
13~18 歳向け生物海洋学サマー キャンプ: 気候、海流など!

魅惑的な海の水中世界を探検してみませんか? この素晴らしいサマーキャンプで、海が人間の生活にとってなぜそれほど重要なのかを学んでください。私たちは自分たちだけの海を作ります!
Marta Fabregas Alegre


8 ライブミーティング
6 授業時間
Students will create their own unique ocean. They will use the concepts learned in class and their own imagination to design their ocean.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
In this multi-day program, we will learn about the oceans. Where did all of Earth's water come from? What causes waves and tides? Why is plankton so important for life on Earth? Have humans explored the deepest depths of our oceans? How do humans use natural resources from the ocean? What marine conservation does to protect our oceans? Find the answers to these questions and many more in "Biological Oceanography: Climate, Currents, Plankton, and More!". We will use our imagination and our knowledge in an ocean project: create our own ocean.

We will meet two times a week for four weeks. 

During the course, each student will create their own Ocean based on what they learn, covering climate, currents, plankton, food webs, marine conservation and their own imagination. They will get to present their Ocean in class!

My classes offer a unique opportunity to participate asking or answering questions and discussing different topics that we will see in each class. Participation is optional and students can use the chat too. 

I will share my own presentations, videos, photos and my own experience as a marine biologist and scuba dive instructor. 

My classes are designed to encourage student engagement and follow their curiosity. There are no prerequisites for this class.

Class One: Oceans and Seas
- Worldwide Oceans
- Worldwide Seas
- Ocean floor features

Class two: Oceans and Seas II
-Zones in the Ocean
-Measuring and sampling the Oceans
-Scientific studies of the ocean

Class Three: Food webs
- Food web structures
- Ecology of the tropical oceans and seas
- Ecology of the temperate oceans and seas
- Ecology of the artic ocean

Class Four:  Plankton
- Fitoplankton
- Zooplankton
- Plankton phenomenons
- uses

Class Five: Marine Ecosystems
-Tidal zones
-Mangrove forest
-Sea grass beds
-Coral reefs
-Marine Ecosystems threats

Class Six: Fisheries
-Fishery Biology
-Types of fishing worldwide
-Fishing impacts

Class Seven: Marine resources 
- Renewable energy resources
- Marine reserves
- Environmental Impacts
- Marine Conservation

Class Eight: Your project: Create your unique ocean and marine conservation
Presentation of each student's ocean
Food weds and adaptation of the creatures to the ocean environment and solutions to global impacts
Ocean game
Open discussion
Students will engage into marine biology concepts. We will explore different oceanography concepts, the oceans, the seas, food webs, plankton, marine ecosystems and resources and marine conservation. Students will learn how to differentiate the different oceans and seas, they will also learn about food webs and marine ecology, and marine conservation. During the final project the students will apply the learned concepts combined with imagination to create their own ocean.


8 レッスン
4 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Oceans and Seas
 - Worldwide Oceans
- Worldwide Seas
- Ocean floor features 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Oceans and Seas II
 -Zones in the Ocean
-Measuring and sampling the Oceans
-Scientific studies of the ocean 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Food webs
 - Food web structures
- Ecology of the tropical oceans and seas
- Ecology of the temperate oceans and seas
- Ecology of the artic ocean 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
 - Fitoplankton
- Zooplankton
- Plankton phenomenons
- uses 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Notebook, pencils, colored pencils, materials for the project (student choice), paints
参加しました April, 2020
I am a marine biologist and I have a Master's in Marine Sciences. I am a Scuba Diving Instructor and I have seen most of the creatures I will be sharing my knowledge and passion of with the students. I have a non-profit that promotes marine conservation and education based in Costa Rica.




8 クラス分
週に2回、 4 週間
45 分

26 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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