
for 4 classes

4日間のアートサンプラー - 8〜12歳向けの描画、パターン作成、アートジャーナリングの探求

30 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 8 歳-12 歳
このキャンプでは、生徒たちにいくつかの異なる芸術分野を紹介します。どのアート クラスを最初に受講するか迷う必要はもうありません。このキャンプの終わりまでに、生徒たちはどのアートが一番楽しいかを知るでしょう。社交的でもあり、アートでもあり、すべて楽しいです!
(171 レビュー)

週に4回、 1 週間
2 人-7 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
45 分


4 ライブミーティング
3 授業時間


4 Day Art Sampler - An Exploration of Drawing, Patterning & Art Journaling 

This is a multi-day project based class, which means:
-	We will meet multiple times.
-	There are scheduled times that class is held, recordings will be available if a class is missed.
-	We will meet weekly for a total of 4 Classes (Check the section for specific days/dates as it can vary)

Please note: Because children develop at different rates and a one size fits all approach is not always ideal, I offer this class in a variety of age ranges with overlap (ex. ages 6-10 and 8-12) allowing you to choose the ideal classroom environment for your student. 

This class is offered in multiple age ranges, please check out my class listings to find the age range most comfortable for your student.          
This class is meant to give students a brief introduction to a few different areas of art over the course of 4 Classes. No more wondering which art class to try first, by the end of this camp your student will know which art they enjoy the most.

We will be doing one activity from each of these 4 classes:
- Art Is Fun - An Exploration of Drawing & Art Journaling
- Draw & Learn – An Exploration of Animals and Art
- Mimic the Masters - An Exploration of Artists & Their Methods
- Pattern Palooza - An Exploration of Patterned Drawing
This is part social, part project based, and all fun!

We are our own worst critics. This camp is to help us take our own art less seriously while also taking art in general more seriously. Students will learn that growth in a subject matter such as art comes from repetition and breaking larger more complex drawings into simple shapes. My goal is always to increase student’s confidence levels, help them see mistakes happen and can actually be good sometimes, and that art is a great relaxation activity.

The goal of this camp is to introduce students to a few different methods of art, drawing, art journaling, and meditative patterning. This will help them hone in on the art that really speaks to them and allow them to pursue something they are passionate about. 

Which specific activity we will do in the camp will be based on when the section is held. For example, if the camp is being held over Thanksgiving break our art journaling activity may be centered around our favorite things about fall or it may be building a winter bucket list. If the camp is during the summer, it may focus on creating happiness instructions or boredom busters. Each camp will be unique in its project but not in its introduction to these 4 areas of art.

Class 1:  Art Is Fun - An Exploration of Drawing & Art Journaling 
We will learn to draw an object and I will offer examples of how to add journaling into their art, introducing them to the concept of art journaling. These journaling additions are a great way to add thought processing and reflection in a time where our kids need an outlet more than ever.  

Class 2:  Pattern Palooza - An Exploration of Patterned Drawing
We will learn 2-3 new patterns and work towards mixing them together into a bigger creation by the end of the camp. We will work with illustration pens, learning how the different nib sizes affect each pattern and when to use a thicker or thinner pen. Students will learn a better understanding of balance, symmetry, and weight in art.

Class 3:  Mimic the Masters - An Exploration of Artists & Their Methods
We will look at the art and techniques of a famous artists and create our own masterpiece by mimicking their techniques. Students are encouraged to take their own creative liberties making their art their very own. I am not a “this must go here” and “that must be yellow” type of art teacher.

Class 4:  Draw & Learn – An Exploration of Animals and Art
I will introduce the animal of the week, ask the students what they think they know about that animal and share a few facts about the animal. We will then go through a directed drawing or paint project on that animal. I will share more information on the animal as they are working as I have found busy hands mean listening ears.

I welcome all levels and provide a safe space for students to express themselves and create lifelong friendships all while they are creating art. It is my hope that students will relate to each other through their art and realize that even though we are each unique, being different is ok, in fact being different is awesome!

Please Note:
I recommend using the biggest screen you have possible as I teach using a combination of slides and live directed drawing so kids can see both the end goal and the process of getting there.

-	Any type of quality art paper or sketchbook, cardstock in 3 ring binder/sheet protectors (the thicker the paper the better, look for one labeled multi-media)
- 	Watercolor paints, paint brushes, and water some weeks
-	Pencil and Eraser
-	Ruler
-	Markers, Gel Pens, and or colored pencils (I will be using all 3 depending on the project)
-	Water Resistant Black Fine Point Illustration Pens (.3-.8 nib size) or Extra Fine/Fine Tipped Sharpie 
-	Some weeks may require printing out a template so access to a printer is helpful though students can work from the slides


Please Note: I recommend using the biggest screen you have possible as I teach using a combination of slides and live directed drawing so kids can see both the end goal and the process of getting there.
-	Any type of quality art paper or sketchbook, cardstock in 3 ring binder/sheet protectors (the thicker the paper the better, look for one labeled multi-media)
- 	Watercolor paints, paint brushes, and water some weeks
-	Pencil and Eraser
-	Ruler
-	Markers, Gel Pens, and or colored pencils (I will be using all 3 depending on the project)
-	Water Resistant Black Fine Point Illustration Pens (.3-.8 nib size) or Extra Fine/Fine Tipped Sharpie 
-	Some weeks may require printing out a template so access to a printer is helpful though students can work from the slides


参加しました September, 2020
Art and Creativity are what get me through the day. The joy that creating provides is something that should be shared and explored by all! I have been teaching this particular class for the last 5 years in person and am excited to bring it to the Outschool platform.

To get an idea of the types of projects we'll be doing in this class check out my student portfolio: https://www.eclecticallymeniki.com/student-art-journaling-examples 

I have been teaching in one aspect or another all my life, from helping in Sunday School classrooms as a teen to teaching my own classrooms at 18. I was a lead teacher for a Preschool prior to having my own family. Once I had children, I was organizing local families into craft clubs and field trips. It was only natural that we chose to homeschool. When I struggled to find a curriculum that would work well with my very hands on son and my visual daughter, I set out to create my own. This curriculum is still on the market 18 years later and being used in homeschools and classrooms across the world. 

I believe all learning styles can be taught in the same space in most cases and you will find that 99% of my classes are project based for the reason. Putting the learning into the hands of the students helps retention and instills a love of learning.  I teach for enjoyment and want my students to also enjoying the learning process, you will not find me teaching to a test or requesting memorization of facts. I will find fun and creative ways to get kids learning without them even realizing it most of them time. Some may call it arts and crafts, but I guarantee you your students will love it and they will learn and more importantly retain the information being taught.
With 20 years of experience teaching my own children at home I am well versed in a multitude of subjects and ages but my passions lie with the Preschool – Elementary age groups and in the arts and sciences and now i share that passion and creativity with anyone willing to listen.

I’ve been focused on teaching within the arts and life skills categories within my local homeschool community and am super excited to bring these classes to Outschool. I have seen so many students show growth and development in the 5-7 years they have been taking my class and can’t wait to share that with your students as well. 

I have always felt that art was important. I did not always know how to put it into words necessarily, but I realized early on that it always left me in a better mood than when I started. With our current “social distance” orders, my views on the need for a creative outlet have gone from thinking they are important to knowing they are ESSENTIAL. We need to create our own happiness and when at all possible share that joy with others. 

While we are all struggling to process our thoughts and fears, our kids are also struggling to put into words what they are feeling. ART CAN HELP. It can become a way to slowly work through thoughts and feelings. Sometimes a feeling is easier expressed in color or shape than in words. And art does not always have to be in the form of a painting or drawing, but a visual representation of what they’re learning. Check out my class listings to see how many different ways arts and crafts can really be learning.


Mrs. Peters- Certified UK Art Educator
次のセッションは今日 10:40 PM です
1/週、 25 分
4 歳-8 歳
Lynda Diamond
9 歳-14 歳
Maria, M.Ed.
次回のセッションは Wednesday の1 AM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-12 歳
動物の描き方を学ぶ - 猫と犬の線画
7 歳-14 歳
犬を描いてみよう: 犬の描き方と楽しい豆知識 | 犬ファンお絵かきクラブ
Ms. Ana
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の7 PM です
1/週、 40 分
8 歳-11 歳
Ashley Shupe
次回のセッションは Wednesday の9 PM です
1/週、 1.50 時間
13 歳-18 歳
一緒に描こう: 毎週のスケッチブックの絵
Janine Villars
次回のセッションは Mon 3/10 の6 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
10 歳-15 歳
初心者向けのプライベート描画クラス: 1 対 1 の描画スキル向上クラス。
Priceless Favour
3 歳-18 歳
ドローイングエクスプレス: ドローイングアートクラブ
Andrea A.
次回のセッションは Friday の11 PM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-13 歳
1:1 描画: 好きなものを描く
Rita Kaisen
5 歳-11 歳
基本を描こう: リアルな描画テクニック入門
Miss Lia
次回のセッションは Monday の11 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-10 歳
リアルな描画 - 「オールドマスター」描画テクニック - 12 週間コース
Lynda Diamond
次回のセッションは Wednesday の11 PM です
12 週間、 1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
Emily D. Albright
次回のセッションは Wed 6/4 の10:05 PM です
1/週、 50 分
10 歳-15 歳
ドローイング集中講座: 1対1のプライベートドローイングレッスン
Lynda Diamond
次回のセッションは Monday の3 PM です
9 歳-14 歳
リアルな犬の描き方 | ウィークリー ドローイング クラブ (10 ~ 14 歳)
Ms. Ana
次回のセッションは Mon 3/17 の7 PM です
1/週、 40 分
10 歳-14 歳
Lynda Diamond
次回のセッションは Tuesday の12 AM です
1/週、 50 分
9 歳-14 歳
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