1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
This is a ongoing subscription class, which means: - Each week is an independent class. You pay for each week that you would like to join. - There is no start or end date, come and go as your schedule allows. Please note: Because children develop at different rates and a one size fits all approach is not always ideal, I offer this class in a variety of age ranges with overlap (ex. ages 6-9 and 8-12) allowing you to choose the ideal classroom environment for your student. This class is offered in multiple age ranges, please check out my class listings to find the age range most comfortable for your student. In the current world of social distancing, creatives are finding it hard to gather with their peers. This class is meant to facilitate that as well as function as a weekly catch up hour for the current projects they wish to complete. While no direct art instruction will be given, I am available to students when they ask for feedback, helping them understand why going with a complimentary color may help offset their painting or by explaining the concept of balance and weight in a composition and how they can better achieve that. Each class students will have an opportunity to share their current creative venture, this could be crochet, knit, drawing, painting, looming, cross stitch, or anything in between. They are welcome to simply show what they have completed or ask for advice/feedback. Students are encouraged to be kind and provide helpful feedback that helps the creator further their piece. We will then have time for social interaction while working on whatever they brought to class that day. We will end with sharing anything the students have finished in the prior week that they would like to show off. The goal of this time together is just to gather, connect, relax, create, and refresh.
Students should bring whatever they need to work on their current creative project.
Art is an important part of the educational process. It allows students to explore their creativity, take risks, and express themselves without fear of judgment. It is a safe place to fail and try again. Art is a vital tool for helping students find their own voices and develop as individuals.
Studio CIA (Niki McNeil) provides Creativity, Imagination and Art Classes for School Aged Kids. We have a passion for keeping kids creative, happy and healthy through the arts. In my drawing, painting, and art classes you we focus on creating art, not recreating my art. Kids thrive in this type of environment as all other school subjects and much of life is about doing things in just such a way, leaving little opportunity for self-connection or self-expression. At Studio CIA Kids embrace their inner artist through imaginative exploration.
As an artist and teacher to kids I practice something called “non-violent communication” NVC is a style of communication that inspires compassion for oneself and other people. As artists, we are often our own worst critics, judging ourselves harshly and feeling like our art isn’t good enough to share. NVC helps us to remember that everyone has value and worth, including ourselves!
This style of communication helps silence our inner critic as well as giving us a better ability to be empathetic and encouraging to others. I strive to use NVC when giving students feedback as it helps students gain confidence while also hitting home that art is about the process just as much as it is about the product. This means I avoid feedback such as right or wrong, good or bad and focus more on how the student feels about their art, and then offering suggestions to see what resonates with them. This gives students a sense of pride and confidence in following their gut to create a piece they are proud of.
My classroom is a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment for ALL students. I want students to feel safe opening up through their art and never fear judgment or criticism. Students are encouraged but never forced, no mater if it’s sharing their work, introducing themselves, or keeping their screens on. I believe each student will blossom in their own time and my classroom gives them space and time to do so at their own rate. I strive to cultivate a community of kindness for ALL my students!
Art brings together generations. It connects me to my students and to nameless others with whom I share a same life experience. It connects my students with their schoolmates, teachers and developing selves. Art makes us all younger and inclusive. It helps us to honor our differences and find our common humanity.
Hope to create with your student soon!
Ms. Niki は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
女の子はただ楽しみたいだけ 6~9歳の女の子のためのアートと継続的なソーシャルクラブ
Ms. Niki
$13 クラスごと
1/週、 45 分
6 歳-9 歳
他のクラス by Ms. Niki
他のクラス by Ms. Niki
ガールズ ソーシャル クラブ: 友達を作ろう! (6 ~ 10 歳)
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の7 PM です
1/週、 55 分
6 歳-10 歳
Ms. Angela
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の2:30 AM です
1/週、 55 分
12 歳-16 歳
Maipacher Hawkins
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 3/15 の5 PM です
1/週、 55 分
10 歳-13 歳
Maipacher Hawkins
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 10:30 PM です
1/週、 55 分
6 歳-9 歳
楽しいガールズ ソーシャル クラブ! - 友情を築き、社交スキルを養う (8 ~ 11 歳)
Ms. Kaitlyn, Cert English Teacher | BA & MA
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/20 の5:30 PM です
1/週、 30 分
8 歳-11 歳
Jordan Hayes
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の2 AM です
1/週、 1 時間
10 歳-12 歳
女子高生の社交クラブと交流会 - 新しい友達を作り、自信をつける
Gracie Steele | B.S. Psychology
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 3/9 の1 AM です
1/週、 45 分
14 歳-18 歳
女の子が女の子らしいことをする - ガールズ ソーシャル クラブとジャーナリング
Nicole Joyal : Math Tutoring and Semester Math
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sun 3/16 の10 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-12 歳
ガールズナイトイン - スキンケア、ゲーム、スナック! - ガールズソーシャルクラブ *5ドル割引*
Danika Frederick - BSc, TEFL, Professional Actress
$15 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 7 PM です
1/週、 40 分
11 歳-16 歳
ブリック クラブ ソーシャル: ふわふわの友達! 女の子ビルダーが団結!
Ms. Megan: The Teaching Dragon
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の10:30 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
5 歳-8 歳
ガールズトーク: 自信を高め、つながりを作るガールズソーシャルクラブ! 対象年齢: 9~13歳
Ms. Taha (M.Ed, B.A. Elementary Ed, B.A. Math)
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の11:30 PM です
1/週、 1 時間
9 歳-13 歳
ホームスクール女子社交クラブと交流 - 友達作り、交流、ゲーム
Gracie Steele | B.S. Psychology
$8 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の5:30 PM です
1/週、 20 分
7 歳-10 歳
女子社交クラブ - 新しい友達を作り、社交スキルを向上させ、自信をつける 11-14
Gracie Steele | B.S. Psychology
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の12:30 AM です
1/週、 30 分
11 歳-14 歳
Ms. Candice
$7 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/20 の6:15 PM です
1/週、 30 分
7 歳-10 歳
Mr. Vaughn's Virtual Vault
$17 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 10 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-15 歳
Roblox: ガールズゲーミング&ソーシャルクラブ
Miss Patricia; Roblox/Among Us; ACE Educator, M.S.
$17 クラスごと
次のセッションは今日 5 PM です
1/週、 45 分
5 歳-10 歳