

この 32 週間のコースでは、学生はカンタベリー物語からトールキンまでの作品を読み、分析し、文学批評を書きます。執筆部分は、IEW の Elegant Essay および Windows to the World カリキュラムに対応しています。
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64 ライブミーティング
64 授業時間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Each work that is studied will have a guided reading or vocabulary assignment. Homework is 15% of the grade. 4 quality essays will be assigned and will be 50% of the grade. 20% will be various fun projects to share with the class and 15% will be mid-term and final assessments in the form of a Bluebook. Homework coupons will be given for students to use to turn in late assignments or to skip an assignment. (Not to be used on Essays or tests) When students use all of their coupons, no late work will be allowed unless pre-approved by me and the parent. I encourage conversation for families who desire accommodations. EVERYONE can enjoy literature!
Homework, Essays and Blue Books will be turned in to me and graded. Projects are presented to the class and will be graded according to rubrics given.
Every 8 weeks, a student evaluation/grades will be sent to the parent.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner レベル向け
British Literature and Composition (1 cr) will consist of  analyzing and constructing literary critiques as they read a wide range of British Literature.  We start with an Essay Bootcamp using Alice in Wonderland as our source material.  We will go step-by-step through reading, annotating, thesis writing, essay organization and the final product with citations.  
I will be discussing the use of AI with the students.  For this class, unless expressed permission is given by me, AI in any form is not allowed.

Books/Works:  Alice in Wonderland, Animal Farm, The Hobbit, Robinson Crusoe, Frankenstein,  Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, Dorian Gray, Pride and Prejudice, The Princess and the Goblin, The Lost World, Paradise Lost, Canterbury Tales, Legends of King Arthur and Beowulf.

Assignments:   Guided reading activities, vocabulary proficiency (15%), projects (20%), 4 Essays (50%), and a mid-term and final (15%).We will also experience High Tea, have costume contests, create a monster, creative a class short story, play games and celebrate Hobbit Day.

Supplies:  books/poems from either public domain or local library
                  youtube access for free audiobooks if so desired (links will be provided)
                  additional handouts from me, printed
                  tons of sticky notes for annotations
                  word or google docs access
                  something to snack or to drink while we have our class

As a believer in Classical Education, my classes are driven with discussion over lecture.  However, I will be using white boards and screen sharing to present information as well.
Students will be able to read classic British Literature (in the context of the times) and analyze through their own, unique worldview.  Using the tools of invention, they will create  theses, and support those theses in  well-organized persuasive/informative essays. Students will also gain knowledge about the author and contextual backgrounds of the texts.


Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) カリキュラムに準拠
64 レッスン
32 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Introduction to British Literature and what is a Literary Critique
 This will be a general overview of the class and we will discuss the difference between a book report and a literary analysis or critique.  We will also discuss and debate the use of AI. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Essay Bootcamp w/ Alice
 Using IEW's Elegant Essay format, we will use Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland to practice inventing and writing a thesis statement with an antithesis . 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Essay Bootcamp w/ Alice
 Continuing with Alice in Wonderland as our source, we will practice using transitions and sentence-openers. 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Essay Bootcamp w/ Alice
 Continuing with Alice in Wonderland as our source, we will practice sentence dress-ups and learn banned words 
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン


I am always willing to accommodate my students and their individual challenges and needs. I firmly believe all students, regardless of their educational or physical challenges can participate and enjoy this class. I welcome all learners!
Some of the literature we will be reading include mature themes. For example, Canterbury Tales has some sexual content, although we will not be focusing on those stories. Robinson Crusoe has elements of racism that we do not find appropriate today. The Arthur Legends have themes of incest and many others have themes of dark-arts or magic. Many stories were written from a Judeo-Christian author point of view and those views are expressed in their writing, while some authors were unapologetically agnostic .
参加しました September, 2023
New on Outschool
I am a certified IEW teacher and have used this method to homeschool my own children who have successfully completed college composition and literature courses. (Hurray!)  I have taught British Literature in traditional classrooms, co-ops for homeschooling students, via google meet classes and around my own kitchen table. 




毎週または¥650 64 クラス分
週に2回、 32 週間
60 分

年齢: 14-18
クラス人数: 2 人-12 人

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