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Mecanografía 101 - Mecanografía 1 - Aprenda a mecanografiar o mejore sus habilidades de mecanografía 4x/2 semanas

Este curso de mecanografía al tacto de ocho lecciones enseña técnicas correctas de mecanografía con los diez dedos, mejorando la velocidad y la precisión. Con un ritmo personalizado y práctica interactiva, los estudiantes desarrollan la memoria muscular y ganan confianza en su mecanografía.
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy
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Qué está incluido

8 reuniones en vivo
6 horas presenciales
1 hora por semana. incluido

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 3 - 6
In this eight-lesson introduction to keyboarding, students will explore the computer keyboard and learn touch typing—typing without looking at the keys. This course will build a solid foundation of correct typing techniques, covering all letter keys and punctuation, and utilizing all ten fingers. Our goal is to introduce proper techniques and guide learners through practice sessions to build muscle memory for efficient typing.

L E A R N  T O  T O U C H   T Y P E  W I T H  P R O P E R  T E C H N I Q U E S
Students will start with the home row keys and progressively move to the middle and top row keys. Emphasis will be on proper finger placement, posture, and technique to develop efficient typing habits. Engaging in various practice exercises, students will reinforce their skills and improve speed and accuracy. By the end of this course, students will have a strong foundation in touch typing.

Lesson 1: Getting Started - Introduction to the Middle Row
Students will learn the Home Row position, proper typing posture, and start practicing with the F, J, Space Bar, D, and K keys.

Lesson 2: Continuing the Middle Row
Students will complete their learning of the middle row by practicing the S, L, A, and Semicolon (;) keys, reinforcing correct techniques.

Lesson 3: Middle Row Review & Introduction to Top Row (Part 1)
Students will review the middle row keys and begin learning the top row, focusing on the H, G, Apostrophe ('), and Enter keys.

Lesson 4: Introduction to Top Row (Part 2)
Students will continue with the top row, learning and practicing the U, R, I, and E keys, integrating them with the middle row keys.

Lesson 5: Completing the Top Row
Students will finish learning the top row keys, focusing on the O, W, P, and Q keys, with combined drills to reinforce their skills.

Lesson 6: Introduction to Bottom Row
Students will begin learning the bottom row keys, starting with Y, T, M, and V, while reviewing top and middle row keys.

Lesson 7: Continuing Bottom Row Keys
Students will continue with the bottom row, practicing the Comma (,), C, Period (.), and X keys, reinforcing their accuracy and speed.

Lesson 8: Wrapping Up & Final Assessment
Students will complete the bottom row with Z, N, and B keys, followed by a comprehensive review of all keys and a timed typing assessment to measure progress.

Our goal is for learners to progress through all the letters of the alphabet by the end of this course. Each student learns at their own pace, with accuracy being the primary focus.

Required Reading, Writing, and Computer Skills:

Recognize all 26 letters of the English alphabet (both lowercase and uppercase).
Understand basic sentence structure (uppercase letter start, spaces between words, punctuation at the end).
Note: Fluency in reading is not required. Students will copy letters and words from provided exercises.

Technology Requirements:
A laptop or desktop computer is required (no tablets without external keyboard).

N O T E  T O  P A R E N T S:
The teacher will create an EduTyping account for each student. Username and passwords will be sent to parents the day before class begins. Students may need assistance logging into their EduTyping account. Instructions for setting up learner devices will be available upon enrollment.

The teacher will wait in the classroom for 10 minutes for students to arrive.
Metas de aprendizaje
Master Home Row Placement: Develop a strong foundation by learning and applying the correct finger positioning for the Home Row keys.
Build Proficiency in Middle Row Keys: Achieve accuracy and fluency in typing with all middle row keys, integrating proper posture and technique.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

8 Lecciones
más de 2 semanas
Lección 1:
Introduction to Touch Typing & Home Row Keys
 Objective: Learn the Home Row position, posture, and basic middle row keys.

  ◾  Introduction to F, J, and Space Bar keys.
  ◾  Practice D and K keys.
  ◾  Practice: Guided exercises focusing on F, J, D, K, and the Space Bar. 
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
Continuing the Middle Row
 Objective: Complete learning the middle row keys and reinforce proper typing techniques.

  ◾  Practice S and L keys.
  ◾  Practice A and Semicolon (;) keys.
  ◾  Practice: Combined drills for all middle row keys (F, J, D, K, S, L, A, ;). 
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
Middle Row Review & Introduction to Top Row (Part 1)
 Review middle row and introduce first top row keys.

  ◾  Review H and G keys.Practice Apostrophe (') and Enter keys.
  ◾  Practice_ Drills combining middle row and the first top row keys 
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
Introduction to Top Row (Part 2)
 Continue learning top row keys.

  ◾  Practice U and R keys.
  ◾  Practice I and E keys.Practice
  ◾  Combined drills for U, R, I, E with middle row review 
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
This course supports students with unique learning needs, including ADHD, Dyslexia, and ASD, by offering personalized pacing, frequent breaks for focus, and visual aids to reinforce learning.
Orientación para padres
The teacher will create an EduTyping account for each student. Username and passwords will be sent to parents the day before class begins. Students may need assistance logging into their EduTyping account. Instructions for setting up learner devices will be available upon enrollment.
Requisitos previos
No prior typing experience is required. Students should be familiar with basic computer use and the alphabet. This course is perfect for beginners or those wanting to improve their typing skills.
Se unió el November, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Arkansas Certificado de Docencia en Educación Secundaria
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
Maestría en Educación desde Arkansas State University
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
Maestría en Educación desde Arkansas State University
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
Licenciatura en Ciencia desde Arkansas State University
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy teachers are licensed and certified instructors with over 30 years of combined experience in the classroom. 🔗 https://outschool.com/teachers/apples2zippers?usid=22phBPHs&signup=true&authTrigger=follow_teacher&utm_campaign=share_leader_link 

🍎 Mrs. Adamson - Hello, my name is Mrs. Adamson, I am the owner and founder of Apples2Zippers Learning Academy organization on Outschool.  I have been teaching for 20 years. I am a state certified and licensed teacher PreK - 12th grade. I am  licensed and certified educator in Business Technology & Business Education, Special Education Instructional Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences, and a graduate of the Career and Technical Education Leadership Academy and ESL Instructor and certifications in TEFL/TESL/TESOL. I am also an entrepreneur, small business owner, travel agent, W!SE Financial Literacy Instructor, Serv-Safe Instructor, and I hold a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Radiology Health Management.  I am an advocate of Career and Technical Education (CTE), life skill classes that are designed to provide students the knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living.

🍎Mrs. Lisa T. - Hello, my name is Mrs. Lisa and I'm an experienced educator with a diverse background. My areas of expertise and certification include Kindergarten through 6th grade teacher, 7th and 8th grade all four core areas, Gifted and Talented Teacher and Director of Education, Special Education Grades 4 through 12 specialist as well as building principal for PreK through 8th grade. During Covid shutdowns and quarantines I discovered that my students and I loved the online platform. I taught in a one to one school. Every student had a laptop as well as a school hotspot if their family asked for one.  I chose not to do the minimum "office hours" as my school required. I felt this did not meet my students' needs. I ran an online classroom during regular school hours as well as recorded the class for those students who were unable to connect with us or needed to hear the lesson more than once. My experience as a principal resulted in greatly improved learning for all students. The gifted students improved as well as those with learning disabilities. I believe in high expectations for all. High expectations that are attainable


Curso grupal en vivo

75 US$

semanalmente o 150 US$ por 8 clases
4 x por semana, 2 semanas
45 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-12
2-10 alumnos por clase

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