1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分宿題:
Wings of Fire Book 6 -- Moon Rising - 298 pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 7 -- Winter Turning - 295 pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 8 -- Escaping Peril - 288 Pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 9 -- Talons of Power - 290 Pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 10 -- Darkness of Dragons - 385 Pages - Paperbackこの文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
In this ongoing book club, we will read and discuss the Wings of Fire Series Books 6-10: The Jade Mountain Prophecy Quintet. We will Discuss 1 book a month. If learners are reading the book during the month of discussion this will mean reading 300-400 pages in a month. We will meet each week to discuss the book. *Learners may join at any time to discuss the book of the month. *Learners may choose to: 1) Read the Whole Book of the Month before their first class 2) Read the books at their own speed 3) Join even if they read the book months ago and enjoyed it. 2023 November: Wings of Fire Book 10 Darkness of Dragons 385 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of October 29 - Characters ++ Week of November 5 - Setting ++ Week of November 12 - Plot ++ Week of November 19 - Open Discussion Learner Directed 2024 January: Wings of Fire Book 6 Moon Rising 298 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of January 8-12 - Characters ++ Week of January 15-19 - Setting ++ Week of January 22-26 - Plot ++ Week of January 29 - February 2 - Open Discussion - Learner Directed February: Wings of Fire Book 7 Winter Turning 295 pages - Paperback ++ Week of February 5-9 - Characters ++ Week of February 12-16 - Setting ++ Week of February 19-23 - Plot ++ Week of February 26 - March 1 - Open Discussion - Learner Directed March: Wings of Fire Book 8 Escaping Peril 288 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of March 4-8 - Characters ++ Week of March 11-15 - Setting ++ Week of March 18-22 - Plot ++ Week of March 25-29 - Open Discussion Learner Directed April: Wings of Fire Book 9 Talons of Power 290 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of April 1-5 - Characters ++ Week of April 8-12 - Setting ++ Week of April 15-19 - Plot ++ Week of April 22-26 - Open Discussion Learner Directed May 2022: Wings of Fire Book 10 Darkness of Dragons 385 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of May 6-10 - Characters ++ Week of May 13-17- Setting ++ Week of May 20-24 - Plot ++ Week of May 27-31 - Open Discussion Learner Directed June: Wings of Fire Book 6 Moon Rising 298 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of June 3-7 - Characters ++ Week of June 10-14 - Setting ++ Week of June 17-21 - Plot ++ Week of June 24-28 - Open Discussion - Learner Directed July: Wings of Fire Book 7 Winter Turning 295 pages - Paperback ++ Week of July 1-5 - Characters ++ Week of July 8-12 - Setting ++ Week of July 15-19 - Plot ++ Week of July 22-26 - Open Discussion - Learner Directed **No Classes in August** September: Wings of Fire Book 8 Escaping Peril 288 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of September 2-6 - Characters ++ Week of September 9-13 - Setting ++ Week of September 16-20 - Plot ++ Week of September 23-27 - Open Discussion Learner Directed October: Wings of Fire Book 9 Talons of Power 290 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of September 30 - October 4 - Characters ++ Week of October 7-11 - Setting ++ Week of October 14-18 - Plot ++ Week of October 21-25 - Open Discussion Learner Directed November: Wings of Fire Book 10 Darkness of Dragons 385 Pages - Paperback ++ Week of October 28 - November 1 - Characters ++ Week of November 4-8 - Setting ++ Week of November 11-15 - Plot ++ Week of November 18-22 - Open Discussion Learner Directed **No Classes in December**
Learners will participate in a book club discussion.
Learners will practice sharing their thoughts with others.
Learners will practice active listening.
As with any book your child may decide to read, please make your own decision about the appropriateness of this series for your child.
It is typically recommended for kids ages 9 to 13.
There is some violence, death, and betrayal in the books. Some books have more than others.
Single Learner Classes:
- Single learner classes will go ahead as scheduled unless learner and family request otherwise.
- If the discussion ends early, the class will have extra time to play games and trivia.
Wings of Fire Book 6 -- Moon Rising - 298 Pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 7 -- Winter Turning - 295 pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 8 -- Escaping Peril - 288 Pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 9 -- Talons of Power - 290 Pages - Paperback Wings of Fire Book 10 -- Darkness of Dragons - 385 Pages - Paperback
Wings of Fire Book 6 -- Moon Rising
Wings of Fire Book 7 -- Winter Turning
Wings of Fire Book 8 -- Escaping Peril
Wings of Fire Book 9 -- Talons of Power
Wings of Fire Book 10 -- Darkness of Dragons
Hello Outschool Families!
I go by Ms. T or Ms. Crystal in class.
I am a lifelong learner, always open to learning new things and sharing my love of learning with students. As a lifelong learner I am passionate about many subjects and have broad interests.
Current Class Offerings:
- The History of different foods
- Spanish-English Dual-Language Classes
- Book clubs, writing clubs and writing classes.
- 1-on-1 Tutoring
I graduated from Western Washington University (WWU) with a Dual-Major BA in "Spanish: Language and Literature" and "English: Creative Writing and Literature". Two years later, I went back to WWU to earn my Teaching Certificate. During those two years, I was working in a local school district as a substitute educational assistant. I have a valid Washington State Teaching license. I have been a substitute teacher in a number of local school districts.
I have been a tutor in various subjects and all levels; elementary, middle, and high school. I began tutoring in college and have 10+ years of experience.
My teaching philosophy is that learning can and should be fun. I believe in using a variety of techniques to reach as diverse a group as possible. I take into account learning styles and preferences when planning and teaching. I am flexible and can alter a lesson on the spot as needed. I believe students learn best when they are given the opportunity to learn things they find interesting and relevant to their lives.
A little more about me:
- I have many hobbies including; reading, writing, needlepoint, and learning.
- I participate in NaNoWriMo every year, National Novel Writing Month. This takes place in November. I am currently working on revision and editing of my last NaNoWriMo Novel.
- I visited Costa Rica and fell in love with Coffee Culture. They take their coffee very seriously.
- I love: chocolate, cats, dogs, books, tea, and coffee.
- I dream about traveling the world, seeing different places and meeting different people.
- I love visiting new places. I love learning about new peoples and their cultures.
- My reading list grows longer every year because there are always more books published that I want to read than I can actually read.
- One thing students like about me is when I share my love of random and sometimes delightfully odd facts.
Kristi Rodenbeck
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の1 AM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-13 歳
ブッククラブ: フローラとユリシーズ ケイト・ディカミロ著
Tristan - Book Clubs/Reading Comprehension
$12 クラスごと
5 週間、 1/週、 40 分
8 歳-12 歳
ブッククラブ: スペルホルストの人形 ケイト・ディカミロ著
Tristan - Book Clubs/Reading Comprehension
$14 クラスごと
1 週間、 3/週、 40 分
7 歳-10 歳
読書クラブ: ケイト・ディカミロ著『The Tiger Rising』
Tristan - Book Clubs/Reading Comprehension
$12 クラスごと
5 週間、 1/週、 40 分
8 歳-12 歳
Chrissie D
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/12 の8:45 PM です
9 週間、 1/週、 30 分
12 歳-16 歳
読書クラブ: エドワード・テュレーンの奇跡の旅
Tristan - Book Clubs/Reading Comprehension
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の7 PM です
5 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-10 歳
ブックワームズ: 中学生のための読書クラブ
Dr. Sharon BC
$30 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の3 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-14 歳
Kayla Grose
$8 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 3/12 の11 PM です
1/週、 30 分
9 歳-12 歳
読書クラブ - チャーリーとチョコレート工場
Sarah Spears
$13 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 12 AM です
1/週、 45 分
7 歳-12 歳
古典の女性たち - 読書クラブ
Laura McVay B.A., M.A.
$22 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の1 AM です
1/週、 45 分
14 歳-18 歳
読書クラブ - ワイルドロボット
Sarah Spears
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/11 の10 PM です
16 週間、 1/週、 50 分
8 歳-13 歳
Jordan Hayes
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の2:15 PM です
1/週、 45 分
6 歳-9 歳
Teacher Paro
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 6/17 の12 AM です
1/週、 30 分
9 歳-13 歳
Outschool Educator Jennifer Hall
$29 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/2 の2 PM です
1/週、 50 分
8 歳-13 歳
読書クラブ: ピート・ザ・キャット
Let's Go Learning
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の2 PM です
1/週、 30 分
4 歳-9 歳
Miss Amii
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 3/15 の8 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
11 歳-15 歳