
ハリウッド演劇学校: 一流コーチによる一流の演技クラス! (セミプライベート)

Universal Talent Acting School by Vivian Woods
生徒は、人気のキャラクターやシーンを通して演技を学び、有名映画のシーンで主演します。グローバル タレント エージェントが指導します。はい、新しい俳優を探しています。このクラスでは、演技をして楽しむことができます。


  • Students will at the end of this 12 week session have an appreciation for how to build characters, utilize props effectively, build character relationships, make choices in acting including emotional choices, placement of transitions, subtext and be able to perform a scene with truth.
I have been in the acting industry since a very young child, acting in theatre.  
From there, I went on to study theatre and film acting.
I have taught over 2000 actors and have helped them to successfully prepare for their careers in acting.  On average, 70-80% of my students have gone on to book work in film, tv and commercials.
My classes are interactive as I feel hands on learning in acting IS the only way.  Students will learn through my various programs how to analyze and score scripts, build characters, relationship development, improv, auditioning techniques and method acting techniques.
We will work on both scenes and monologues.(depending on the course)

Now is the time to pursue acting as there are thousands of new shows being written which need mew faces.  Are you ready?

Students may chose pieces to work on that can be used as audition pieces 
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Students are required to do outside work which includes: rehearsal by themselves or with help of a reader(family member), character development and other home play stuff.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Certificates will be emailed once complete.
Notebook, pencils, erasers, highlighters and pencil crayons or markers.
Please bring to class a notebook, pencil and eraser and a water to keep you hydrated.

It is highly recommended that you have a printer for this program to print out the short scenes and or monologues. However it is not necessary, as it is good practice to have the students write out their line so it helps them memorize.
参加しました June, 2020
Dear Esteemed Parents,

We’re thrilled to announce that our acting school has been honored with five distinguished awards, including the coveted Global Recognition Award and the esteemed Canada’s Choice Award. This is a testament to the vibrant... 


毎週または¥333 12 クラス分
週に1回、 12 週間
60 分

3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 3 人-5 人

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