for 5 classes含まれるもの
5 ライブミーティング
4 時間 10 分 授業時間宿題:
To practice the tricks learned in the class to ensure students are ready for the second lesson.この文章は自動翻訳されています
You do not need any experience to join this class. Every student once enrolled will get a free PDF copy of my published 112-page instructional book "The Book of Staff Spinning" by Johnathan Reynolds (worth $20 in the shops). This will cover all the material I will teach in class and more. I will teach you by showing you how to do the tricks and will give you tips on how to improve your skills once you have mastered these tricks. There will be a lot of class interaction. Topics will include: Introducing the Staff Types of Staff The Theory Planes and Body Directions Transitions Basic Tricks : One Beat / Reel - One Beat Planes - Figure of Eight - Hip reel with Body Turn - One-Handed Windmill Turns Rotors Combinations Behind the Back Rotor Pass Two-Handed Weave Extra Spins Nun Chuck Moves Kick Ups Balancing a Stick / Cane / Umbrella Extra if we have time: Transitions of the above tricks will be taught. (How to move from one trick to another with style) Learning rhythm with music for fluid movement. Please note, I will not be teaching any tricks with fire in this class. Working with fire is very dangerous. I will cover this and explain why they must become master spinners before they can ever think about working with fire. Just so it is very clear, I will not be including the use of fire in this class. Please note: *If you do not see a time or date listed for a class that interests you, please message me with a few possible dates and times, and I will do my best to offer a session that will work for your schedule. Should you prefer flexible schedule classes, here is the link for my flexible version of this course - https://outschool.com/classes/how-to-spin-a-staff-bow-like-a-circus-pro-staff-spinning-flex-class-9-14-yrs-xnjQ83eL?usid=5GcmKQIx&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link, *Please be aware I try to teach all of my classes to at least 2 students as I feel it provides a better teaching and learning experience. If the minimum amount of students is not reached 24 hours before the start of the course, students will be moved to the next available section at a similar time. *Once a learner has been verified per OS policy, this is a camera optional class. *For parents/families who feel their child would benefit from this course, but their budget does not allow for it, I do offer a number of discounts for families of lower income. Please message me with the course, dates and times you are interested in to learn more about the discounts I might be able to offer. *This class is covered by the "Happiness Guarantee". If you are not happy after the class, Outschool will refund you 100% of the class fee.
Students will be able to pick up a staff and perform basic tricks in different sequences. They'll understand the theory and safety aspects of this amazing toy.
The student will need space to spin a staff.
If you are taking this class inside please make sure the ceiling is high enough for you not to hit it, I recommend a minimum ceiling height of 9 foot or more.
The same goes for the space around you. Please make sure you have enough space to move around and spin your staff without hitting anything. This space should be approximately 8x8 feet.
If you can I would suggest taking this class in as spacious an area as possible; gardens and garages are great.
If you have limited space, not to worry, I will teach students much smaller tricks that don't need so much space. These are core skills and can be scaled up, so they're good to practice later in a more spacious area.
Please note there are risks involved with this activity, including injury if the student hits themselves with the equipment while practicing. To limit this the equipment/staff we first use to practice will be a staff with tennis balls taped to the ends so the student can learn without any real injury. (They may hit themselves in the head a few times with the tennis balls while learning, as everyone does.) I, the teacher, will not be responsible for any damage or personal injury caused by the student during or after this class.
Just so it is very clear, I will not be including the use of fire in this class. I will not be teaching any tricks with fire in this class. Working with fire is very dangerous. I will cover this and explain why they must become master spinners before they can ever think about working with fire.
Students will need a staff for the class and to practice with. If you have never bought a staff before and are unclear which is right for you, please contact me and I will advise. The staff you buy or make will depend on your height and the types of tricks you are looking to learn. This will be explained in more detail during the class. If you want to make one I would suggest you have a dowl/mop handle/staff about the same height as the student is tall or just slightly shorter. I also recommend you have two tennis balls that you can cut a hole in each to fit on each end of the staff. Use a strong tape to tape the tennis ball onto each end of the staff so that they act as a bumper for anything they may hit. If you want help doing this please have the materials ready and I will teach you how to put them together. It might also be good to have a few different sized staffs to play with to help you decide which you prefer. Every student once enrolled will get a free PDF copy of my published 112-page instructional book "The Book of Staff Spinning" by Johnathan Reynolds (worth $20 in the shops). This will cover all the material I will teach and more.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
1 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 Brighton University UK から 科学 へ
Jonathan has been a martial arts expert since the age of 9, working with the staff as a weapon. From the age of 16 he worked with various circus teams to create the staff spinning art form. He has travelled the world performing for audiences including Formula 1 events, royalty and international superstars. He is a fully insured fire performer with many skills including poi, juggling and stilt walking, to name but a few.
他のクラス by Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
他のクラス by Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
Ninja Powers: 5~9 歳向けのプライベートで楽しい学習指導
Maryam Braun, M.Ed.
$30 セッションごと
5 歳-8 歳
5日間でプロの忍者のように杖を回す方法 - サーカスの杖回し入門 + 無料練習帳
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
$40 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 1 PM です
1 週間、 5/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
LDCA: 忍者タートルズ(4週間)お絵かきキャンプ
Sterling B. Freeman - Drawing, Illustration, Art
$25 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 4/10 の11:05 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳
Word Ninjas: スペルスキルを磨きましょう!
Dr. Gina Horton
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の11:15 PM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-10 歳
忍者タートルズの絵 - レオナルドとスーパーフライ
Sterling B. Freeman - Drawing, Illustration, Art
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 11/26 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳
忍者タートルの絵 - ドナテロとビーバップ
Sterling B. Freeman - Drawing, Illustration, Art
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 11/12 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳
忍者タートルズの絵 - ラファエル&ロック・ステディ
Sterling B. Freeman - Drawing, Illustration, Art
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 11/19 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳
忍者のようにキック - キンダーキッカー総合格闘技
Maryam Braun, M.Ed.
$12 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 10:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
4 歳-6 歳
忍者タートルの絵 - マイキーとモンドヤモリ
Sterling B. Freeman - Drawing, Illustration, Art
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 11/5 の7 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳
テコンドークラブ ~ 格闘技、小さな忍者、フィットネス、ライフスキル
Teacher Mónica - BMusEd
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/2 の6:15 PM です
1/週、 35 分
5 歳-9 歳
Bright Horizons School
$30 セッションごと
5 歳-12 歳
Jacob K
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 6/12 の1 PM です
4 週間、 1/週、 50 分
11 歳-16 歳
プライベート数学指導: 初等代数、代数 1、代数 2、幾何学、初等計算
C. L. Bennett AKA "Math Hitta!"
$60 セッションごと
13 歳-18 歳
東京への旅 パート 1: 世界で最もクールな都市への旅
Stacey Jay B.A., TESOL, TEFL
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の1 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 55 分
8 歳-13 歳
Ms. Megan: The Teaching Dragon
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の8 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
9 歳-12 歳
10代の若者が東京を旅する: 世界で最もクールな都市を旅する
Stacey Jay B.A., TESOL, TEFL
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の9 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳