediate drawing class for students who are interested in drawing realistically, but have no previous knowledge. In this camp, students can begin to learn about realistic drawing techniques or refine their basic skills. This class is perfect for students who have taken a class or two of How to Draw... Everything! for Beginners (or Teens) and are ready for a week foccused on drawing. This is also a great class for creative students preparing for entrance into a competative art progam who might not know where to start when it comes to the realistic works required for most portfolios.

My goal is to create a fun, friendly learning environment where students can comfortably learn and share their artworks with one another while practicing their art skills and learning new techniques.

Day 1:  One-Point Perspective
I will demonstrate how to use a ruler to create the illusion of an interior space. Students MUST have a ruler at least 12 inches long (10cm). This project works best if the student can draw the room where they're drawing; if possible, set up the drawing space at the far end of a neat room with a view of the entire space.

Day 2: Still Life
No education of realistic drawing techniques is complete without practicing observational drawing! We will look at some examples of excellent still life and examine how objects might be set up to look nice for a drawing, then create one in pencil. Please have ready at the start of class:
A Cup of 3-5 Pens, Pencils, or Brushes, etc.
OR at least 3 of the following: 
Opaque tablewear such as Cups, Mugs, Plate, Bowl, Pitcher, Teapot (NO CLEAR GLASS)
Fruit or Granola Bar (whole, peeled, partially cut, partially eaten-- a variety is better!)
AND a small cloth such as a kitchen towel

Day 3: Two-Point Perspective
I will demonstrate how to use a ruler to create floating boxes. Students may choose the creative direction of this project-- either a cityscape or a nameplate with 3-D letters. Students MUST have a ruler at least 12 inches long.

Day 4: Portrait
We will look at basic face proportions while creating a portrait drawing from a photo, including a look at shading techniques for skin and hair.


Drawing materials to bring to ALL classes:
Drawing Pencils
Eraser / Kneaded Eraser
Students will learn a variety of different drawing strategies with the aim of being able to draw able to draw more accurately and realistically.


4 レッスン
4 週間以上
レッスン 1:
One-Point Perspective
 I will demonstrate how to use a ruler to create the illusion of an interior space OR 3-D letters using linear 1-point perspective. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Still Life
 We will look at some examples of excellent still life and examine how objects might be set up to look nice for a drawing, then create one in pencil. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Two-Point Perspective
 I will demonstrate how to use a ruler to create 3-D boxes using 2-point linear perspective. Students may choose the creative direction of this project. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
 We will look at basic face proportions while creating a portrait drawing from a photo, including a look at shading techniques for skin and hair. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Although it is NOT required, students who leave their cameras on and/or frequently turn on their cameras to share their artwork with the teacher do better in this class. I can offer more help if I can see the artwork students are making!
Drawing materials to bring to ALL classes:

For Day 2: 
A Cup of 3-5 Pens, Pencils, or Brushes, etc.
OR at least 3 of the following: 
Opaque tablewear such as Cups, Mugs, Plate, Bowl, Pitcher, Teapot (NO CLEAR GLASS)
Fruit or Granola Bar (whole, peeled, partially cut, partially eaten-- a variety is better!)
AND a small cloth such as a kitchen towel
参加しました March, 2022
バージニア 教員免許 音楽・演劇・芸術で
修士号 Virginia Commonwealth Universityから 教育 へ
I teach classes on a variety of arts-related subjects: 
  * piano, sight-reading, song-writing; 
  * realistic drawing techniques;
  * comic book creations & anime drawing styles;
  * digital arts, Photoshop, graphic design.

Look at the bottom of my profile to find my other classes. 
    → https://outschool.com/teachers/Elizabeth-Essex ←

I hold a Bachelors in Fine Art from Virginia Tech and a Masters in Art Education from Virginia Commonwealth University and am a former public school art teacher. I love teaching drawing, painting, sculpture and Photoshop to learners of all ages. I've been teaching for 20+ years and running my own piano studio for 10+ years. There's a special place in my heart for creative works and the artists that make them, especially fantasy stories and narrative artworks, comics and graphic novels.




毎週または$70 4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
55 分

28 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 3 人-7 人

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