
ASL 1 - 初心者向けアメリカ手話クラス (12~17 歳)

このオンライン クラスでは、生徒は ASL (アメリカ手話) を使用してコミュニケーションする方法を学びます。
Kristy Robertson


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分
週あたり 1-2 時間. クラス全体を通して7-
Every student will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the class. Students will be given opportunities to complete homework activities for feedback and a grade that will be applied to their certificate at the end of the class.


Throughout this class, students will meet once-a-week and learn beginners ASL signs. This is a beginners class, geared towards new ASL learners. Some of the signs we will learn include the ASL alphabet, numbers, how to introduce ourselves, basic conversation, common words and phrases, family and people, animals, food, school signs, weather, time words, calendar words, verbs and much more! 

Students will learn about the deaf and hard-of-hearing culture as well. I am fluent in ASL as I have profoundly deaf parents and have been signing my whole life. Because of this, I am passionate about teaching the world ASL and truly enjoy teaching this enriching language. I have years experience teaching and working with students of all ages and a BA degree. 

Handouts are provided at the end of each class. These handouts have pictures of the signs we learned that day in class. These are intended as an added resource for help with practicing signs outside of class. 

Students will be given additional enrichment activities to complete throughout the week on their own time. These activities can be turned into the teacher for feedback and grading.

Every student will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. Grades can be added to the certificate of completion upon completing the homework activities.  

Please refer to the class outline below for a detailed breakdown of each lesson. Late enrollment is allowed in this class. I do have classes for other levels and ages as well as self-paced classes for flexible scheduling. Please let me know if you have any questions about this class or others that I offer.

I look forward to sharing and enjoying this language with you!

This class will be outlined as followed:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday classes with start dates of September 3rd-5th:
(scroll down for Monday class schedule)

Week 1 - September 3-6 -  ASL alphabet, how to greet people and introduce ourselves

Week 2 - September 9-13 -  family and people signs, numbers 0-5

Week 3: - September 16-20 - common words & phrases part 1, numbers 0-10

Week 4 - September 23-27 - common words & phrases part 2, numbers 0-15

Week 5 - September 30-October 4 - food signs part 1, numbers 0-20

Week 6 - October 7-11 - food signs part 2, numbers 0-25

Week 7 - October 14-18 - calendar & time words, all numbers

Week 8 - October 21-25 - practice week

Week 9 - October 28-November 1 - colors, clothes & body, adjectives

Week 10 - November 4-8 - adjectives

Week 11 - November 11-15 - finger-spelling practice

Week 12 - November 18-22 - weather & seasons

Week 13 - November 25-29 - practice sentences (no classes on Thursday due to holiday)

Week 14 - December 2-6 - question words

Week 15 - December 9-13 - verbs

Week 16 - December 16-20 - practice day, free signing

Monday classes:

Week 1 - September 9 - ASL alphabet, how to greet people and introduce ourselves

Week 2 - September 16 - family and people signs, numbers 0-5

Week 3: - September 23 - common words and phrases part 1, numbers 0-10

Week 4 - September 30 - common words and phrases part 2, numbers 0-15

Week 5 - October 7 - food signs part 1, numbers 0-20

Week 6 - October 14 - food signs part 2, numbers 0-25

Week 7 - October 21 -  calendar and time words, all numbers

Week 8 - October 28 - practice week

Week 9 - November 4 - colors, clothes & body, adjectives

Week 10 - November 11 - adjectives

Week 11 - November 18 - weather and seasons

Week 12 - November 25 - finger-spelling practice

Week 13 - December 2 - question words

Week 14 - December 9 - verbs 

Week 15 - December 16 - practice day, free signing
Through live class teaching and additional enriching activities throughout the week, students will learn how to communicate using ASL.


参加しました June, 2020
学士号 Cameron Universityから 科学 へ
I have years experience teaching and a BA degree. I am a CODA, child of deaf adults. I have been signing my whole life as both of my parents are profoundly deaf. 




45 分

580 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 5 人-18 人

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