1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分習熟度評価
Students may choose to keep working on their project from our class throughout the rest of their week! We encourage students to bring back their work to share next week!テスト
Each week, learners can have the opportunity to get individual feedback and critique.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - Pre-A1
Beginner レベル向け
In this friendly, weekly class, learners transform into real digital illustrators as they learn to see and problem solve like an artist. You will see their confidence grow each week as they leave class inspired and ready to keep creating! Learners are guided step-by-step to create a new piece of art each week, developing art fundamentals like sketching form and line, painting, texture, color, design and style! Learners explore different Procreate tools & digital techniques, and form connections & friendships with other creative kids! Kids leave our class each week feeling confident & excited to keep practicing as they begin to develop their unique intuition and voice. ✨ Learners have the opportunity to get individual feedback each week, learn what it’s like to be an illustrator and what kinds of jobs illustrators can get, while gaining confidence in the technical side of creating digital art like saving and sending files, learning about file creation, color modes, resolution and file types. ✨ Each week is different, and provides a steady practice that encourages experimenting, customizing and builds over time into confidence and trusted intuition so each learner can learn at their own pace! ✨ OVERVIEW This class is designed for beginners who have little to no experience in Procreate or formal drawing instruction. All of our Beginners Procreate classes are foundational for our Intermediate Procreate classes at Young Illustrators Studio! A TYPICAL CLASS • Hello! Share art we’ve been making and admiring that week! • Reference of the week: observe and make a choice • Step-by-step instruction, work time, experimenting, feedback and questions • Sharing (Students do not have to share and it’s never a big deal to pass.) • Requests and Goodbyes SCHEDULE: {Feb. 17 - Feb. 23} SELECTION TOOL & TRANSFORM TOOL {Feb. 24 - Mar. 2} LAYERS {Mar. 3 - Mar. 9}. ADDING TEXT {Mar. 10 - Mar. 16} LIQUIFY {Mar. 17 - Mar. 23} REFERENCE {Mar. 24 - Mar. 30} QUICK SHAPES GEOMETRIC STYLE {Mar. 31 - Apr. 6} GRADIENTS {Apr. 7 - Apr. 13} TRANSPARENCIES & TEXTURED BRUSHES {Apr. 14 - Apr. 20} CHARCOAL BRUSHES {Apr. 21 - Apr. 27} 2D DRAWING GUIDE {Apr. 28 - May. 4} VALUE ORGANIZATION {May. 5 - May. 11} ANIMATION ASSIST {May. 12 - May. 18} WATER BRUSHES {May. 19 - May. 25} SELECTION TOOL & TRANSFORM TOOL {May. 26 - Jun. 1} GRADIENT MAPS {Jun. 2 - Jun. 8} FILE SAVES & TIMELAPSE RECORDINGS {Jun. 9 - Jun. 15} THREE-FINGER SHORTCUTS {Jun. 16 - Jun. 22} CROP & RESIZE {Jun. 23 - Jun. 29}  {Jun. 30 - Jul. 6}  {Jul. 7 - Jul 11} {July 14- July 20} {July 21- July 27} {July 28-Aug 3} More dates and topics are added ongoing! ✨ GROWTH MINDSET ✨ In our classes, we are building a multi-layered scaffolding of the love of learning that is rooted in the idea that we can find inspiration every day to start again right where we are, finding satisfaction and pride in seeing our progress! Learners who stick with our classes over time come to believe that experimenting, problem solving, setbacks, re-trying and breakthroughs among the support, kindness and inspiration of peers and qualified mentors leads to more flexibility, innovation, courage and self-confidence in not only their art skills, but in all other areas of life! And we have a lot of fun doing it! We use conversation prompts to create an inspiring atmosphere where artists learn to trust their intuition. We use targeted practice to break down the mechanics of a complex and difficult skill like art into easy, achievable steps, while having fun and building connections and friendships over what we love and struggle with in the art process! We focus on learning and process—most classes will not end with a “finished” piece. Instead, students will build and practice the tools and techniques needed to continue with the piece between classes! ✨ BECOMING AN ARTIST ✨ Students will learn to SEE like an artist, practicing observational skills each week! They’ll learn to trust themselves to experiment, problem-solve and make decisions, persevering through failures and disappointments through to success each time, no matter how long it takes! They’ll learn how shape, line and form can be found even in the most complicated references. We teach young artists how to use all the tools Procreate has to offer to quickly find perspective, fix proportions and experiment with color choices so they can find their voice, learning to put themselves into their art. Our teaching style will have even your most reluctant or perfectionist young artist excited to dive in again and again! ✨ PRACTICE ✨ Learners are exposed to a variety of styles and tools each week that build their visual vocabulary: brushes, smudge tools, eraser textures, color palettes, transparencies, adjustment tools, line weight and style, lighting, shadow, shading, perspective, foreshortening, texture and more. Each week is different, and provides a steady practice that builds over time into confidence and trusted intuition! ✨ CULTURE ✨ Our classes are anchored in kindness, affirmations and fun! We do not use competitions or comparing. Constructive, hamburger-style critiques are offered by the teacher. There is a variety of skill level in each group, and we validate and help kids feel good about wherever their skill is. Kids love to share their art and bond over what they love and struggle with. We teach learners how to find joy and delight in their practice, which motivates them to do it more. ✅ Procreate Skills: 👉🏼 layers 👉🏼 color selection 👉🏼 opacity 👉🏼 color palettes 👉🏼 selection tool 👉🏼 transform tools 👉🏼 drawing guides 👉🏼 drop fills 👉🏼 animation 👉🏼 quick shapes 👉🏼 brushes 👉🏼 textures 👉🏼 saving files 👉🏼 file size/DPI/resolution 👉🏼 Hue-Saturation-Brightness 👉🏼 adjustments tools 👉🏼 AND SO MUCH MORE! (Check the schedule for more!) ✅ Artist Skills: 👉🏼 color theory 👉🏼 Seeing line & drawing line 👉🏼 light & shadow 👉🏼 seeing shape & drawing shape 👉🏼 composition 👉🏼 gradients 👉🏼 textures with 👉🏼 value multiple brushes 👉🏼 simplifying/stylizing 👉🏼 experimenting 👉🏼 gesture 👉🏼 sketching loose 👉🏼 mood 👉🏼 trusting instincts 👉🏼 expanding interests 👉🏼 trying+failure+learning+problem solving+trying again=growth ✨ You can join anytime. ✨ This class is collaborative--We want to know what you love to make art about? What do you want to get better at? ✨ During sharing time, mics are allowed to be kept on. During draw-along, learners are encouraged to ask for feedback and ask questions out loud or in the chat. If a learner has background noise, they will be asked to keep their mic muted when not speaking. We make art from all learner interests, including: figure drawing, animals, chibi, kawaii, video games, movies, book art, landscapes, anime, manga, fashion design, architecture and more! ✨This is an inclusive, safe space where everyone can feel empowered to be themselves and create art that reflects the world they dream about! • Bring your ideas and an open mind! • Classes may run up to ten minutes late depending on sharing, learner questions and discussion. ❤️ Self-Paced Classes: If live classes don’t fit your schedule, you want more time for each project, or you simply want MORE of this class: please consider taking one of our self-paced classes. Self-paced classes are pre-recorded versions of this same class, with step-by-step instruction on making art from references, and you can watch them at your own pace! We plan to continue to build our library of self-paced classes, so send us your topic requests, follow us and check back often! Make a Fox: https://outschool.com/classes/4e448664-e6dc-4d6a-8a2c-f0aa08c16445/schedule Make Luna Lovegood’s Wand: https://outschool.com/classes/procreate-digital-art-draw-luna-lovegoods-wand-from-harry-potter-y09VEPSj?usid=0NbiEOfe&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link Make Hedwig the owl sitting on Harry’s arm: https://outschool.com/classes/procreate-digital-art-draw-hedwig-harry-potters-owl-UrTFLQ0R?usid=0NbiEOfe&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link
Students will learn and practice drawing fundamentals including: breaking complex references into basic shapes and lines, seeing and drawing in perspective, editing proportions and understanding foreshortening.
Students will learn to draw from the shoulder and elbow to sketch loosely, creating dynamic and interesting figures, perspectives and narratives. Use Procreate’s transform tools, layers and transparencies to edit and style fast!
This class uses step-by-step instruction and regular interval check-ins, so that learners have natural breaks and choices built into their learning experience.
All classes are recorded, so learners can review the lesson at their own pace.
We will be using the app Procreate to make art in this class. This app costs about $10 and will need to be purchased and downloaded before class begins.
1. An ipad with Procreate already installed and ready to use. 2. A stylus/apple pencil is recommended, but not necessary. 3. Another device to log into class is recommended.
1 先生は大学院の学位を持っています
修士号 The University of Washington から 教育 へ
2 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 Temple Universityから アートとデザイン へ
学士号 Western Washington Universityから 教育 へ
We are award-winning, exhibiting, working artist and published book writers and illustrators and we love kids and helping kids unlock their creativity and confidence through art!
Growth Mindset:
We teach targeted art skills in a safe social-emotional space where students can explore how to think and see like an artist, learn to fail and try again and build confidence in their own intuition and work.
Young Illustrators Studio with Bear Howe は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
中級 Procreate アート: デジタル アートの描画、ペイント、シェーディング、スタイル設定を学びます。
Young Illustrators Studio with Bear Howe
1/週、 50 分
9 歳-13 歳
他のクラス by Young Illustrators Studio with Bear Howe
他のクラス by Young Illustrators Studio with Bear Howe
デジタルアート - 101 - 継続中
Lynda Diamond
次のセッションは今日 11 PM です
1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
プロクリエイト ペーパーカット デジタル アート キャンプ
Allison Talbot, Ed.S., NCSP -Procreate Digital Art
次回のセッションは Mon 7/14 の7 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 55 分
10 歳-15 歳
1:1 デジタルアート「風景」ワンタイムクラス
Lynda Diamond
13 歳-17 歳
1回限りのデジタルアートクラス: コンピュータアート
Kimberly Couch, M.Ed.
次のセッションは明日の 9 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 40 分
8 歳-12 歳
デジタルアート - 101 - 8 週間コース
Lynda Diamond
次回のセッションは Friday の9 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-17 歳
ウィークリー Procreate デジタルアートクラブ
Astrid Turner
次のセッションは明日の 9 PM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-14 歳
Procreate デジタルアート ペインティング クラブ
Lisa Albinus Illustration
次のセッションは明日の 7:30 PM です
1/週、 55 分
10 歳-14 歳
デジタルで挑戦: Procreate Pro | 中級デジタルアート
Miss Jenny's Studio: Drawing, Animation & Art
次のセッションは今日 8 PM です
1/週、 50 分
8 歳-13 歳
Cara Bailey
次回のセッションは Friday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-13 歳
Cara Bailey
次回のセッションは Tuesday の8 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-13 歳
デジタルアートクラス - Procreate でリラックスできるマンダラのイラスト - プライベート
7 歳-18 歳
デジタル アート (Procreate): 中級 Procreate 6 週間コース (セッション 2)
Cara Bailey
次回のセッションは Monday の7 PM です
6 週間、 1/週、 45 分
10 歳-15 歳
PC および Android ユーザー向けの 1 対 1 デジタル アート
Elizabeth (BFA, MAE)
7 歳-18 歳
Cara Bailey
次回のセッションは Tue 4/8 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 45 分
8 歳-13 歳
Biggie Ron によるデジタル アート ワークショップ - Krita/Procreate などでデジタル アートをマスターしましょう!
次回のセッションは Friday の7 PM です
1/週、 50 分
10 歳-15 歳
デジタルアート - Procreate 描画アプリで対称性を探る
Mrs. Hilton
次回のセッションは Saturday の4 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 55 分
7 歳-10 歳