
1 年生と 2 年生向けの実践的なモンテッソーリ算数 (レベル B) 週 3 回

この継続的なクラスでは、生徒はモンテッソーリ教具を使用して 9,999 までの数感覚を探求し、問題を解決します。生徒は、位取り、スキップカウント、加算と減算、乗算、幾何学などを探求しながら、より高度な思考スキルを使用します。
Montessori Hands-On, Minds On Math with Amy Tucker
Star Educator


3 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 2
Optional enrichment is provided in the weekly class newsletter.
Certificate of Completion


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 2
Advanced レベル向け
Hands-on learning=Meaningful learning.  This class helps students dive deeply into number sense in a hands-on way using physical or printable Montessori manipulatives, creating a firm mathematical foundation from numbers 1 to 9,999.  

Students who truly understand and master math concepts learn to love math, and we want our students to experience math in a hands-on way where they know they can try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them.  

Each class begins with a routine-oriented calendar time to help build number fluency, confidence, and class relationships.   Fun games, songs, and mathematical conversations help engage students and give them a natural way to apply concepts.  

We work with place value, addition and subtraction with and without regrouping (static and dynamic addition), skip counting, patterns, fractions, telling time, money, data and graphing, probability, basic and advanced multiplication, basic division, geometry, and measurement.  Every lesson and activity is planned to help students understand and apply what they are learning in a hands-on way!  We play games and frequently review so that we are constantly learning new skills while building mastery of older skills. 

Students need to have the actual manipulatives with them (or a provided printable version) as we work through lessons together.  There is a second camera used in class to show the teacher's table so that the students are guided through problems step by step, working toward independence.  This class can be used as review of first grade math or for a first or second grade math class.  Each week of class is unique and students may stay all year or come in for the week they need.  

This schedule may be adapted to meet specific learner needs:

End of August/September:
Fact families within 10
Adding on a 20 Frame
Count sets of pennies
Counting by 10s and count sets of dimes
Create numbers to 999 with Montessori beads
Use Montessori beads for static addition and subtraction

Spiral review of previous content
Use Montessori beads for dynamic addition and subtraction
Use snap cubes to create and add and subtract with story problems

Spiral review of previous content
Explore geometrical shapes and figures
Use rulers to measure to the nearest inch
Count by 5s and count sets of nickels

Spiral review of previous content
Explore with fractions
Count by 2s 

Spiral review of previous content
Use the Montessori Stamp Game to build numbers, add, and subtract
Begin counting sets of mixed coins
Explore with multiplication as repeated sets of Montessori beads

Spiral review of previous content
Explore with the Montessori Multiplication board to multiply
Use fractions to measure more accurately

Spiral review of previous content
Use multiplication strategies to solve story problems
Explore with measuring time with clocks

Continue reviewing all previous content
Explore with the Montessori division board
Use multiplication and division strategies to solve story problems
Begin exploring with geometrical lines and angles

Continue reviewing all previous content
Explore with surveys, data, graphing, and probability

Beginning late May, students may enroll in the 1 day a week summer version of this course to keep their skills fresh over the break.  https://outschool.com/classes/summer-review-hands-on-montessori-inspired-math-level-b-for-1st2nd-grades-v9yVYRKU?refuid=6msWnIQO. 

Many students are ready to move on to Level C after completing this course. https://outschool.com/classes/hands-on-montessori-inspired-advanced-math-level-c-2x-a-week-with-manipulatives-MZSy4qds?usid=6msWnIQO&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link or retake Level B, depending on progress.  

The class restarts in late August. 

Class Policies:
-All students need to have either printable or physical versions of the manipulatives needed for class to fully participate.
-I prefer videos on and students are often able to tilt their screens to show what they are working on at their tables.
-I prefer students stay unmuted to help with participation, but sometimes, due to background noise or static from a connection, I may need to mute students.  
-I am happy to share recordings for missed classes.  
-The students and I try very hard to create a supportive and respectful learning community.  Please be kind with your classmates.
Students will gain confidence as they work with number sense and various operations with different math tools.


Occasionally we use scissors or a dull knife to cut play-doh.
Printable versions will be provided or you can purchase the following: Montessori colored and golden beads Snap cubes Montessori number cards A full list is provided with enrollment
 クラス登録時に 5 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました August, 2020
Star Educator
ケンタッキー 教員免許 初等教育で
Laura Gadwah
修士号 Indiana Universityから 教育 へ
Gina Renfro
修士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 教育 へ
Amy Tucker
修士号 University of the Cumberlandsから 教育 へ
Laura Gadwah
学士号 Indiana Universityから 教育 へ
Gina Renfro
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
Amy Tucker
学士号 The Master's Universityから 教育 へ
Laura Gadwah
Hands-On Montessori by Amy Tucker teachers have bachelor's and master's degrees in education with many years of teaching experience both in private, public, and hybrid settings.  We are passionate math teachers who deeply love our content area!  




毎週 ( ¥100クラスごとに )
40 分

71 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-9
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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