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Francés de secundaria - Nivel 3

Los estudiantes que hayan completado 2 años de francés continuarán aprendiendo vocabulario y habilidades gramaticales mientras practican la conversación, y serán introducidos a un entorno de inmersión total.
Jordan Blamer
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Número de reseñas:
Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
55 minutos horas de clase por semana
1-2 horas por semana. IF students need a grade FROM ME: students are required to complete 4 activities per week (chosen from a list of listening, speaking, reading, and writing options) and an exam every 7 weeks they are enrolled. IF students do NOT need a grade from me: students are still expected to practice outside of class (with homework or just review) but there is not a specific number of assignments. Exams will still be available, and while highly encouraged, they are optional.
Students will receive an informal evaluation for every 7 weeks they are enrolled (or after their exam if they choose to take it)

Experiencia de clase

This class is designed for French students who have completed 2 years of French study. Students will use vocabulary and grammar relating to a new theme each week in conversation, as well as playing games and completing activities. All of this will be done completely in French unless I have explained something several different ways and students are still struggling. 

Each class is separate, so you can join or leave at any time without needing to know previous information. 

This class is for students who have taken approximately 2 years of French, and have the following skills:
-Know how to introduce and describe themselves in French
-Knows French pronouns and when to use each one
-Know how to talk about how they are doing and what they’re feeling
-Know family members and pets and how to describe people
-Know how masculine, feminine, and plural nouns work
-Know how to talk about the near future using “aller”
-Know most body parts in French
-Know most clothing items in French
-Know common foods and drinks for any meal
-Know the rules of “de” in relation to food
-Know how to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense
-Know colors in French, including their forms for feminine and plural words
-Know the meanings and how to conjugate (present tense, passé composé, and futur simple) the irregular verbs “aller,” “être,” “avoir,” and “faire”
-Know the meanings and how to conjugate (present tense) venir,” “revenir,” “manger,” “devoir,” “pouvoir,” and “vouloir”
-How to ask questions in French (questions formats)
-Know days, months, time, dates, and weather
-Know numbers 0-100
-Know the alphabet and French accents
-Know weather and seasons
-Know to talk about possessives using “de” and “my/mine, you/yours, etc”
-Know how to conjugate regular verbs in the futur simple
-Know how to conjugate regular verbs in the passé composé
-Know how to talk about daily routines
-Know the different negative phrases (at least 3) and know how to use them with different tenses

Each class, we will start by introducing ourselves in French. We will have a conversation about the topic, and I will introduce any vocabulary entirely in French using definitions, pictures, synonyms, etc. We will have some basic grammar points which I will explain mostly in French, but this section may be taught with a little English depending on the group of students and the topic. 

Then, students will be given a role-play  to work through in breakout rooms.* With their classmate(s), they will have a simple conversation in French about the topic (eating out, making plans, etc), while writing down any words they don’t know or forgot. Back in the main room, we will look at the vocabulary gaps and work on filling them. Some weeks, we may do our role play in the main room if it works better with a larger group. 

We will also complete an activity in order to apply what we learn. The activities may include games, learning songs, reading children’s books, etc. 

*We need at least 4 students in order to run breakout rooms. All break-out rooms will be closely monitored by me switching between rooms to keep students on-topic and help when needed. 

Week of 9/3 - New People
Conversation: students will talk about meeting new people as well as their opinions on prominent people. 
Grammar: we will learn the impératif and how to give orders and instructions. 
Situation: students will create a situation of a tourist in France meeting a French person
Activity: students will watch a video and discuss their opinions on the current French president. 

Week of 9/10 - Jobs
Conversation: students will talk about their opinions on different jobs
Grammar: students will learn different sentence connectors in order to express their opinion more easily
Situation: students will create a situation of a job interview
Activity: students will play a word guessing game with jobs

Week of 9/17 - Routine
Conversation: students will talk about their daily routine and what they do on different days of the week
Grammar: students will practice the passé composé and learn the difference between it and the imparfait tense
Situation: students will create a situation between a parent and child getting ready for an event
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture and discuss together

Week of 9/24 - In Town
Conversation: students will talk about their towns, what they do there, and design their ideal town
Grammar: students will learn about demonstrative pronouns
Situation: students will create a situation of someone looking to move into a certain town
Activity: students will learn a French song: On Écrit Sur les Murs

Week of 10/1 - French pronunciation 
Conversation: students will talk about French sounds/words they find hard to pronounce and talk about other pronunciation difficulties 
Grammar: rather than grammar, we will look at 4 sentences that will help students improve their pronunciation of the language
Situation: students will create a situation of a French teacher or parent teaching an English-speaking student or child 
Activity: we will play around with common French tongue twisters

Week of 10/8 - Going Out
Conversation: students will talk about what they like to go out and do on weekends or in their free time. 
Grammar: students will learn to conjugate sortir and partir (cousin verbs)
Situation: students will create a situation of two friends planning an outing. 
Activity: students will watch a video and talk about the French government (sénat and assemblé nationale)

Week of 10/15 - Past Tense (regular verbs)
Conversation: students will talk about their childhoods
Grammar: students will learn the difference between the passé composé and the imparfait and how to conjugate regular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a situation of two friends or stranger sharing their past
Activity: students will play a simplified version of taboo in French

Week of 10/22 - Restaurant
Conversation: students will talk about restaurants and food
Grammar: students will learn how to use the conditional tense
Situation: students will create a situation about a small cafe shop
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture and discuss together

Week of 10/29 - Transportation
Conversation: students will talk about different modes of transportation and their opinions on the subject
Grammar: students will learn the meaning and conjugation of "mettre"
Situation: students will create a situation that takes place on public transportation
Activity: students will learn a French song: J'ai demandé à la lune

Week of 11/5 - Vacation and Trips
Conversation: students will talk about past, present, and future trips
Grammar: we will learn the meanings and conjugations of the verbs "savoir" and "connaitre"
Situation: students will create a situation about a "dream vacation"
Activity: students will watch a video and talk about French voting

Week of 11/12 - Past Tense (irregular verbs)
Conversation: students will talk about past events in their lives
Grammar: students will talk about the difference between the passé composé and imparfait and learn how to conjugate irregular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a situation of two people talking about each other
Activity: students will play a simplified version of 20 questions

*No classes from 11/19 to 11/25*

Week of 11/26 - Ocean Animals
Conversation: students will talk about animals that live on the beach and in the ocean
Grammar: students will learn the difference between the passé composé and the imparfait and how to conjugate regular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a story about an animal that lives in the ocean
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture/news and discuss together

Week of 12/3 - Hotels
Conversation: students will talk about hotels and where they stay when they travel
Grammar: students will learn the meaning and conjugation of "prendre"
Situation: students will create a situtation that takes place in a hotel
Activity: students will learn a French song: Tant qu'on est là

Week of 12/10 - Sport
Conversation: we will talk about sports and our opinions on them
Grammar: students will talk about the difference between the passé composé and imparfait and learn how to conjugate irregular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a situation that uses sports and the past tense as themes
Activity: students will watch a video and talk about the many French political parties (note: we will only discuss as an education about French politics, and we will not talk about specific beliefs of any of the parties)

Week of 1/7 - Houses
Conversation: students will talk about where they live and interior decoration/design
Grammar: students will learn how to use the conditional tense
Situation: students will create a situation using interior decorating and the conditional tense as themes
Activity: students will play a word guessing game with the vocabulary

Week of 1/14 - Arctic Animals
Conversation: students will talk about animals that live in cold places
Grammar: students will learn the purpose of the subjuctive and how to conjugate with regular verbs
Situation: students will create a story about an animal that lives in the ocean
Activity: students will play 20 questions using animals

Week of 1/20 - Cooking
Conversation: students will talk about cooking, baking, and meal preparation
Grammar: students will learn the meaning and conjugation of "voir"
Situation: students will create a situation about cooking
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture/news and discuss together

Week of 1/28 - Errands
Conversation: students will talk about different errands they run to places like to post office, the store, the bank, the library, etc.
Grammar: students will learn how to use "il faut" plus the infinitive to express things they must do
Situation: students will create a situtation about errands
Activity: students will learn a French song: Plus Tard

Week of 2/4 - Money and Payment
Conversation: students will talk about buying things and paying for things
Grammar: students will learn the purpose of the subjuctive and how to conjugate with regular verbs
Situation: students will create a situation about a money transaction
Activity: students will watch a video and talk about university in France

Week of 2/11 - Desert Animals
Conversation: students will talk about animals that live in the desert
Grammar: students will learn how to conjugate the impératif for regular verbs
Situation: students will create a story about an animal that lives in the desert
Activity: students will play a simplified version of taboo

Week of 2/19 - Events and Excursions
Conversation: students will talk about events and excursions they participate in and enjoy
Grammar: students will learn how to conjugate the impératif for irregular verbs
Situation: students will create a situation about a family event
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture/news and discuss together

Week of 2/25 - News
Conversation: students will talk about news and their opinions (we will avoid controversial topics)
Grammar: students will learn how to conjugate the impératif in the negative
Situation: students will create a situation about a reporter
Activity: students will learn a French song: Chante

Week of 3/4 - Movies, TV shows, and Books
Conversation: students will talk about movies, TV shows, and books
Grammar: students will learn how to create the recent past tense using "venir de"
Situation: students will recreate a situation from a movie, TV show, or book
Activity:  students will watch a video and talk about popular family French films

Week of 3/11 - Emergencies
Conversation: students will talk about different emergencies and different people who respond to emergencies
Grammar: students will learn how to use the present progressive tense with "être en train de"
Situation: students will create a situation about an emergency 
Activity: students will play the alphabet word game

Week of 3/18 - Story-Telling
Conversation: students will talk about funny and interesting stories they've experienced or heard
Grammar: students will talk about the difference between the passé composé and imparfait and learn how to conjugate regular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a story-like situation that is funny or sweet
Activity: students will watch a video on French culture/news and discuss together

Week of 3/25 - Health
Conversation: students will talk about health, nutrition, illness, and other related topics
Grammar: students will talk about the difference between the passé composé and imparfait and learn how to conjugate irregular verbs in the imparfait
Situation: students will create a situation about a health issue
Activity: students will learn a French song: Je veux

*No classes from 3/31 to 4/6

Week of 4/7 - Feelings
Conversation: students will talk about feelings and situations that may cause or effect those feelings
Grammar: students will learn how to use the conditional tense
Situation: students will create a situation based off of a randomly-chosen feeling
Activity: students will watch a video and talk about French hospitals

Week of 4/14 - Music
Conversation: students will talk about music, instruments, and singers/songwriters
Grammar: students will learn the purpose of the subjuctive and how to conjugate with regular verbs
Situation: students will create a situation about something musical
Activity: students will read a short poem

Week of 4/21 - Geography
Conversation: students will talk about physical geography of places and land formation
Grammar: students will learn the purpose of the subjuctive and how to conjugate with irregular verbs
Situation: students will create a situation about the physical geogrphy of a made-up place
Activity: students will play 20 questions with places

Week of 4/28 - Literature
Conversation: students will talk about books, short stories, and poems, as well as authors and writing
Grammar: students will learn about prepositions of place: aller à / être à / venir de, etc.
Situation: students will create a situation about literature or writing
Activity: students will read a short passage

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Break out rooms will be used some weeks in this class for group work IF we have at least 4 students. All break-out rooms will be closely monitored by me switching between rooms to keep students on-topic and help when needed. If a particular group of students gets to a point of being out-of-control and other methods don’t work, break-out rooms may be put on pause for 5-7 weeks.
Lista de útiles escolares
Students may bring a notebook and pencil to take notes if they wish.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el December, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have been learning French for 7 years now, from French 1 - French 5 as well as 2 years of immersion French classes. I am conversationally fluent and at a B2 level. I have tutored French immersion from May 2020 through August 2020 when the French immersion school near us closed for quarantine, and I've been teaching French through Outschool for over a year.

I took the French CLEP test a few years ago and got maybe 5 points away from a perfect score while testing out of and getting credit for all the French classes at my local community college.

I also continue to take French lessons with native speakers, and I am working towards my Bachelors in French, which includes classes in advanced French immersion, French literature, and French education. I attended a 7-week summer French immersion camp through Middlebury College.

I also have my certification in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), the principles from which I apply to my French classes.


Clase grupal

17 US$

1x por semana
55 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 11-14
2-10 alumnos por clase

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